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Tradesmen - Any Good with Google Plerase Help?

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Got a call from Tradesmen today they said they can generate business through Google for Plumbers and told me they can get me on the front page Google for plumber keywords where I am based for £199 + VAT for 12 months.

I am always sceptical with these companies who call out of the blue.

The salesman was very persistent and showed me a few examples of their work.

Plumber Tingley
Drainage Chorley
Emergency Plumber Nottingham
Plumber South Elmsall

The keywords when I typed them up in google did bring up the tradesmen quoter website and when I clicked it it took me to a plumber that is registred with them.

Is it worth me doing business with them as I am not sure how effective Google is in generating plumbing jobs?
I would defnitely wait and see rather than jumping in now. It's still in its infancy at the moment and there are likely to be lots of similar schemes appearing.

They will probably get you on the front page of Google - along with lots of other plumbers you will have to undercut in a bidding war to get the work. Far better spending your money elsewhere for advertising.
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If you have your own website I'm reasonably sure that a website company could improve your ratings for that price by using search engine optimisation (SEO).

I get the odd company phoning me saying they can improve my rating and I just ask them how they can improve on No.1 position! When I designed my website I used some of the SEO tricks (try googling for SEO) and it's quite easy when you know what you're doing.

Interestingly, or perhaps not(!) in my previous "job" my website did not appear on Google but was No.1 on Yahoo (out of about 250 million) and No.1 on MSN (out of 200 million) and I still hardly got any customers which shows me that the internet is not the best advertising place there is.

With my plumbing though, I pay £6.00 a month for a website (no other advertising) and usually pick up one or two customers which suits me fine.
I had the same call recently, i think i posted a thread on here !, the answer to your question is no as i researched further and found out that they are rip off merchants who have been ripping off taxi drivers and tilers in the manchester area . Would steer well clear !
There is no quick and easy way to gain more business.
In my opinion you will slowly and gradually build up a diary of clients who are happy with the standard of work you produce and like you as a person.
Local people look for someone like themselves and you would be better off investing your cash in a sales course and learning techniques used by professional sales people.
For myself, I spend very little on advertising but I am able to convert a high percentage of enquiries into actual work. Sometimes you will get very quiet, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
I have tried getting my site up there but it never reaches the front page. I guess you need to be on the front page to get real business. I never go past the first page when I am looking for something.

I spoke to a few of their clients on the website and they seem to be happy with what they are getting for their money.

Just spoke to a Google ranking company bigmouthmedia and they said they will charge me £199 per month to get my site on the front page.

I think ill give the guys at tradesmen a shot at £199 for 12 months they do seem quite genuine with all their results.
Hi,When they rang to speak to my son I took the call.I asked them how all their thousands of clients are going to be on the front page and assuming you could get 10,000 people on page 1 it would not be much use being number 10,000!! It went quiet for a while and then he returned to his script and carried on.They also stressed its competitive pricing .I asked how much and was told £199.When I asked if this was for the year,I was told PER MONTH.Scammers.Generally speaking anyone who offers to build your business are dodgy.There was one called Customer Street which had a whole web site devoted to it full of complaints.BT has bought it and is pushing it ,they are still SCAMMERS.It is disgrace for BT to involve itself in such a thing.Watch for the complaints to start piling up.Lots of threads on here and tilers forum about building your business.In the end a lot of growth will come from your work but things are very competitive.Save your money!!
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They did tell me its £199+ VAT for 1 year. and have promised me exclusivity for my town. I do have an email from them confirming this so they cant go back on this.
A1P knows the score and says it how it is.
If I were a national co. then yes, I would use internet, t.v. etc but if you think from a customers point of view, they will always look to local media, recommendations etc as a way of finding you. Think about your target market.:)
Hi,£199 + vat for a year,not a massive amount,definitely not what these companies usually quote.However think about it,I have had 9-10 such companies contact me on our home phone,my son now has a mass of companies barred on his mobile.For other advertising, is murder once you have used their free listing.Think about the exclusive territory offer.We are in Bradford.Our local magazine for Wibsey,a small area,has 20 plumbers advertising.Multiply this by at least 50 to get at least 1000 plumbers in the Bradford area.Why would you offer an exclusive territory in Wibsey,let alone Bradford and limit your earnings to £199.Not a great business model or am I missing something?!
I have everything in writing from them that they are looking for one company in each area and will make sure I get the traffic so I renew.

