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Wanting to train at over 25...

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I want to train as a plumber. Basically I've been looking around the net for courses, some apprenticeships, etc. Sadly, I'm too old for apprenticeships by one year (I'm 25) and the courses are extortionate considering my current job status.

Are there any other recommendations to get onboard or are these pretty much the only ways into it?


Im 27 and have been accepted onto the level1 plumbing course at my local college its going to be a few years till im qualified but the college route is second to none compared to these fast track courses.

it all depends on how you want to learn and how quick you want to do it and for what reasons.

and on the plus side the college route is a fair few grand cheaper than a fast track course.

thats my opinion

hope it helps
i agree with andy, if you can college over fast track, but depending on your options fast track might be your option, some people who have done them claim there really good. read some of the posts in the training forums!!

good luck
I dont agree that you've missed an apprentiship by a year, I'm 41 (a-hem!), mum of four and I'm starting a plumbing apprentiship at my local building college in September. The criteria is exactly the same as 19-24 year olds (you need a work placement) but all that is different is that you pay approx £400- £500 a year, which isnt bad- and they'll take it in instalments! Considering these fast track courses run into thousands, and the industry doesnt seem to accept the paper its written on, its very reasonable and you gain much neede experience along the way. Look into it again, you're only a baby really and its definately not too late.
i wonder how many fast track plumbers have found work after their cources.the knowlage needed to be a competant plumber can not be gained in 6 /12 /25 weeks no matter what training companies tell you .but most people would be able to gain the knowlage and experience within 2 years
knowledge and experience in 2 yrs? Get back to the real world it takes years! The amount of bathrooms I have put right for people and finish off because fast track and college students have done abit of classroom training and thought they could chance it is shocking,
I think if I had the option I would have gone to my local college, but at 40 it was a no. I went on a fast track and yes I learnt a great deal, but know where near enough.

I also could not find employment from it either, so I have gone the self employed route. I am however very very careful as to what work I take on, and if its beyond me I pass it to a time served guy. And if I can I go so its a learning experience.

Fast track is fine but it really does have its limitations, working in a lovely perfectly square bay. All the pipework you do is new,dry and exposed.

In the real world you will be cramped up like a contortionist, there yappy dog will be trying to hump you. You have either drained down or isolated the feed then you hear a woosh, splash. Then if your not careful you will be trying to solder wet pipe.

They will have white carpets that show everything. But I am loving it all and I am starting to get a fair amount of work, but its taken 12 months.

Then there is the cost of being self employed.

Van, Insurance, Road Tax, Servicing, Derv :(
Stock & Materials :(
Tools :D
P & L Insurance :(
Advertising :(
Stationary :(
NI Contributions :(
Bad Debt :mad:
Wages (If you make a profit) :)
I think if I had the option I would have gone to my local college, but at 40 it was a no. I went on a fast track and yes I learnt a great deal, but know where near enough.

I also could not find employment from it either, so I have gone the self employed route. I am however very very careful as to what work I take on, and if its beyond me I pass it to a time served guy. And if I can I go so its a learning experience.

Fast track is fine but it really does have its limitations, working in a lovely perfectly square bay. All the pipework you do is new,dry and exposed.

In the real world you will be cramped up like a contortionist, there yappy dog will be trying to hump you. You have either drained down or isolated the feed then you hear a woosh, splash. Then if your not careful you will be trying to solder wet pipe.

They will have white carpets that show everything. But I am loving it all and I am starting to get a fair amount of work, but its taken 12 months.

Then there is the cost of being self employed.

Van, Insurance, Road Tax, Servicing, Derv :(
Stock & Materials :(
Tools :D
P & L Insurance :(
Advertising :(
Stationary :(
NI Contributions :(
Bad Debt :mad:
Wages (If you make a profit) :)
Agree with all youve written and im in the same boat but wanted to say that the college work bays are the same.... absolutely nothing like the real world. 2 year course would be better than fast track but finding an expericed plumber to learn from on the job is worth its weight.
But also the advantage with the time of a local college is that you do have time to really absorb what you are being taught. And hopefully if you are going out with a experienced plumber you are learning more.

The down side to college and I cant say if it is true but someone I knew went to college and the first year was all health and safety. Which is important yes but not a whole year.
Well its nice to find a bit of encouragment(Plumbster), every one has to start somewhere and no-one is saying that they know it all after two years. Its that kind of closed mind that puts people off trying, well I tell you, after having 4 kids and getting them off to school, a plumbing course will be a doddle.

