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OLCI training

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nick penfold

Hey all.

Im currently doing my NVQ2 at college and working on site with my family plumbing business. I have been looking in to registration requirements for the likes of CORGI etc and have joined the IPHE [DLMURL=""]The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering[/DLMURL] as a trainee plumber.

Just a note of interest for those unable to get a college placement or wishing to do an intensive course, the IPHE only recognise plumbers with an NVQ2 qualification or higher apart from those who have trained with OLCI.

hope this helps people in deciding what course is right and whether they think registration is necessary.

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so the IPHE recognises the OCLI as the best course, Ive been looking into doing a course and OCLI seemed the best. Is it??
I think what they are saying is the if you trained at OLCI, then you will not be able to register with the IPHE. :(
It is in there Directory of Industrial Associates so I think you can register

[DLMURL=""]Training and Recruitment - IPHE Associate Members by Product/Service[/DLMURL]
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Your absolutley right :)

Thanks for your positive input there :)
yes you can become a member of iphe if you study with olci, i am and i did course with olci
I think i'm right in saying that as long as you've got an NVQ 2 or above in plumbing then you can register It doesn't matter where you do it or how much you pay to do it as long as you can.
Hello all, Im a 1st first time poster.

I am about to start a course with OLCI. I have done a vast amount of research on them and others and OLCI seem to be the best. The only thing I am reluctant about though is their success rate in getting their plumbers work afterwards. I am aware it is the trainees responsibility to impress at interviews and so on but can anyone tell me how good OLCI are at supplying the leads and contacts.

can't see how they can supply any contacts or leads.
80% that do these courses never end up with a job at the end.
you look around how many a yr are doing these courses and how many plumbers are advertising for engineers.

they tell you what you want to hear, all the plumbing trainers etc are the new generation double glazing salesman.
their is no shortage of plumbers.
as for this yr work is drying up, newbuilds are 80% down on last yr, companys are laying off, and your the top of the ladder with brickies,elecys,roofers etc.
people are not spending this yr on major jobs.
I can understand how it might look like 80% are failing... and i am not disagreeing with you. However, on this and other forums we do not see many people who have made it and are successful. We only read stories of people who are finding it tough or people who have had trouble with the company they took the course with.

What percentage of people who are successful post a message to say they are successful? i have seen one or two. I think people who fail are more likely to post a message then people who succeed. Maybe im wrong?

I agree the companies providing training are very good at making you think all will be ok and im sure most of them (if not all) are solely interested in taking your money and leaving you to do the leg work when it comes to finding a job.

Any thoughts?
Hi All

Im half way through my OLCI course but have not yet had the major issues some of you have been through, of course I have had to ask for exam and course dates more than 5 times, eventually receiving them, also OLCI had been calling me an awful lot at the end of 2007 to get all my payments up front, im not talking once or twice here, I think in total I had about 23 calls in the space of 3 months, that to me is a bit excessive, the guy got the message after I got really annoyed with him on his last call. Anyway, im actually enjoying the beginning of the career change and the course content but I always have loads of questions which spend a lot of time using other materials to figure out, I notice there have been some comments on previous posts that information on the OLCI course material tends to contradict itself, im finding that a lot, but there’s nothing like hands on and actually making the mistakes which are invaluable learning elements. Im also doing a fair amount of homers like fitting bathroom suites, repairing pipework, changing taps, changing and moving radiators ………….. I haven’t managed to flood anyone yet, Im actually pleased I went down this route, since im more at home doing physical work and feeling like ive actually earned what I get paid.

Long way to go yet though and lots more experience to gain…………
Hello all, Im a 1st first time poster.

I am about to start a course with OLCI. I have done a vast amount of research on them and others and OLCI seem to be the best. The only thing I am reluctant about though is their success rate in getting their plumbers work afterwards. I am aware it is the trainees responsibility to impress at interviews and so on but can anyone tell me how good OLCI are at supplying the leads and contacts.


I did 6129 with olci and I'm doing acs with them now. I can tell you with no uncertainty, they will not be any use at providing leads for employment. Another point to note is that the 6129 is not recognised by many employers they want nvq2.
If you plan on going self employed then it doesn't matter but just be aware of that.
I'm not knocking the course as i was very pleased with the quality of training I had but just be aware that the sales team there will tell you just about anything to get you to sign up.
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