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Did a full bathroom, strip out, sort walls new basin, bog, shower bath, shower, tiling and gw laminate on floor.

Gets called back a couple of weeks later. Missed a bit of silicone around bath and basin waste stiff. Cust supplied everything.

Went straight round and sorted.

About two months ago I received a text. The trim on the bottom of the screen is all mouldy, what do we do.
I didnt reply. I didnt supply it.
Two weeks after received the same text.
I didnt reply. I didnt supply it.

Two weeks later a snotty voicemail. Water has leaked through the screen and has come through kitchen ceiling.
I didnt reply, purely down to the language and tone in the voice mail.

I put it down to the fact they had taken trim off and cleaned or replaced and put it back wrong.

Recorded delivery letter yesterday. Not happy with work, had somebody in who will fix for 750 (copy of estimate from firm 40 miles away), been to citizens advice and Ive failed in my works.

This bathroom was complete and invoiced 30th June 2015.

Now when things feck up I put them right. Two weeks ago fitted brand spanking salamander pump. It burst a seal the very next day and blew up a two week old washing machine. Told them to get a new one and deduct from my final invoice. They bought exactly the same machine and gave me the receipt. £112. From an argos rerurns place. I'll chase Salamander for it.

Anyway I digress. Before I threaten to break the cnuts legs, what would others LEGALLY do in this instance?
I would plainly and simply explain in writing or by email that you cannot be responsible for items that they have supplied. I'm the same as you, if it was something I supplied I'd be all over it, as would my merchants to replace it. Keep calm and professional and don't go into too much depth. Did your quote mention that materials supplied by customer were their problem?
Shame. I never used to then a shower that a customer supplied failed but he took responsibility. It just prompted me to do it as it could've been his word against mine. I know retrospect is a great thing but I'd contact the people and tell them that the leak is not due to your install
Tbh first time they asked about it you should of sent a letter headed piece of paper saying as we didn't supply the materials please get hold of where you bought them from
Hindsight's a wonderful thing, but ignoring their text probably wasn't the best plan
I'd like to think that I would have replied much the same as Shauncorbs, it would have played on my mind otherwise
Try a bit of damage limitation with a text/email stating why the mouldy trim wasn't down to you
You could even lie a bit and say you were sectioned for a while, that's why you missed their text
Usually does the trick :willy_nilly:
I don't think ignoring them has helped, it has probably just made them more angry and they are now trying to make your life difficult.
I don't really know where you stand legally, as you didn't supply it. Do you know they have taken it off to clean it? If so then they have re-fitted it and its leaked so you weren't the last person to fit it. If you can get them to put this in writing it would definitely help. Maybe send them an email or letter asking exactly what happened in the build up to this leak?
May as well chuck my two bobs worth in,

Even if they supply i still reply to text messages or issues the cust have as i look at it as they have still paid for my time .
And in fairness if you spoke to them about it then they may have paid you for your time again to address this issue or any others.

On another note customers can really test your patience so i get where your coming from as well.
Firstly, the only real and proper contact you have had with the customer is the recorded delivery letter you have only just received.
The 2 repeated texts and a voicemail are not definite proof of contact with you. For example - You may not have received them, or perhaps overlooked them on your phone, (I know both are very possible and happen with me).
Just reply back stating you are unaware of any problem and can look at any query they have, but you will not provide a guarantee with the materials because they supplied them.

Don't mention anything that they communicated solely in their texts/voicemail as you never got them, :wink:
My thinking is, If you HAD have done the "proper approach" and replied at the time to the customers earlier texts/voicemail, your replies would have given the customer proof that you had received their complaint and ignored it.
Texts messages can get mixed up or lost sometimes. Voicemails can lie unheard and then be wiped.
Just treat the letter as the first complaint and ask why you haven't been informed of any allegation in order to have a chance to look at their allegation
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just reply our terms and conditions are available on request they clearly state materials not supplied by us are not covered by our guarantee.
However for a fee we will rectify any problems caused by substandard materials not supplied by us.
quote them an hourly rate which will make them think twice but will make it worth your while doing, I would have replied to the first email basically telling them to do one
Simon didn't get any email, - just 1 text and then repeated, plus later a voicemail.
Even an email is not proof of receiving a message, if not answered.

I think I should have been a solicitor. :smile:
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