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plumbing cources

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david williams

top of this page.on this site ad be working as a self employed plumber in 4 weeks,they have undercut reactfast 6 weeks,why cant they just say give us your money we will send qualifications in post.c@g ,bpec all these will not be worth paper they are printed on,that is if they are now
4 week proffessional plumber:):):):):)

4 week bodger more like

4 weeks and earn 30000 desperate shortage of plumbers

give us your cash you will never look back:):):):):)
Its part of the reason the government needs to step in over training.

Who being fair, trains people for none existent jobs?

The training agencies like any other business have to keep training people to keep going.

It was perhaps better when they let the companies do the training for the work they had. That way the industry removed the pressure off the training agencies to keep training people even though there is no work for them.

Am industry wide levy though, could provide free training and give the agencies a fixed budget.

Training could be partly done on distant learning packages, with local Plumbing companies giving practical training time.

What we have now is madness, unemployed lads and lasses desperate for a job and training agencies desperate for trainees and no work.
it is just about making money out of people desperate for work.goverment wont stop it someone in goverment getting a backhander,i would like to know how many people fail these courses ,its not in intrest of training comp to fail anyone,
I agree, I'd love the government to step in over training but whenever the government steps in they only help a few people. The 16-18 year old, the long term sick and the long term lazy (sorry, unemployable, sorry, unemployed).

The vast majority of people who'd genuinely like a little help get told "sorry can't help you"

How many of us, have seen friends or family fall on hard times, paid tax and NI all there lives just to be screwed over by the government, not jumping on my soap box.

However, there is a market for plumbing/electrical/tiling/plastering etc. courses in the private market because whatever the government does is wholly inadequate for the majority of us, whether its quick course or otherwise.

Eg. you break your wrist at work and can't work, its months wait for physio etc. Your partner earns in excess of £XX, you have £XX of saving and therefore your entitled to nowt.
I think that you will find that most of the training companies are "in bed" with the current government, and are backhanding, sorry that should read donating funds to the present incumbents, to the tune of something like a £1 million a year, via the different companies they control, most of these have a connection with different government departments/agency's

Nice little number if you can get it; you want to become a plumber/gas fitter?, OK we can train you that's £3k please, plus your training fee for gas work, plus the registration fee for the gas, plus the books you must have, and so it goes on
im thinking of starting a one week plumbing training accadamy send me all your money i will send you a certificate to say you are a highly trained plumber,i can proberly print them of my computer roll up roll up
I was about to do one of those two years ago, thankfully i phoned my college first for advice as it was an awful lot of money, spent two years at the college course instead.
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