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Tennant needs professional advice please

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Hi, my name is Steve and as a long standing tenant with a housing association is needing some professional advice that could help clarify an issue for up to 30 other tenants. We all have had new combi’s fitted (BaxiNeta-tec) and seems like we all have the same issues..The hot water from the kitchen tap is as white as Milk (not just cloudy) and only improves when the tap is fully opened but then the water is only luke warm,we do have high water pressure but this was never an issue with the old tank system and the cold water is fine. The contractor did the usual water in a glass test to prove it would clear, The water pressure was turned down and this helped slightly,However we need to know if this is acceptable or do we have the right to be concered, we also have very loud whistling noises from the same tap which can be heard next door, and as the condense pipe is plumbed internally the boiler gurgles instead of the plug hole.So…are we being picky, is it a case of shut up and put up, or are we right to ask the landlord or contractor to try and solve things.
Any opinions/advice/comments would be greatly appreciated….and apologies for the long-winded post…
PS..I hope I have posted in the right category.
Thank you Roger for the fast reply,I know some people in certain areas do have cloudy water but I have never seen water this white,may i ask if the back pressure from the sink going through the boiler is also normal,as you can tell I am not a plumber/engineer....Thank you
If this back pressure / gurgling through the boiler from the sink is the water in the condensate trap being siphoned out then some more thought need putting into preventing it, but without seeing the exact layout / problem its impossible to know.
Thanks REDSAW for reading my post and taking the time to comment...I think it's a case of shut-up and put-up judgeing by the reply's posted..Now to tell the neighbours!!!!.....many thanks...
If this back pressure / gurgling through the boiler from the sink is the water in the condensate trap being siphoned out then some more thought need putting into preventing it, but without seeing the exact layout / problem its impossible to know.
am alarmed if you are saying boiler condensate is being syphoned out, this could lead to poc's coming up plug hole
get it checked asap
not you roger but the op
nah, just sounds like water movement to me, theres 30 others to gauge this by.
milky water is microscopic bubbles suspended in the water even so, your not going to drink it are you?.

think the mains needs balancing to the output though.
Thank you both....when the plug is pulled.instead of the usual gurgling noise coming from plug-hole. the boiler now makes the girgling noises...and it's as tho there is air going through the boiler rather than coming out..but as I said I'm not a Plummer/engineer, but does that not put air into the tank????..many thanks for giving me your time....
ok, you need someone to open up the casing (gsr) to observe when a good flush down the plughole is made, that the con-trap is not syphoning of to be on the safe side with that one.
if it is then poc's could escape into the room as the bottle acts as a trap for the gases.
not sure what you mean by tank ? sounds like sink trap seal is pulling trap seal out of boiler, this imo is dangerous, get them round asap
Thank you REDSAW I will raise that point with the LL/contractor...may i ask if changing the taps would help with the loud whistle noises??....thank you again
Dancinplumba (love the name) by tank i mean the boiler,it's as if the air pressure noise when the sink is drained is now being diverted to the boiler...sorry I can't explain it better...thank you for your comments tho..I'm most grateful..
I expect you are getting induced siphonage, the fall of the waste water in the waste pipe is creating a vacuum type pressure and pulling water out of the condense trap . I would suggest fitting an anti vacuum trap to your sink waste to see if this helps.
the white water is fine, an increase in flow could help.

it does sound like your tap needs attention. It could just need a new washer or maybe need the internals replacing. Its quite common for hot taps that have been under low pressure (ie. from a cylinder) to have problems when mains pressure is put onto there internals. Some times the internals are loose and vibrate under new/higher pressures causing noise. Seen it alot and normally best to change the tap.

as for the gurgling noise, request that they send an engineer around to check the condense trap os no being pulled away when the sink is used. If you get no where then phone gas safe and request a free inspection, if there is anything wrong they will get it altered.
Thanks for all the advice..I feel i can now talk to the LL or contractors and at least sound like I know more than I do..LoL....thank you all for being so helpful you are a credit to the trade and the forum....
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