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Young plumber of the year.

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Gas Engineer
Just watched it. Not being sexist here but I knew from the get go they would make the girl win.

She didn't deserve to. The final challenge was a joke even so she had to squeeze her pipe ends with grips to make it work. She was prompted to find the ring in the trap, and she burnt the wall in the first challenge.

Plus she answered the least questions right in the Q & A.

If she deserved to win, then all power to her, I feel it was a fix.
me n my helper both watched it and came to the same conclusion - total dissapointment, the tasks were basic stuff no REAL challenge as such although the time limit on challenge one maybe. we both said wouldnt want her to do a boiler repair for us if shes gonna do dumbass stuff like completely removing the bleed screw from a ch pump on a sealed system thats still full of pressurised water (did you guys shake ur head when they did that?) i mean cmon surely they knew what was gonna happen.

i thought it would be a little more difficult,

and that lads fountain looked miles better and it actually worked 1st time. who cares if it spills over the edge, itd keep your lawn well watered.

next time thats on i think ill apply if its gonna be that simple. :)
I just did'nt understand how the other guy who got most of the questions right went, when aimee stayed.

because she was better looking. she was the hottest female plumber ive ever seen. you should see the one we have near us, a pitbull licking its rse looks better. super mega fugley doesnt even come close!
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Thought how time change,in my day you would have had to bend the pipe round into each clip,using all those elbow would of be frowned upon

I mentioned that today in the merchants and a lad said 'what's the point of that,would be easy to bend plastic pipe round'...never entered his head,we were talking using bending copper :(:(

As for snots,they barley had a cold,I must have man flue

Don't under stand the tasks either,
hot and cold wrong way round,just change tap disc,s over,
blocked sink,half a bottle of one shot,blocked loo,get jetter in for £5000
no hot in shower coz hot blocked,fit electric shower...sorted
....come's with experience though in all fairness :)

As for end project,way put so much effort and thought into it,looked like one of my bog standard heating installations ,half way through commissioning to me,no big deal

I also noticed the expression React Fast - company I trained at and probably a name dropping ...
Thought how time change,in my day you would have had to bend the pipe round into each clip,using all those elbow would of be frowned upon

I mentioned that today in the merchants and a lad said 'what's the point of that,would be easy to bend plastic pipe round'...never entered his head,we were talking using bending copper :(:(

As for snots,they barley had a cold,I must have man flue

Don't under stand the tasks either,
hot and cold wrong way round,just change tap disc,s over,
blocked sink,half a bottle of one shot,blocked loo,get jetter in for £5000
no hot in shower coz hot blocked,fit electric shower...sorted
....come's with experience though in all fairness :)

As for end project,way put so much effort and thought into it,looked like one of my bog standard heating installations ,half way through commissioning to me,no big deal


you have made me spit coffee everywhere well done puddle LOL
SEEN IT ON I PLAYER LAST NIGHT DID YOU SEE THE LOOK ON THAT BIRDS FACE when she lost the centre screw on the pump in the house,the bloke with a big nose from Bridgend said to her you cant even fix this boiler CLASSIC if looks could kill TFT cant i would be dead by now;);)
my misiss used too work for kent high performance pipers of maidstone (alfa romeo) mechanic so why cant women be a plumber and not get judged for it
bus drivers mans job no
army mans job no
lorry drivers mans job no
plasterer mans job no im a pig
not one of them are really the best young plumber in britain. I have seen better myself names is Aimee and i competed in the competition

I have just been reading some of the comments, which i find interesting. Just to give you an idea the BBC filmed us all probabily for a total of 6 day and had to cut it down into an hour they put in the bits they think are good. There was a lot of bits they cut out e.g after the first task we pressure tested the pipe....the second challenge had a lot more faults on it .....and the third we were asked a lot more questions.

There is only so much the BBC cOULD do to make plumbing into a show and make it interesting. Im glad i did it because i met some great people and we had a great time. Charlie, Dean and Simon were great and we all at least entered and gave it ago.

Sorry to those who found it dissapointing....
welcome to the forums aimee,so are you gsr or a plumber or both?
i also watched it. it was a total let down in end only really one task to do with plumbing. i know that had to do the pipework around grid (which she burnt it) but doing a water fountain (bit of a joke)
bloke should of won
eh she is posting show some decorum,and IMHO the bored was easy to torch
Hi thanks.....i am Gas Safe so both really.......

Thanks as well that she is me......
dkia frantically skimming back through the posts to see what nasty comments he needs to edit out ...:eek::eek::eek:

Hi Aimee

Thank you for looking in on us and many congratulations on winning. It was fun watching the programme and I suppose many of us were hoping for other things. That's not necessarily what the programme makers were doing as their job is to provide entertainment, which is rather different than providing a neat bathroom or fixing some faulty heating.
i had worked that one out mkflow on the other hand...........LOL
im going to defend myself but i would like to see anyone to do there day to day tasks in a studio with 8 cameras in your faces. We were all shaking like leaves and we did not have enough time so i had to rush at the a normal situation you would use a burn mat in a tight place....
Hi Aimee, you can come and work for me anyday, and well done with the win.
I would of much rather of had some nice bathrooms to do or a faulty boiler......i was speaking to Charlie in the week at PHEX and we said it is interesting how you are portrayed on tv.....the way it was showed etc. It kind of made us all look like novices and we are not at all. Charlie was a great guy with loads of skill and knowledge.
when you dropped the pump screw hilarious because we have all done that wondering where the hell as it gone in a dark cubored in most cases and sods law strait trough the floor boards lol
when you dropped the pump screw hilarious because we have all done that wondering where the hell as it gone in a dark cubored in most cases and sods law strait trough the floor boards lol

OMG that was terrible... i dropped it in the bucket of hot water and had to swap it over and let the boys get it out!
so what boilers do you prefer working on and how experienced are you ?(with boilers ,yes i am psychic i know what you dirty b,stards are thinking)
hi aimee
what was charlie like in person.
also that bloke you were in final works around brentwood away as show him in pts in romford other day
so what boilers do you prefer working on and how experienced are you ?(with boilers ,yes i am psychic i know what you dirty b,stards are thinking)

Well i did 6 yes in the industry mainly on industrial and commercial...i then did some air con. I now work for Alpha Boilers.... so i have to say Alpha because i know them inside and out
hi aimee
what was charlie like in person.
also that bloke you were in final works around brentwood away as show him in pts in romford other day

Charlie was great, really down to earth. I saw him last week at PHEX and we all went out in the evening!
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