Its seems better than the bidding sites as I can quote my own prices and im not competing with others in my area

Guys thanks for your help I am going to give this a punt and let you know how I get one... fingers crossed!
Good luck.I hope it works for you.A lot of us on the forums have been targeted by a variety of firms and I dont recall any positive results.If as you say it is £199+vat for the year ,you only need a couple of leads to be successful and it will have paid for itself.Fingers crossed.I will be rushing for the Bradford territory!!!
Any company that Cold calls like that offering thier services is not to be trusted...

They will tell you what you want to hear.. promising work etc for such amount of pounds...

My advice... Steer clear and give a wide berth..

To stop these cold callers which is illegal for them to do then get your numbers registered witht he TPS...

TPS Registration

By doing this then these cold callers can be fined around 5000 pounds..
great, but who gets the 5k dave! can i have my share for the still hastling phone calls?
yeh, likewise shaun, over the last week or two i have had at least 2 a day including 'the firebrigade' marketing scam today.
what do we do to sue them, because tps aint that guarenteed is it?.
I am feeling left out here,never get many cold calls,maybe one every few months,had one a few weeks ago,said working with gas safe,presume got my number from site as do not advertise anywere
Years ago when I did found the best way was to get together with other trades and services and make a card of information/local events booklet,
now of course you can get ad agencies doing them and you pay to enter but easy to do yourself and better result
Seems now ad agencies want the money without doing the work,its the same old dripple,nothing new
You sure this front page thing does not include a charge per hit? £199 is not going to pay for one executive lunch
we had a call about this exclusive google thing its a load of tosh and none of these cold callers are worthwhile. ask yourself why would they only pick you ive fallen for a couple and learnt the hard way.

what is the firebrigade scam please?
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Jesus, you guys ever heard of ad words if you want to be on the front page of google!

If you want your website listed you ned to register for free links:

-google maps (I get tons of work from this one!)

-free listing sites - yell, thomson, freeindex, and any that give you a link for your webiste

you need links to your website to get your page ranking up enough to get your website on the 1st page of google mind - i could write a book on this subject tho (worked on web design before plumbing see!!)
For the benefit of the 'inexperienced' web or search engine or pay per click or adwords users, it is important to be specific about a few things. 'Top' of which part of the Google page? the left side is the free side which will generate much more interest and business for anyone (quite a few reasons for this) as opposed to the right side which are paid for (pay per click) listings. If you are being promised top listings, ask the question - which side! Also note - Google no longer ranks pages on links alone: that was modified some time ago, to stop so called link-farms profiting and businesses being able to buy spurious but meaningless leads. There are methods to raise your rankings without spending a fortune and there are methods (some will depend on what you are trying sell or plug and where) which will of necessity cost you money - considerable or modest sums. Finally, do not automatically be anti cold calling. It is a legitimate way of generating business. Of course there is good and bad and professional and amateur and there will always be rip-off merchants, but if a business does not 'sell' its services or wares it will die. If you give out a leaflet or a business card to anyone uninvited, that is a cold call - it might just earn you some money.
yeh, likewise shaun, over the last week or two i have had at least 2 a day including 'the firebrigade' marketing scam today.
what do we do to sue them, because tps aint that guarenteed is it?.

You have to report the calls... if a comp has your details then they have got them from other databases or they have been trawling the net..

Fill in a complaint form with the TPS and they will sort it..and if you tell the cold you are registered with the TPS they will remove your name and hang up..

If you cannot be bothered to report these cold callers then you will still get the calls.. the TPS is here to help..
I have everything in writing from them that they are looking for one company in each area and will make sure I get the traffic so I renew.

Its seems better than the bidding sites as I can quote my own prices and im not competing with others in my area

Guys thanks for your help I am going to give this a punt and let you know how I get one... fingers crossed!

Everything in writing?? So if the company go under what then huh?? Is that email worth anything?

why come on here for advice, listen to a dozen of us say it's a rip off (from personal experience) then tell us your gonna do it anyway, sure you value the advice huh....
to many plumbers ,to many advertising companies,all trying to make money out of you.we are still training fast track plumbers who mostly do not have the skills needed,all these web companies who say pay us ten pounds a lead say we only give details to three plumbers,but in fact give them to ten or more plumbers,you will never be able to prove hamer ,my builder etc just lots of plumbers competing against each other result poor prices corners cut no one happy
I used to use Vetted Tradesmen to generate my leads (i'm no longer trading due to medical issues) out of the lot of the lead generation sites they seemed to have the easiest conversions. Less timewasters and "tyrekickers"

Let me know what you think.
Hi Guys,

Just want to give some feedback from the campaign with
which I said I will let you know how it went on.

