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Blonde question...

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Hi guys,

am a girl who knows absolutely nothing about plumbing, and am going to get a plumber in to quote me on a job so I'd like to know a little about it beforehand so not to look stupid and get ripped off.:rolleyes:
I have a garage and I'd like to put a sink and maybe toilet in there, i know someone who will fit the units for me (by push fit??) once the pipe work is in, so really I just need to know, one if it's possible and two how much will I pay for something like that.

The Garage is on the same level as the existing drain, does it have to be higher? and if not how will they do it? the garage is about three metres away from the existing drain...

Thank you very very much in advance.

Always happy to help a blonde

We often get questions like this from the public expecting us to say you should pay X amount for that but it's nigh on impossible with out seeing where to take the pipework from how to get the waste out.

If you just want the pipework in it shouldn't be too long but you may find a few plumbers not willing unless they do the whole job

Best of getting someone round to quote you from the classifieds in your local paper
May I suggest that you phone your planning department and run your proposal past
them, you dont have to tell them who you are,
There is no milage in keeping anything back from them if you want an honest opinion.

Let us know how you get on
yup anither case of building control authorisation and consent for changing effluent discharge.
what happens if your on the loo and hubby comes home from work presses the remote for door and............
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