I am not trying to put you off plumbing in any way, but come back to the forum in a few years time and tell us if you think that plumbing is still a doddle, its not all nice clean work, it can be heavy, hard to get at, and disgusting at times
One job I was called to in a pub with a steak bar attached, the phone call said the the sanitary towel disposal machine was blocked, I would say it was, it was a Haig massarator (sp) (like an overgrown sink waste disposal unit), when I looked at it there was a Marks and Spencer plastic carrier bag with both towels and tampons stuffed into the machine, which had started and become jammed, there was only one way to clear the machine and that was by hand
Other job can be places where you wipe your feet when you go out of the door
Roofing work, lead is heavy to work with, copper and zinc can cut your hands to ribbons
Central heating, boilers can be heavy to lift on your own, lifting floor boards can give you splinters an inch long or more
Plastic wastes the solvent can give you a high when working in confined spaces
It really all depends on what type of work you want to do, but you can be sure of one thing, it will in no way be like bringing up kids, the clients can look good (plenty of money by the looks of things) but be bad or non payers, some can be demanding to the extream, like an old priest I knew, who would sit on a wall mounted basin and then complain because it came away from the wall, others can be a joy to work for, like a client who said to us, I dont care how long you work for (3 weeks before christmas, my wife has myopia, and I want to give her a christmas present, all the kitchen units are there, please get it finished before christmas,) this was a complete gut out and redo a kitchen, includeing removal of a larder, whilst keeping the services in opperation, after 6pm every night the client went out and brought rolls etc, provided us with coffee, and never complained even if we did not finish untill 10pm or later, we finished the job a day before christmas eve, and had to go back christmas eve where the client both tipped us well and plyied the drinks
I didnt mean to come over grumpy! Lol! I am expecting it to be a grimy job, and I'm under no illusion that it wont be hard work, but I do intend to mainly do the little jobs that people feel are a waste of time for the majority of plumbers and being a woman I think they will be less intimidated to call me. I am in a fortunate position that I dont have to earn a decent wage, but I just want to do it because I can, it interests me and I'll feel I've acheived something, because up to now I dont feel I have.
Love ya all really!! xx

P.S, The steak pub job, I wouldnt have done it. Eeeuwww!!!
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I'm 26 mate and although it was a bit pricey i am doing the basic and advanced plumbing course with 'Train 4 Trade skillz'. As with all courses like this you get good and bad comments but this seems to be the only decent one about and isn't exactly a fast track course.

They say on average study; a week of 8 hours I think; it should take 2 years. Have found it very good so far and the the tutors are instantly available via phone or email up to 9 or 10 at night if i remember rightly. Just thought i'd give my 10 pence worth as took me ages when I was in your position to make a decision. Very Good 3D simulation software too for your pc in which you have to perform tasks around a house etc.

just to add you get part p electric, C&G and you can opt for the NVQ at the end for free which i did. check this out too if you havent already.

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2 years to be a competant plumber, not to know everything, my two sons who trained while working for me ,mastered the basics in two years enabaling them to work on most plumbing instalations without supervision.they like myself continue to learn.they did not spend any time making tea .
I want to train as a plumber. Basically I've been looking around the net for courses, some apprenticeships, etc. Sadly, I'm too old for apprenticeships by one year (I'm 25) and the courses are extortionate considering my current job status.

Are there any other recommendations to get onboard or are these pretty much the only ways into it?



gaz ive just turned thirty mate and im in a class with 16 yr olds doing my apprenticship (heating and vent 6128 are the tech cert but its a nvq level 2) flying through it got my level 3 folder to collect evidence for that now hopefully finish it in a year or so ( both level 2 and 3) never to old mate - just i had to cut my wages down to 165 a week..... good job i had a reltionship break-up and dont have a mortgage.
I'm 26 and i'm starting C&G level 2 6129 in september at my local college.
If I was you I'd take this route if you can....most college courses are less than a grand, compared to 4-5 grand on a fast track!
It's also possible to run your nvq2 at the same time if you can get work placement.
I'm 40 and done the level 1 plumbing course at local college at a cost of £360, this has started to build the foundations of plumbing for me. In September i'm going start my Level 2, i'm going to be going to college 2 days a week for 9 months cost £690 including exams registration etc. I asked plumbing Academy for the level 2 6129 course the cost with them is just under £5500 for a 12 week course plus i will have to pay for accomodation. the college route will be much better for me as i will save thousands and have 6 months extra to take in theory of plumbing.
sorry to point out yet again, funding will cease for the 6129 from july 31st 2010. the qual is available until december 2010, but if you are starting in sep you will have to pay the full fees, about 5k (as it stands)
finished at college after 5 years doing level 2/3 6129 and nvq 2/3 and got all my acs gas quals done. self employed, took 1 yr out to convert some flats, funding from the college for 6129 fees, paid for exams myself, nvq paid for by european funding, good of the germans/french and acs and ccn1 were half price as i was on a course at the college. Worked with a plumber for gas exp. college told me at start couldnt do nvqs or gas quals without being an apprentice or employed. How wrong they were, if you want to do something theres always a way, and there will be with the new diploma setup or the colleges wont have enough trainees and they will go bust, after all no trainees no government money ,no college!
'Worked with a plumber for gas exp. college told me at start couldnt do nvqs or gas quals without being an apprentice or employed. '

isnt that a contradiction?
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