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Where does the time go!

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Celebrating my eldest's 2nd birthday today.

been up since the break of dawn getting ready for everyone coming over whilst stealing a few precious moments with him myself.

got the first BBQ of the year in the bag and had an amazing day watching Thomas play with all his friends. Truly one of the simplest pleasures in life watching him interact and run around like a loon whilst reflecting back on everything from the moment I found out the wife was pregnant, the day he joined us, his first words, first steps and first drawing on the kitchen wall to his first father son outing to the cafe.

but also the little bit of me that cuts inside when I think how much I've missed and how much I'm going to miss over the coming years after all we can't be there all the time, bills need to be payed and the house needs to be kept!

have to say the wife is doing a first rate job with those boys!

Where does the time go though. Within that 2 years I've purchased our first home and renovated it. Got married toa wonderful women (although I'll never admit it to her) set up shop on my own, said a very sad and sudden good bye to my dad and welcomed Christopher (our second family addition) into the world.

i think this year I'll try to have a quiet one lol

all I know is this..... If I achieve nothing else in this life and had to exit it tomorrow Id go a happy man whilst I know both the kids are young they by far will always be my greatest achievements. And I'm 100% sure they will turn out to be everything I would want and more. I look forward to being left in ore of what they are both yet to do and succeed in.

so that people is my thought for the day
Have to say Liverpool are probably my fave club besides my own, gerrard is one of my heroes, love Suarez, sterling is a rangers boy and Rodgers is doing things the right way. You have the best fans in the prem by a country mile, really hope you win it mate

Ah nice one mate.

its unbelievable what Rodgers has done this season, he has got players playing at levels you'd never expect...

hes got us all believing again
Ah nice one mate.

its unbelievable what Rodgers has done this season, he has got players playing at levels you'd never expect...

hes got us all believing again
Yeh he's worked miracles mate and he deserves everything he gets didn't love him at Swansea found them tedious to watch but with your lot it's so decent. Hope Sturbridge and Gerrard carry it to brazil. And if anyone deserves a title it's the main man Stevie, love the bloke
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