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yes i am wrong

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Gas Engineer
Went to service a baxi BBu today, boiler burner was cracked, boiler case was baddly chroded, every thing else was fine.
should have recomened a new boiler soon, or at leaset get a new burner. BUT customer is 84, his wife was up stairs dieing of cancer and you could see they had nothing, (charged £20.00 for service). Yes iam wrong for not saying any think, but what would you have done?
Did you go back and fix that ballofix
Don't confuse him, he'll be asking what a ballofix is next.

Wonder what erj ended up doing with regards to this old couple?
Hopefully it's all sorted. They are happy that they are safe and op is happy too.
Everyone happy! That would be nice!
Don't confuse him, he'll be asking what a ballofix is next.

Wonder what erj ended up doing with regards to this old couple?

It is a tricky situation I can see why he did it and it was done not with malleus but with a good heart
But it was and is a problem that needs sorting ASAP
And I'm sorry that I went off topic
Note the model of it, post it on here incase someone is ripping one out and has the usable parts! Pretty sure you'd only be asked for the postage.
What BBU was it? Maybe one of us has an old burner knocking about in the garage?

Lol, too slow :) Great minds and all that.
I actually have a baxi in my garage as we speak, if its correct ill happily donate parts pal.
This may or not be handy to you guys if in the same situation. Most social services either operate or know of people who will make a one off payment to help people who are in dire need of small financial help for cooking or heating.

I used to use this occassionally when having to cut people off for various reasons but you'd have to track it locally.

I can understand being appreciative of the pensioners situation but there are generally some charities who would help or know of people like age concern, cab (they've also helped me a couple of times to help others) etc.

An engineer worked for me once and ignored the obvious asbestos so he could change the pump because the women was cold and pushy; he said he knew it was asbestos but he wasn't bothered himself so thought he should get a medal for his bravery and service beyond the call to get the heat on.

We paid for the asbestos cleanup, disciplined the guy for being a pillock and risking lives and took the customer off contract as she knew it was asbetos and still pushed him to do it.

If it's wrong it's wrong, we know it so we just need to find another way with these problems, but in hindsight I guess we all know that.

Best to find a reason to go back round, check the appliance and put the situation right I reckon.
most scrap yards will have some bbu's lying about, maybe worth a look for a free/ish burner.
I will probably have a burner for it, I have around 10 in the store (Im a hoarder), I dont think people should be offering discontinued stuff in an open forum though? Perhaps Mr Croppie, nice chap that he is will confirm this?

Difficult one. I think the difference here is that any parts used are soley as an interim repair to get the old folk out of a bind until a permanent solution can be provided.

Erj would obviously need to thoroughly test the bbu to ensure it's functionality and safety but with the caveat it would only be temporary.

there are better minds than mine that could probably advise on the legality!
I've spoken to loads of rgis who think there's a bit of legal ambiguity around fitting second hand parts. As long as they're in fair condition and everything is tested after it's perfectly kosher.
On my recent acs resist the trainer was adamant its illegal to refit any 2nd hand gas part or appliance! He also said the reconditioned stuff was illegal too! But I also, keep stuff spares off boilers, normally just to test other parts etc! I reckon if its inspected & tested correctly then there is no harm. But that's for the Rgi to decide.
If you 'move' a standard efficiency boiler is that not fitting a 2nd hand appliance. I'm not GS and don't mind if nobody answers my question. But I move oil boilers, fit second hand (recond) burners parts etc. But everything is tested as required. Surely it's the testing that is the important part of the process and not how you came about the part.
On my ACS we were told "moving" customers own appliances was acceptable, fitting second hand ones not previously owned by customer was unacceptable
Sorry that's just wrong, they even brought out a TB for fitting second hand cookers without instructions etc. you can't say its legal to fit a second hand cooker, but not another appliance, can you?
On my ACS we were told "moving" customers own appliances was acceptable, fitting second hand ones not previously owned by customer was unacceptable

I am fairly certain you can LEGALLY fit 2nd hand parts and install second hand appliances.
As said - it is the testing, the data badge, the mi etc that is important.

Unacceptablle - that may also be true!
Very rarely if ever would it be a good idea to move a boiler and install it in a new home and hope it still works after all that.

But I haven't trained like you guys so don't rely on me.

