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What different between 6128 & 6129 certificate please?

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I understand the 6128 is Heating & ventilation and 6129 is the more general alround plumbing but can anyone be more specific or expand it of what not in 6128 and is in 6129 please?

Also where can I allowed to work depending whether I get the 6128 or 6129 please yet I know I need the 6089 please?

If you know a website of the differences would be most graceful. :):)
Possibly, a short day release course on the English language,would be of great benefit to you,prior to a heavy and consuming subject like plumbing?
Warmest regards.. what..what
What the different between 6128 & 6129 certificate please?

Actually I have very good english and have very academic qualifications it just I typed it all too quickly. It would be nice if you more helpful instead you are being rude.
and yet your second post is also gobbldygook..if you want to be taken seriously then take a few moments to actually read what your writing
You guys are forgetting that to the academia English is a second language.
i do hope i did not insult you darkfunnyguy,there really was no intention.
i do hope that when you are qualified you will be able to read manufactures instructions,with more clarity than than i could read your first post......good luck
I must ask the previous 'posters'. Do you think this is funny? Or degrading?
The guy has a dilemma, and I guess he came on here to get some answers from some helpful plumbers. Instead one guy has a cheeky dig and the rest jump on the band wagon.

Before I attempt to answer his question I'd like to take the opportunity to comment on the fact that there are several grammatical errors in your posts. Helpful? Nope. Lame.

Anyway. It's my understanding mate that there is little difference between the two. The 6129, as you said, focuses more on domestic plumbing. The 6128 doesn't focus as much on lead work and roofing and is also a bit more commercial and industrial than the 6129. Other than that I do believe that they are equally capable of making you a qualified plumber (i.e both give you the opportunity to gain an NVQ level 2).

The problem you will find is that, the organization is biased toward the qualification that it is providing the training for. So if you ring up, say the Plumbing Academy (Kent), they hardsell you the 6129 like its the only industry recognized qualification to get you in to plumbing. New Career Skills provide the 6128 in Sussex, they say the 6128 is just as sufficient as the 6129, but it also allows you to specialize in Heating & Ventilation.

I thought it would be a good idea to ask plumbers themselves. Some will tell you that these fast track courses are a waste of time and money, and that if you want to be a good plumber then you need to go via a college/apprenticeship route. I figure they say this because naturally they want to protect their trade. And some will be annoyed that they spent 4 years learning something that now you can pick up in less than a year. I have a plumber that lives on my road, I went and spoke to him for the first time the other day and that's what he was saying.

I definitely do agree though, that no-one should expect to come out of a 12 week plumbing course like they know the trade inside-out. That would be foolish. Im sure it will take years before you are fully confident you can tackle any problem.

I'm not disputing that some of the organizations do in fact just want your money. Read the 'Course Feedback' section of this forum and you'll find that out yourself after several minutes of reading. But, if you cant be bothered with college, or you are too old for it, or you have bills to be paying, then what other option is there than to splash out £5000+, really?

I was in your boots not too long ago. Opted for the 6129 in the end. Mainly because my goal is to be a self-employed residential plumber. So there you are. Make sure you think about about it wisely.

Hopefully that helps you mate, and hopefully other people can give you feedback too.

p.s yes I did make the extra effort to make sure there were no spelling and punctuation mistakes in my post.
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Well, i really cannot remember when the art of a cheeky dig,a little sarcasm and some harmless fun became such a sore point.
A plumber like myself, who had the benefit of an old school apprenticeship would of been subject to practical jokes and general foolery for a couple of years. I am not scarred mentally i do not hold grudges and i now know how much time and effort the plumbers that i worked under put into edudcating me in plumbing and heating.
i wish all people who come into this great trade, all the luck and good fortune that you deserve. And hope that darkfunnyguy picks the right course for himself.
Maybe my dig at the spelling etc.. may well have an effect of highlighting that there are many skills we all should improve on, in an attempt to be better all round tradesmen and women
leakylea i guess in this age of political correctness any banter is frowned upon these days..during my early years ie 30yrs plus ago i was subjected to all kinds of wind up and **** taking but todays delicate little flowers just cant handle it i wasnt mentally scarred by anything and i belive it actually builds you character for the real knocks that life in general throws at you
Im all for the banter. I happened to laugh my bum off at leakylea's CHEEKY first post, it was well delivered. However, after he said that you were being rude, surely that does not dignify more people to jump in and have a go.
"if you want to be taken seriously then take a few moments to actually read what your writing". That's the biggest load of kack i've ever read on here. Banter? Wind up? I'm not convinced.
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if he had taken a bit of time to read what he had written then he would have got a reasonable response it made little sense so invites negative comment..and out in the real world there are a lot harder knockbacks than that to come
Bah humbug if hes asking which course to go on, then hes not yet an apprentice and if hes not an apprentice he cant be promoted to loveslave which as we all know means lashings of thrashings,
also as many of you might have noticed I cant read and right but I can drive the unguided missile
what are they any way or am I that ancient that they are beyond my comprehension, Go on tell me there is some paper work Im supposed to have
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p.s yes I did make the extra effort to make sure there were no spelling and punctuation mistakes in my post.

Well you fell at the first hurdle. There should have been a colon rather than a full stop after 'posters'.
er.. think on guys,
i think u pssed him of the site, thats not a good thing is it.
you have to get to know someone before smacking them in the face ....for fun, yo.
dis is afficially hte merrygoround thred.started with a confusing question [in defence of de initial banter] and ended somewhere far far away.

.as u kan c i was a proffessore of english literature in a past life.:eek:
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