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Making a living without Corgi Gas Registration

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John Cotton

Is it possible to make a reasonable living as a plumber, without doing gas work and getting Corgi registered ? Therefore concentrating on smaller jobs, leaks and bathrooms etc
My company actually sells plumbing and heating gear only to the trade and we have many customers who aren't CORGI registered, so I guess the answer has to be Yes!.
i have just finished an NVQ and finding it rather hard to even get a few jobs a month. anyone got any idea's to get more work???
ive done all the reg stuff advertising ect but only had a few calls the came to nothing.
Another avenue is to talk to local builders.. they do all types of work extensions/ kitchens and bathroom refurbs.. you might get lucky.. because most builders will use sub contractors... including plumbers/tilers sparkies etc..
i have just finished an NVQ and finding it rather hard to even get a few jobs a month. anyone got any idea's to get more work???
ive done all the reg stuff advertising ect but only had a few calls the came to nothing.

don't worry to much as it takes yrs to get your name round and be recommended and have customers you can rely on that will only use you.

at the moment no one knows you from adam
and work is a lot quieter than this time last yr.
yeah you can do all the work including central heating installs the only thing you cant do it hook the gas up to the boiler - part P electrics is another string to the bow as you can then wire in showers ect
Look around to find out who owns the most houses locally?

In my area its Housing Associations, but there maybe some small Tenants Associations who have their own houses under own management. Try them,they usually get interested if your prices are right and you can offer a tailored service.

The pay isn't usually fantastic but they often provide "bread and butter" work until you have a lot of private better paid work.

Also if you've got a load of qualifications and a reasonable track record as well as PLI in place try insurance companies. They pay well.

The thing is you have usually got to be prepared to drop everything and run when they call.

Sometimes they also usually prefer to deal with one big contractor. Could you get some mates together and form a sort of co-op offering a full all trades service?

You will probably have to tender as well.

Try going on a manufacturers training course and becoming a local agent for their products.

Offer a specific service and become known locally for it, such as bathroom fitter, kitchen fitter, drainage expert and the like.

Try them all.
All a bit strange, Corgi has been trusted for so long and then, the next thing you know, it's all GAS SAFE REGISTER but how many people know about this outside of the industry ? I know someone who thought you only paid ONCE to be Corgi registered...... It's down to those working in the industry to make sure they're offering the best possible service isn't it ?
its great to be able to everything but gas work is only part of a plumbers work so yes
All a bit strange, Corgi has been trusted for so long and then, the next thing you know, it's all GAS SAFE REGISTER but how many people know about this outside of the industry ? I know someone who thought you only paid ONCE to be Corgi registered...... It's down to those working in the industry to make sure they're offering the best possible service isn't it ?

Youd be suprised. the amount of people that ring up my gaffa saying "are you CORGI registered?" to which he replies "no were gas safe registered now" to hear the customer say "oh no i need a corgi man cos i need a new boiler" lol its quite funny when we explain it to them and they sound shocked, had one person who wouldnt believe us for about 10 mins, we still got the job tho lol.
Plumbing has many branches and niches, you might not have control on which aspect of plumbing you fall into. Always remember, to make a decent living as a plumber is a long hard slog, its all about being established. I've met many an idiot who thinks all you need is some spanners and a pipeslice, then you can print money. It costs a lot to start up by yourself, the first 2-3 years are extremely tough, this current enviroment makes it worse.
yes you can make a living with out being gas safe registerd, and when my registration is up for renewal this year I am not going to bother, as I have decided to specialise in installing air source heat pumps.
The contract goes to tender every 5 years, corgi have to bid for it and others have the right to also. what most people on here fail to realize is that the gas safe register was coming in whether corgi won the contract or not. If corgi won the next 5 years they would have brought in the gas safe register it wouldnt have been called corgi anyway.
The register will now stay the same who ever wins the next contract.

