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Where does the time go!

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Celebrating my eldest's 2nd birthday today.

been up since the break of dawn getting ready for everyone coming over whilst stealing a few precious moments with him myself.

got the first BBQ of the year in the bag and had an amazing day watching Thomas play with all his friends. Truly one of the simplest pleasures in life watching him interact and run around like a loon whilst reflecting back on everything from the moment I found out the wife was pregnant, the day he joined us, his first words, first steps and first drawing on the kitchen wall to his first father son outing to the cafe.

but also the little bit of me that cuts inside when I think how much I've missed and how much I'm going to miss over the coming years after all we can't be there all the time, bills need to be payed and the house needs to be kept!

have to say the wife is doing a first rate job with those boys!

Where does the time go though. Within that 2 years I've purchased our first home and renovated it. Got married toa wonderful women (although I'll never admit it to her) set up shop on my own, said a very sad and sudden good bye to my dad and welcomed Christopher (our second family addition) into the world.

i think this year I'll try to have a quiet one lol

all I know is this..... If I achieve nothing else in this life and had to exit it tomorrow Id go a happy man whilst I know both the kids are young they by far will always be my greatest achievements. And I'm 100% sure they will turn out to be everything I would want and more. I look forward to being left in ore of what they are both yet to do and succeed in.

so that people is my thought for the day
Make the most, they grow up quick.

My youngest (19) is down in sheffield for the weekend on the lash.
My son's 25, my daughter's 21 and my step daughter is 18.

By christ the years go quick! Try not to let them grow up too fast, and try to spend as much time with them as you can.
Scary . I still think I'm 16.... I'm 20st tho! It's crazy. U don't remember not having kids even if only a few years old. Well when their in bed and away for the night have a brewski on me!
Scary . I still think I'm 16.... I'm 20st tho! It's crazy. U don't remember not having kids even if only a few years old. Well when their in bed and away for the night have a brewski on me!

Hopefully not a huge brewski......... Someone told me how much he has left on his tab!

Ermintrude said:
My credit limits been lowered! Bad payer. Max on tab is £3.75
Awesome. You sound well and truly content feller. At piece with what life has given you. I am 35 and have been married 5yrs. My wife is 28 and always yapping on about kids. Every night she has me watching one born every minute (painful I tell ya). She really wishes to be pregnant this yr. We are not trying, but she is planning it. I am in trepidation as I have only been self employed for just over 2yrs and am not earning enough I believe to provide. But, I am truly excited for the day that I am
Mutley, you will never have enough money when you have kids, I have been self employed for three years now and I have had two daughters in that time. I now have four girls under the age of 7 and money goes v quick
Mutley, you will never have enough money when you have kids, I have been self employed for three years now and I have had two daughters in that time. I now have four girls under the age of 7 and money goes v quick

This is what everyone keeps telling me. But when your wife is the main bread earner at the moment and she goes on maternity, I have to earn enough to pay mortgage, bills and all. So jist for that it's 30k.

4 girls. That is awesome. Well done feller. You truly have been blessed
Awesome. You sound well and truly content feller. At piece with what life has given you. I am 35 and have been married 5yrs. My wife is 28 and always yapping on about kids. Every night she has me watching one born every minute (painful I tell ya). She really wishes to be pregnant this yr. We are not trying, but she is planning it. I am in trepidation as I have only been self employed for just over 2yrs and am not earning enough I believe to provide. But, I am truly excited for the day that I am

I used to say that we couldn't afford kids. There is never a right time or wrong time . I'm earning less than I was 10 years ago but my life is much ritcher. Get off forum and get on with it!
I am the only bread winner in the house, it just takes v meticulous money management especially when your se
My wife had a much more stable and easy job, for NHS earning a penny or two. I don't want her to work till sprogs are 5. She's done in and wants to go part time for the mental challenge.
Same as atouch ,Mutley 2 kids here only wage coming in takes a bit of balancing still adjusting to having a mortage and associated things
It happens when it happens mutley.

You are right about wanting to be able to support the family it's built in to the male gene as hunter gatherer. But there is never a right time or perfect time you just change what you do.
As rob said time is never right we lost our first then had to wait ages to get another chance before our first then had to wait a age again for our second then loo and behold they now both have the same birthday
Oldest lad was 2 when i first met the wife. Hes 30 at the end of April. Tried for ages for our daughter, tests and everything. Soon as we stopped worrying and stressing about it then the wife fell pregnant. The youngest followed quickly.

If we had waited for the right time then we would only have the oldest lad.
You know what; it is so weird how something that is so natural can be so difficult. Most of our couple friends have been havong kids these past few yrs and most of them have had to tey for a couple of yrs. It is rare when someone has tried and conceived in the 1st few months
We where considering going for tests before we concieved our daughter then 2 months later pregnant, If you and the wife really wanna have kids dont leave it to late in my opinion
I am getting a little worried about my age, not the wifes. Not that my little tad poles will dry out or become lazy but, that I won't be able to play football with my kids. Or any sport for that matter. Which has always been a dream of mine
Just bang away! It's going to happen just let it happen. Balls to all thus legs in the air sex on a Wednesday at 3.12pm.
Bang your heart out mutley ;-), and enjoy it and don't worry about the expense says me now not in 15 years when I got a 18 + 21 st on the same day
Had a friend pay a lot of money to have all sorts of tests and treatments done and took nearly 2 years for it to happen others I know have tried for just as long with no success.

Everyone I know that has fallen pregnant quickly the wife included have all been of the attitude were not trying but we're not being careful either. As a couple we are ready but we have plenty to do in our lives if we don't.

Our 2nd was a complete surprise. Where I'd been fixing up the house we'd been living At the outlaws and nookie was strictly off the books then the wedding night a little drunk and worse for wear a Christopher was conceived no planning no fuss just one of those things.

Don't put pressure on a situation it will ruin the enjoyment of the actual conception and puts unnecessary strains on relationships if itdoesn't happen right away
Thanks guys, this is all encouraging stuff. The only thing coming between me.and the wife getting jiggy with it is....this forum! Although, she is loving reading all your guys posts
I am getting a little worried about my age, not the wifes. Not that my little tad poles will dry out or become lazy but, that I won't be able to play football with my kids. Or any sport for that matter. Which has always been a dream of mine

When you got a toddler and just finished a 14hr shift in black hole of Calcutta you are so tired u can't eat. You will run faster than bolt!
Agree with erm, you nearly always mange to find the energy to play with the kids, even when you have had v little sleep, done 12 hour shift for 5 days. Nothing brings a bigger smile when you walk through the door and the kids come screaming down the hall
Oh the joys of what's to come. I am excited to be able to grow a person and see what they become. Actually have an influence in their development
Puke, p I s s and crap and that's just you, wait till you see what the kid does
Puke, p I s s and crap and that's just you, wait till you see what the kid does

Agh mate, I gag at the slightest block loo. I can't even change my niece and nephews dirty nappies. I heard it smells sweet when it's your own though
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