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The ultimate Intergas virgin freebie boiler thread

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Ray Stafford

Hi All

Your favourite sponsor has FIVE (count them, one, two, three, four, FIVE) Intergas boilers to give away. Each one is worth a thousand (inc VAT) of your Great British Pounds.

Absolutely free. No charge. Not a penny. We will even throw in a jig, flue kit and delivery. Your bank balance will not be depleted by so much as a brass farthing.

Before I go any further, I should express my inestimable thanks to Mr Steve Zouch, Mr Jim Boyce and Mr Andy Burton of Intergas for their spectacular generosity in providing these boilers, and for their bottle in putting their product in front of all of you for honest review.

The boiler in question is the top-of-the-range 30kw Combi Compact ECO-RF. This is not the boiler that most Intergas users will be aware of (the HRE is the well known one). The ECO-RF range is a souped-up version and has all the features one expects of Intergas - easy maintenance, separate expansion, just 4 moving parts, legendary heat-ex, hot water available even when the pump fails, along with:
  • Built in Honeywell RF programmable stat
  • 10 year warranty* (so long as you attend the manufacturers training course)

If you will forgive me for lapsing into the vernacular, this is the mutts nuts.

To qualify for this freebie, you must be:

  • a Gas Safe Registered engineer.
  • the main decision maker in your business.
  • An Intergas virgin. So you must not ever have fitted an Intergas boiler, or been on one of their courses.

By submitting your application for a freebie, you agree to the following conditions:
  • You will attend an Intergas training course (approx 4 hours) at one of their 21 training centres around the country before you receive your free boiler.
  • You (and your customer if necessary) will co-operate with the Intergas marketing team if requested for photos and/or interviews
  • You agree to write an honest review on this forum of your experience with the training course and the boiler. The review does not have to be positive, but any criticisms should be constructive

Here's how this will work.

Starting this weekend, once a week for 4 weeks, I will post a question on this thread, along with an invitation to contact me via PM. The question will relate to some technical aspect of the boiler, so you might like to have a browse round their website to get ahead.

On each occasion, the first 7 qualifying people to contact me with the correct answer and their contact details, will go into the pot for a free boiler. By a process which is entirely private to me and Intergas, and against which there is no appeal, the winner of the freebie will be selected. Over the course of the week, we will reveal the name of one loser per day, eventually unmasking that weeks winner. We will then start the process again for the next week.

Winners cannot re-enter, but if you are one of the unlucky 6 who are rejected during the week, there is nothing to stop you having another go next week.

Winners of the Vogue freebie which we ran last year are specifically excluded, just to spread the love around. :)

But that's FOUR weeks and there are FIVE boilers!

Don't worry. One of the winners has already been selected. The first person (apart from the individual concerned) who can tell me who it is, and why, will receive a bottle of champage from me personally to celebrate their percipicacity.

So watch this thread with care- and await the first of the killer questions!

And thanks again to Steve Zouch and the team at Intergas for being such open-handed good sports.

*from July 1st 2015
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This actually stands to be the longest thread since the meme one
Probably safest to call it a draw and give us all a boiler Ray?? Sound fair.....
Sorry about that. Blummin' iPad ran out of power.

Fortunately I have 35% on my phone so all is well.

These screens are a bit small though.
Before we continue, and bearing in mind that I now have enough charge to go on for hours, let's just reflect on all the times you have been less than generous about merchants...
This is singly one of the funniest threads in ages
Granted my opinion may change if I'm out tomorrow.
Before we continue, and bearing in mind that I now have enough charge to go on for hours, let's just reflect on all the times you have been less than generous about merchants...

I gave you free armaflex how can you say that hmm
Sorry this phones internet connection is poor. Tell you what, I'll just finish this nightcap, go back to my room, put the iPad onto charge, and we should be ok in 30 minutes. Perhaps 45. Honestly, an hour, tops.
Riley, you can stop creeping with "like" button.

You are safe tonight. So is Anz. Only 5 still in doubt.
Glad I was busy tonight, just got in, good to hear I'm safe [emoji6] I didn't have to endure the pain today, still a few days to go though [emoji16]
Are you with your elderly maiden aunt again Ray????

Well, this is a public forum, Mrs S May be reading it, so what do you reckon your chances are of making it through tomorrow cut Riley? Zero? Or less than that? :)
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Too late now mate...

...I just hope that you think about what you have done...
Usually do Ray. Thanks for letting me through first day though :wink:
Now, I am sure there was something that I had to do before going to bed. Something to do with free boilers, and elimination.

What was it again?
Usually do Ray. Thanks for letting me through first day though :wink:

how much you pay him or was it :presents1: :D
Ok, I'm tired of toying with you tonight.

The last person through to tomorrow is...
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