I paid £199+ Vat to get on some work in from them and I am pleased to say I got my first job today estimated to be £1500.

They also put 15 keywords on the front page of Google for me and its been a fantastic experience from start to finish.

They have provided me with a fantastic service and will be looking to build a very long term business relationship with them over the coming months and years.

And many thanks to Rachel at RBC Management for all her help ion getting me setup, Thanks once again.
Well thats very funny, I dont want to call you a spammer or anything but i was quoted by these about 10 times over the last 2 weeks, Each time they claim to be from Google, yahoo etc... Anyway the last time they rang i pretended to go along with them, they gave me all the general bull of how they can get me on the first page....anyway after my questions they decided to tell me that it is first come first serve and that there would be a big list on the first page... they also explained after i quizzed them that my name personally wouldnt be on the first page but their name would and then when you click on their link that is when my name would appear....aswell as everybody elses, they are a sister company of Local Business Search UK, Looking for a Local Business? City-Visitor . Basically its a big con, And based on your post's and the way they are written i think you may be one of the con artist's promoting these dodgy sites that are pulling innocent people in who are struggling to find work at these hard times. Just my opinion.
Its a real shame that people on this forum are very aggressive towards good experiences with organisation who offer good value for money and call me a spammer. I guess my best bet is to not involve my self with some of this forum members.

Sorry to the members who offered me constructive advice when I started this forum post.

Cant people accept the fact I have generated some business and it is good for the industry. there is enough business for all of us as long as we spend wisely in these tough economic times.

Please remember I started this forum post if you have nothing constructive to say please don't post again.

Thank You
to many plumbers ,not enougth work,and lots of advertising companies,and job brokers,we will give you an exclusive territory,so will a dozen others.we only give job out to 3 people,you will never know if they give the job out to100 people ( AT £10 A PLUMBER DO THE MATHS),who knows the answer ?,i use local leaflet drops,and luckily over the years have built up a list of clients,it is very hard game at the moment and everyone is after your money
OK firstly you say -

Got a call from Tradesmen today they said they can generate business through Google for Plumbers and told me they can get me on the front page Google for plumber keywords where I am based for £199 + VAT for 12 months.

I am always sceptical with these companies who call out of the blue.

The salesman was very persistent and showed me a few examples of their work.

Plumber Tingley
Drainage Chorley
Emergency Plumber Nottingham
Plumber South Elmsall

The keywords when I typed them up in google did bring up the tradesmen quoter website and when I clicked it it took me to a plumber that is registred with them.

Is it worth me doing business with them as I am not sure how effective Google is in generating plumbing jobs?

So you thought mmmm ill join the plumbing forum and tell others , i'll post about nothing else just this great offer. Then when people criticise you , you say

Its a real shame that people on this forum are very aggressive towards good experiences with organisation who offer good value for money and call me a spammer. I guess my best bet is to not involve my self with some of this forum members.

Sorry to the members who offered me constructive advice when I started this forum post.

Cant people accept the fact I have generated some business and it is good for the industry. there is enough business for all of us as long as we spend wisely in these tough economic times.

Please remember I started this forum post if you have nothing constructive to say please don't post again.

Thank You

Which i say , I googled the first line of your post " Got a call from Tradesmen today " and found you had posted the exact post on other forums including electricals, gardening etc...

Heres one for Lockesmith's - its a shame really

Search | Electrician Business

Also here - Lock Picking 101 • View topic - Tradesmen - Any Good with Google?

Also look at the name Lock24 and on this one Plumb24 ha ha
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OK firstly you say -

So you thought mmmm ill join the plumbing forum and tell others , i'll post about nothing else just this great offer. Then when people criticise you , you say

Which i say , I googled the first line of your post " Got a call from Tradesmen today " and found you had posted the exact post on other forums including electricals, gardening etc...

Heres one for Lockesmith's - its a shame really

Search | Electrician Business

Also here - Lock Picking 101 • View topic - Tradesmen - Any Good with Google?

Also look at the name Lock24 and on this one Plumb24 ha ha
So plumb24 is not the son of god,he's just a very naughty boy.SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,SPAM LOVELY SPAM!!!!!! Well done Joe Poirot.
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