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parking tickets

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got yet another yellow and black bag on the wind screen last week so went on line to argue my case. Also chatted to our old traffic warden now a civil enforcement officer and he adviced having a look at the local traffic orders produced by the council for escape clauses etc. Of note those involved in building, demolition and industrial processes can park on double yellow lines (not outside schools or totally restricted doubles) as long as they leave a note using headed paper stating where they are working and how they can be contacted ,seems to be a waste of time sign writing the van!!!!!!!!!! and whenever I try this I cop another ticket, seems the little pigs dont know their own rules

Additionally, chimmney sweeps have dispensation to allow them to park on double yellows outside the location of their work, must be going back to when they were as common as muck and an essential trade. Seems to me that gas safe engineers have taken over that role now and should be allowed the same dispensation as sweeps. Time everyone lobbied their local councillors to get this change written into their councils local traffic orders. Get online peeps and start hassling the council piglets with their snouts in the trough and get them to do something useful:D:D:D
You can get a dispensation from the local police station if you ring them and tell them you will be on such and such street for 2 days. You have to fax or email your details and van reg etc. It works because the wardens have to check each morning.
It was a warden who told me about this years ago.

Was doing a job in Edinburgh a couple of years ago and Transco were fitting the gas supply at the same time. They had the van at the side of the road with the compressor hooked up to the van for the mole.
Along comes the warden and says they will have to move as they are illegally parked and causing an obstruction.
The Transco guy pulled the van into the middle of the road and barriered it off, asked him if that was better and told him tough.
It was funny to watch the wardens face:D
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tried the dispensation bit a year back and got toldby the official to carry my tools half way accross town, he didnt turn up to help as I suggested, lazy git
its the local council that control the traffic wardens.

i have a number on my mobile all i have to do is call the number about 20 minuites before then i have a couple of hours parking on double yellows anywhere in the city.

strangely, if there is a pay and display within 50 yards they refuse me permission. tight gits.

and yes, i use it quite often and watched the wardens walk straight past my vehicle.
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