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How many registerd plumbers are there in the uk ?

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I am currently studying Product design at university and have chosen to design a tap wrench for my final year design as many of my friends (who are plumbers) constantly moan about how annoying tap nuts are and how the crow foot wrenches are useless.

I need to find out how many plumbers are working in the uk with water, I can find out how many corgi registerd plumbers there are in the uk but i need to know how there are altogether as my product is for use with water systems only.

Matt Mannion
no one knows how many plumbers there are in the uk,anyone can call themselves a to registerd plumbers registerd with whom.
Thanks , for the help

i think i will just have to use the number of plumbers who qualify a year.

as things are looking mine will definatly be better than the jawdropper and the bear hug. wether i can make it for cheaper is another story , although the finished product are a long way off
no i have no protection on my idea and havent finished the design
Surely you want to be aiming it at the diy market too though?.
The most important thing after product design and production is a route to market. We produce a product that is very useful to plumbers and have equipment, space etc plus that all important route to market in place.

If you want any advice about the finished item, including packing and marketing etc then let me know. I can offer my own advice or put you in touch with whoever you need so they can put it in front of buyers from the chains.

Hi. Registered plumbers is a term used by the Institute of Plumbing to describe plumbers who are members of the organisation, through qualifications, subscription and abide by the rules of good practise. If you contact the Institute i am sure they have the data you require, or know where you can find it. Good Luck
thanks , i got some very useful info from the chatterd institute of plumbing
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