You can't fit a second hand gas boiler that is not A rated.
I get asked to fit 2nd hand appliances all the time I always say that we are not allowed to fit it without seeing it working before it was disconnected. ( The truth is I just dont want to risk my career fitting a 2nd hand appliance) I have used many 2nd hand parts to get things going in the past dont do it know after someone put a complaint against me to the landlord for using 2nd hand parts (I think that was even plumbing side not gas) so after having 2 days of grief and almost losing the company the contract I stopped. All payed off though next time I got called to the house for a boiler fault on a freezing cold day. They said "can you fix it?", Me "oh sorry I only have a used part in the van that would get you going and I dont do that anymore as I had a complaint about it", Them "But its going to be cold waiting 3 days for a part", Me "sorry bye"

To the OP I have been in peoples houses where they have nothing and I need to turn their boiler off and they have been in tears, I felt horrid but if you have to do it you have to do it. There is no point putting yourself into the firing line if something goes wrong. Most people will plead poverty but when they have to will find the money even if the family get involved.
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Unfortunately sentiment doesn't come in to it, i.e how old the customer is, how poor/ how rich they are etc etc. If its ID its ID. Basically you failed to do your job correctly. You shouldn't be on here asking advice, especially as you know you are in the wrong, what do you want a pat on the back and a don't do it again! There is all ready enough cowboys out there.
I dont think the guys a cow boy and some of these comments are very harsh. Its easy to say you should of done this or that but its hard when your there he's let his heart rule his head and has made a bad call with no malice intended. He needs to go back and explain the situation. If he gets no luck he needs to ring gas safe himself and explain and ask for guidance. We're all human and make mistakes. Its people that have total disregard for others that need hanging.
they've probably got a stash of cash under the mattress, Quote them for a new boiler, what would British gas do?
Definitely harsh calling erj a cowboy. It was the wrong call in really difficult circumstances but done out of compassion not out of greed or incompetence. -
Wish he'd update us on what's been done about it. One of us will sort out a burner, i'll even post it foc if i've got it.
I don't personally fit 2nd hand appliances because of the aggro it causes me but I will fit 2nd hand parts for obsolete appliances. Had a baxi wm that was spot on except the burner had cracked. Couldn't find another for a reasonable price but had one in great condition in the shed. Couldn't in good conscience take their money for a new boiler knowing I could get it up and running in a few minutes at no cost to myself.
Hopefully he'll come back and tell us what he sorted in the end.

I 've had some serious rows with customers over things in the past, (nearly physical at one stage but for his missus savin' him) but there is no way I'm gettin' back in the van if things are not as they should be.
Ye have more robust rules which means it's up to us rgii to makesure systems are right. Customers have been lost over my attitude but as a self employed plumber I get little enough sleep as it is due to second guessin' myself.

Regarding secondhand stuff, I carry sensors/stats etc for oil/gas purely for keeping the boiler going until I return with the new part.
My skint ma refused to have the gas backboiler serviced for 15 years on the grounds that 'it's so old they'll condemn it'. I eventually found out this wasn't true and recommended a gas guy who I know is picky, but fair.

She let him in when I explained he'll only condemn if it's actually dangerous. He insisted on an extra vent etc, but said the boiler itself is fine. All are happy.

I guess at the end of the day a gas guy has to issue an ID if that's what it is.
Went to service a baxi BBu today, boiler burner was cracked, boiler case was baddly chroded, every thing else was fine.
should have recomened a new boiler soon, or at leaset get a new burner. BUT customer is 84, his wife was up stairs dieing of cancer and you could see they had nothing, (charged £20.00 for service). Yes iam wrong for not saying any think, but what would you have done?

Yes wrong 100%

Your not doing your job properly and your risking lives.

I would have turned it off until it was either repaired or replaced.

I went to a GSI the other day and put my screwdriver through a case without any force, i spent the next half an hour arguing/explaining to the customer that I was here to do a Gas Safety Cert, me being there is not a guarantee it will pass and it is for their safety.

I wouldn't do anything for £20.00 prices like that ruin it for everyone else, I couldn't insure myself and my van etc etc etc at those rates.

Like I think its been mentioned before, let them die of natural causes not of carbon monoxide poisoning. I am sure you dont want to live with that on your conscious.
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