The exam is the same as before, the ACS nothing there has changed, and no you cannot work in your own home on your own gas unless you are competent, i dont see how anyone can prove they are competent without their ACS and I know a judge would see it the same way. you only have to be gas safe registered if you are charging for gas work, to get gas safe registered you need to pass your ACS, to take your ACS you must be experienced in gas


any quries please ask
The contract goes to tender every 5 years, corgi have to bid for it and others have the right to also. what most people on here fail to realize is that the gas safe register was coming in whether corgi won the contract or not. If corgi won the next 5 years they would have brought in the gas safe register it wouldnt have been called corgi anyway.
The register will now stay the same who ever wins the next contract.

The exam is the same as before, the ACS nothing there has changed, and no you cannot work in your own home on your own gas unless you are competent, i dont see how anyone can prove they are competent without their ACS and I know a judge would see it the same way. you only have to be gas safe registered if you are charging for gas work, to get gas safe registered you need to pass your ACS, to take your ACS you must be experienced in gas


any quries please ask


What about EU rules for free movement of labour and trade, if you hold a certificate for gas work in another member state which is equivalent to the certificate demanded by the member state you are working in, no Judge would or could, find that person guilty, all it might mean is that the original certificate would need a sworn translation (into the language of the member state that person is working in) of the original certificate

[DLMURL=""]EUR-Lex - 32005L0036 - EN[/DLMURL]
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sorry not politically correct but the eu has stuffed us up the jacksy for too many years on too many items

What about EU rules for free movement of labour and trade, if you hold a certificate for gas work in another member state which is equivalent to the certificate demanded by the member state you are working in, no Judge would or could, find that person guilty, all it might mean is that the original certificate would need a sworn translation (into the language of the member state that person is working in) of the original certificate

[DLMURL=""]EUR-Lex - 32005L0036 - EN[/DLMURL]

Hi mate,
you are mistaking qualifications for registration they are 2 different things. I have read your other post that makes the same mistake. There are conversion qualifications already being prepared or already here for the many polish and similar who have come over with their own gas qualifications. |Thats fine it may prove competency but it does not mean you can work on gas for money. If somebody here passes their ACs they cannot work or charge for work should i say unless they are gas safe registered (previously corgi). So the point you make is irrelevant for paid work. If somebody with the qual you mention wants to work in their own house then maybe you are correct

I wish people would realise that corgi are only a registration body the same as the gas safe register, qualifications are what you need to become registered, that and about £220 a year
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Yes and if you look at the HSE prosecutions site HSE Prosecutions Area
You will see the fine for non complience is around the same as you get for speeding
but no points,
And unlike speeding I am not so sure non complience is a Criminal Offence
I stand by my comments that if a person has the relevant qualifications and is approved to do the same type of work in his country whether its a free registration or a paid for registration, PROVIDING that the qualifications the said person holds are of the same standard or higher than the member country that he is working in, there has to be an automatic right of recognition of his qualifications and registration, by the said state that he is working in, under the free movement of labour laws, the only thing that might stop the said person from working at first is if he has not got the relevant papers translated in to the language of the country he is working in, when they are translated into English, there is jack s**t the UK powers can do, there would be nothing stopping you to come to France and do gas work, providing the you can hard solder the copper services, instead of soft soldering, conversely a person with Qualigaz registration P G (Professionnel Gaz) could go to the UK and work, because the Qualigaz standards are of a higher nature

What you are implying is that if I was a a French artisan P G, and came to the UK to do the heating in a house that a French person had brought, I would not be allowed to work on the gas supply, that comes under the restriction of work and is illegal under EU laws for the free movement of goods and labour
the trouble is our trade bodies in england do not have the bottle to challange the idiots who make these rules most of wich if ended up in court can not be upheld because legaly we cant even define competant
I stand by my comments that if a person has the relevant qualifications and is approved to do the same type of work in his country whether its a free registration or a paid for registration, PROVIDING that the qualifications the said person holds are of the same standard or higher than the member country that he is working in, there has to be an automatic right of recognition of his qualifications and registration, by the said state that he is working in, under the free movement of labour laws, the only thing that might stop the said person from working at first is if he has not got the relevant papers translated in to the language of the country he is working in, when they are translated into English, there is jack s**t the UK powers can do, there would be nothing stopping you to come to France and do gas work, providing the you can hard solder the copper services, instead of soft soldering, conversely a person with Qualigaz registration P G (Professionnel Gaz) could go to the UK and work, because the Qualigaz standards are of a higher nature

