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Dog smelling pilot light??

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Hi everyone, Unusual question for you but a bit concerned. We have an old Baxi back gas boiler with 70's gas fire on the front. We were looking after someone's dog, and it kept looking at the fire (Lol! The ugly thing probably scared it!) Anyway, it slowly walked up to about 2 foot infront of it and started sniffing it. It was doing this for several minutes, turned away then came back and did it again. Should we be concerned about it and take it as a warning? Or, because a dog has an acute sense of smell, could it be possible that it smelt the gas from the pilot light? The boiler was serviced in May. Thanx.
my dog destroyed my fire

and he always sniffs my bum, maybe its a warning sign lol:001_9898:

the dog probably was curious of the smell thats all, as it has quite a distinct smell
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Just make sure the dog dont try too hump the fire cos it will end up with a big surprise
Is the dog Corgi registered?
its gassafe now LOL i was waiting for that one lol,just waiting for the headline( dog gets knackers cremated after humping a BAXI Bermuda,vets in uproar this is not a cheap way of getting your dog castrated )
its gassafe now LOL i was waiting for that one lol,just waiting for the headline( dog gets knackers cremated after humping a BAXI Bermuda,vets in uproar this is not a cheap way of getting your dog castrated )

Dont hurt as much as a couple of bricks, especially if yer catch yer thumbs in em!!!!!!
its gassafe now LOL i was waiting for that one lol,just waiting for the headline( dog gets knackers cremated after humping a BAXI Bermuda,vets in uproar this is not a cheap way of getting your dog castrated )

I think you should keep the dog away from gas ... it'll be lighter fuel next then before you know it he's on the coke!
lol lol lol lol Fliping neck think ive woke all the house up laughing !! quality posts, got visions of this big cross bread mongrel humping the baxi bermuda.
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Dogs are a lot more sensitive to things around us compared to out paw sense of smell,however if boiler just serviced and you have a co2 alarm ,should think boiler is ok and you have nothing to worry about,the dog could just probably been attracted to maybe rats or other rodents living in the warm voids next to the back boiler ,this does not effect the boiler or fire operation


maybe dog is addicted ,and dont have any other way of getting high other then sniffing co and co2
Just make sure the dog dont try too hump the fire cos it will end up with a big surprise

depends on the type! if its an open fire i thought someone had to poke it regularly.....might as well be the dog
We should all carry a dog in a cage. It could save your life. If the dog dies get out the house
We should all carry a dog in a cage. It could save your life. If the dog dies get out the house

then we'd have to deal with the RSPCA as well as Gas Safe and HSE and CIPHE and MCS and OFTEC and the list goes oooooooooooon
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