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No cold water in bathroom after changing toilet? Help

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Hi I'm new to this and could do with some advice, I changed my toilet today after a crack formed in the old one . Done all the usual turned off the stopcock under sink in kitchen drained all the water off, however half way through me putting the new toilet in the water suddenly starting coming out of the feed for the toilet so I went to the stopcock in the loft where the cold water tank was shut that off everything seemed ok I'd just never had that happen to me before. Now I've put the toilet back on fine turned all the water back on kitchen taps fine but there's none in the bathroom just small bits every now and again? Tried holding a cloth over it to get rid of air if any? Still no good seems to me there's air trapped just can't work it out? Please if u can help post
Many thanks
You still have your air lock all it did was the little trickle built up over night but once you ran tap you used up the water that had built up over night you need to force the air out you have already been told how to do it
Thanks a lot Simon, def wouldn't employ you anyway if that's all you got a say don't post mate? System 3 bang on same thing again same thing yes I know how to force the air out just don't have a wet vac. Any forcing it from the kitchen tap hot first then cold dont seem to work as the pressure is really fast hopefully will all right itself again, thanks system 3
Not wet vac try again ps lose the attitude when asking for help

Doubt that will work. Because it is the cold that is not working. This will only fix the hot
No luck ? However a few people have said about the washing machine hose ? Just pulled out the spare hose, bit reluctant to do this though don't wan a mess anything else up. Any suggestions on what could go wrong.
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I know you don't like me. But it won't work!
I didn't say I don't like you just say something useful, that's more useful Evan if it isnt what I wanted to hear. Do you think it will right itself again over night ? To be fair the longer I leave the tap off the more water comes out but resumes to a drizzle as always.
The gate valve you shut off, does it wind anti clockwise until it stops? If it does then its okay and is fully open, if it just keeps turning its jammed partially closed and sheared off inside.

Happens all the time.
Get a plumber in.
You don't know what you're doing and what you do know you've gleaned from plumbers on here giving you advice. You don't appreciate what it means for a plumber to explain exactly what a potential customer has to do to do the job themselves. They've basically done some plumber out of a job but you don't see that.
No doubt someone will show the infinite patience you require and you'll get the problem sorted. Good luck.
Thanks hybrid I know lots of plumbers, as I work for the builders merchant and I will
Get a plumber in to check my fittings etc, I was just hoping to get the job done .
Still think you've got a partial blockage somewhere, maybe something from the bottom of the tank. Similar to a job I was at last week when a bit of hair felt pipe lagging had got into the pipework from the tank and it was soaking up the water in the pipe then letting some through. It's a bugger to flush out. It could be as others say, an airlock but please appreciate that unless a plumber is physically there, our answers to you are purely conjecture, speculative based on the information you have supplied to us.
Still think, you should "bite the bullet" and get a plumber to have a quick look on this one as it could save you money in the long run, if you do damage to your property and pipework by trying to force mains water through your system without being trained to do so.
There will be a plumber on this forum who is from your area.

If only I lived 350 miles closer. LOL
I understand it's tempting to have a go and save a couple of quid but it's sometimes a false economy when things go wrong. There's value in a plumber's knowledge, not just his time and materials and you get all three when you pay for it.
System 3 checked the tank this morning clean as a whistle . For everyone out there Thanks for all the posts, plumbers coming 8.30 seems to think will be a quick fix and
Only gona cost me 30 quid cash. All will be checked out, would just like to say I know
You guys do this day in day out and are pros, will post back and let you all know what the plumber does.
just like to mention that the reason he should get a plumber is because he hasn't got the tools and not willing to buy them either, could of been a quick fix with the right tools and could of reused tools when replacing basin and kitchen sink i.e. and learnt a lot too.
however if you are not willing to buy tools for the job then you cant do the job.

cant paint a wall without a paint brush. cant fix a car without a ratchet.

however to all those that are not willing to help this guy and decide to be rude, then get off this forum, I am fed up of plumbers bullying people like this on this forum and getting away with it, this is supposed to be a respectable forum and I got told off for using XXXX instead of swearing, however there are loads of "plumbers arm members" who are free to bully and intimidate at will. if you aren't willing to help then get off the forum.
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just like to mention that the reason he should get a plumber is because he hasn't got the tools and not willing to buy them either, could of been a quick fix with the right tools and could of reused tools when replacing basin and kitchen sink i.e. and learnt a lot too.
however if you are not willing to buy tools for the job then you cant do the job.

cant paint a wall without a paint brush. cant fix a car without a ratchet.

however to all those that are not willing to help this guy and decide to be rude, then get off this forum, I am fed up of plumbers bullying people like this on this forum and getting away with it, this is supposed to be a respectable forum and I got told off for using XXXX instead of swearing, however there are loads of "plumbers arm members" who are free to bully and intimidate at will. if you aren't willing to help then get off the forum.

We have helped. If you read through all the posts. I believe that the use of a wet vac has been suggested. And also how to check the gate valve is working. Also about forcing the air out using the mains water.
What more can we do???

The reason why we have stopped helping is because of the rudeness and stubborn attitude of not listening to what we are saying to him
We have helped. If you read through all the posts. I believe that the use of a wet vac has been suggested. And also how to check the gate valve is working. Also about forcing the air out using the mains water.
What more can we do???

The reason why we have stopped helping is because of the rudeness and stubborn attitude of not listening to what we are saying to him

Still no reason to be rude, if he doesnt listen then leave him to it and don't post rude comments.
Still no reason to be rude, if he doesnt listen then leave him to it and don't post rude comments.
I agree. Courtesy is free.

In these times of economic uncertainty and slow work in the industry, surely when someone comes on the forum looking for advice, their must be a plumber on this forum living close by that can offer to pop round and do the job.
Personally speaking I can normally get rid of airlocks by just turning on all outlets supplied by the tank outlet, the pipework must have a high spot in the loft if it is an airlock.

Are you sure the gate valve IS open? I've lost count of how many customers have told me a gate valve is fine and works and turns out not to be the case.
Basically all I am saying is that there may be times when people need to be told, "you need a plumber" or "don't do it" but cant we respect each other, personnaly reading the posts on here I would never employ a plumber from here for fear of him being rude and cocky, why is it the few bad ones on here really have to lower the tone on here for the rest of us.
Personally speaking I can normally get rid of airlocks by just turning on all outlets supplied by the tank outlet, the pipework must have a high spot in the loft if it is an airlock.

Are you sure the gate valve IS open? I've lost count of how many customers have told me a gate valve is fine and works and turns out not to be the case.

Does seem like some sort of blocksge, due to the fact that he is getting a little trickle of water coming through, which is building up, air locks are usually absolutely no water.

I would follow pipes down to bathroom, maybe something was turned off in the rush to get water off after water came gushing out, that has been completely forgotten about. I do it all the time., forget boiler was switched off and wait for water to get hot, i.e.
How many plumbers does it take to do a simple job?

Answer: One to do the job, and twenty to argue about it on the internet.

Hopefully it's all gone wrong

If I could stop everyone on here helping you I would. Because the knowledge we have is very expensive. And I think it's about time you started to pay for it

These are the comments I am talking about, how is this in anyway helpful and then the OP was told off for giving as good as he gets with comments like "try not giving attitude when asking for help"

should the OP should just take grief from you guys and accept it?
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