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customer avoiding paying.

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I recently fitted a boiler for a new customer landlord in a new property hes bought. we agreed on a price on completion of job but he had to leave half way through the job leaving his labourer at the property. When i was about to finish the labourer got a call from his boss saying he wasnt going to be back and to send him my bank details over and hed pay me that day. Its been a week now and he keeps saying he will send me the money that day or the day after but still nothing. This is the first Time this has happened to me how do i go about getting payment from this person.
What does it say in your t&c's on the contract you got him to sign?
I think it doesn't matter too much what agreement you have in writing, if any, because if he decides not to pay you then it's Small Claims Court as last resort.
Just keep asking for the money politely & send an invoice & further statements if not paid.
Do you have an address for him? Go and see him face to face. Far harder for him to bluff you off in person.
Hi there mate, don't panic just yet as only a week, keep contacting him and send him an email or letter staing he has so many days to complete payment,
I always get a 50% deposit upfront which mitigates the risk. Not much you can do in this situation other than small claims court as suggested....but even if you win, you might not get all your money. Having a contract signed, as Croppie suggests, tends to focus the customer and you're less likely to get the crooked customer. Good luck.
Ive got his address off his labourer. Im gunna give him a ring tomorrow if no joy im gunna go round his house i think.
Something you said earlier just leapt out at me.

I didnt get anything signed. Ive never use contracts on private work.

I take it you've got your own gas registration and insurances? And that you declare this work?

This could be something he'd have you over a barrel over.....
Ive got his address off his labourer. Im gunna give him a ring tomorrow if no joy im gunna go round his house i think.
phone him from outside his home say you're coming round in half an hour, give it five minutes and knock the door unless of course he's not in lol
When you register the boiler, get the cert sent to your address and then only pass it on when you have payment. I would give him benefit of the doubt and give him a couple of weeks. If you go in too heavy you wont get anything.
The benefits of oil boilers having an external fire valve. No pay and somehow the firevalve trips and a call that the boiler isnt working. A quick no problem, be there at some point and oh by the way whilst im there you can pay me and oh by the way its an extra 50 for coming to look at the boiler :)
Next time
1) get deposit and signed estimate/quote
2) get an amount paid when boiler on site / first day
3) signed doc saying payment on completion
As said its only been a week , i wouldnt panic yet, but defo keep on his case.....if meters outside, cap it !
Ive been round to the house were i did the job but nobody was there im gunna give him a few days then gunna call at his house with another invoice and see what happens from there. Ive been ringing and texting today and no reply, this doesnt fill me with confidence
Go round to his house, knock on the door and politely head butt him in the nose, pull him outside and kick him round the street a few times until he's bleeding heavily, shove a can of expanding foam up his exhaust and down his flue pipe, then relax and wait for the cops.......or seeing as it's only been a week give him a bit more time, ring him politely and tell him your accounts are due this week and you need payment to satisfy the merchants. Most people pay up given a bit of time.
Go round to his house, knock on the door and politely head butt him in the nose, pull him outside and kick him round the street a few times until he's bleeding heavily, shove a can of expanding foam up his exhaust and down his flue pipe, then relax and wait for the cops.......or seeing as it's only been a week give him a bit more time, ring him politely and tell him your accounts are due this week and you need payment to satisfy the merchants. Most people pay up given a bit of time.

UKPF does not, on the whole, recommend that you headbutt the pleb. This post actually scares us and we implore that Goz seeks professional help. .....
Unfortunately, as you've not got a contract, and therefore you've given no cooling off period, the small claims court won't rule in your favour as its illegal to fail to give the notice of cooling off period under the doorstep selling regulations. The only exemption in this case from the DSR's is if the customer has called in to your office and booked you to come and do the job from there. If you've gone to him, either by his request or otherwise, the law isn't on your side. The other exemption is if the whole job is under £35 plus vat, but that's unlikely in almost all cases.

The DSR's are a pain, and you should always give the written cooling off period and if you ever need to start the work within the COP, you must get a form signed, called an opt-out form.
Next time
1) get deposit and signed estimate/quote
2) get an amount paid when boiler on site / first day
3) signed doc saying payment on completion

The contract must include a cooling off period, or its not enforceable in court. Your local authority will advise more on this, and the FMB have a section on their website where you can download sample forms to comply with the doorstep selling regulations.
Hope you get paid, without a contract your a little tied but not totally screwed id say allow up to 28 days for payment then report back and on to the next step.
Good luck
Update. Ive had no contact from landlord since sunday wont answer my calls or text. Ive rang him off ofher numbers somebody else answered fobbed me off saying hed ring me back but didnt. Does anybody know the position on gaining access to remove boiler if there is a tenant living in there or not.
You can't remove the boiler. That would constitute you committing a criminal offence.
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