What you are implying is that if I was a a French artisan P G, and came to the UK to do the heating in a house that a French person had brought, I would not be allowed to work on the gas supply, that comes under the restriction of work and is illegal under EU laws for the free movement of goods and labour

i am sorry but you are missing the point. Regardles of where you are from adn which gas qualifications you have, to work for money in the UK you must be registered. To register you must pove competence and this costs anyone around £220 per year.
It doesnt matter if you have ACS or prove competence any other way you cannot work without being gas safe reistered WHERE EVER YOU COME FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i am sorry but you are missing the point. Regardles of where you are from adn which gas qualifications you have, to work for money in the UK you must be registered. To register you must pove competence and this costs anyone around £220 per year.
It doesnt matter if you have ACS or prove competence any other way you cannot work without being gas safe reistered WHERE EVER YOU COME FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuzzy, Can I refer you to this text from the EU, [DLMURL=""]EUR-Lex - 32005L0036 - EN[/DLMURL] The free movement of labour in the EU, its quite a lengthy tome, but says it all, the legislation covers just about every trade/profession, and is quite categoric in listing the hows and whys etc, and the mutual recognition of member states professional qualifications in another member state and the right to work in another member state without having to undergo further training, providing that the training in the member state the person was trained in is equilivent to the member state they are going to work in
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Fuzzy, Can I refer you to this text from the EU, [DLMURL=""]EUR-Lex - 32005L0036 - EN[/DLMURL] The free movement of labour in the EU, its quite a lengthy tome, but says it all, the legislation covers just about every trade/profession, and is quite categoric in listing the hows and whys etc, and the mutual recognition of member states professional qualifications in another member state and the right to work in another member state without having to undergo further training, providing that the training in the member state the person was trained in is equilivent to the member state they are going to work in

You a quite right,however you are talking about training,not registration,you have to register in this country to work on gas for reward,likewise if there is a registration scheme in France ,we would have to register
One day there may be a european registration that covers all but that is not the case at the moment
So yes there is free trade and if your training covers the same as our requirements and visa virsa,no problem,but you will have to get your hand in your pocket to pay for the registration,which basically means your id and qualifications have been checked and any problems with you or your work can be proccessed,what you are doing is allowing a complete paper trail
Which brings up another question,if you are removed from the register here or in another EU state can you just go and work in another Eu state,re-register there or is there a central record
If what you are saying was correct and all you need is training then we would not have to register either
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You a quite right,however you are talking about training,not registration,you have to register in this country to work on gas for reward,likewise if there is a registration scheme in France ,we would have to register
One day there may be a european registration that covers all but that is not the case at the moment
So yes there is free trade and if your training covers the same as our requirements and visa virsa,no problem,but you will have to get your hand in your pocket to pay for the registration,which basically means your id and qualificatins have been checked and any problems you or your work can be proccessed
Which brings up another question,if you are removed from the register here or in another EU state can you just go and work in another Eu state,re-register there or is there a central record
If what you are saying is correct and all you need is training then we would not have to register either

Would you like me to make enquiries for you and find out, about both the training costs and membership fees, and also if they are recognised in the UK, last time I looked, it was down to the Prefect of the department (the head honcho of the county, or to put it another way the states top legal representative, at local level ) to make the final decision, when the papers had been translated

I have not heard of a central register, for Gas or Electric
Give them a chance, its only been in the last 6 months that speeding tickets cross boarder, has been approved, that's why all French vehicles are having to change number plates (only 7 digits now, the DVLC computer could not read 8 numbers:), spoilt my fun now, I reckon that the file of photos of me in a French reg car, is telephone book size, tripped every one on the A3 from Portsmouth to Wimbledon before now:D at just after midnight, when I used to run back to the UK
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