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Sweating a pipe

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Hi guys, whats the best way you find for making the hole bigger in lead pipe for sweating to copper? I got shown to use a stanley knife and a file but it took ages,do you know any quicker ways? Then its just a case of adding your flux and solder with lead in isnt it? Thanks for your replies.
why dont you just buy a lead lock (lead to copper compression) easy and reliable :)
and obviously you heat the pipe not the lead,a turnpins good and a shavehooks good for cleaning,and no you dont use solder you use a lead stick
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Yep, a turnpin flares out the pipe (like flaring on copper with a swager) and costs a few quid. If a lead lock fits, that would be much quicker!
Isn't wiping illegal?On the other hand,I've seen so many leadlocks fail,I still resort to wiping joints.Don't know if you can still get turnpins or moleskin cloths,but if you put pliers in the pipe and wiggle them round,it opens up the pipe.Don't forget to tin the copper and lead,and the lead has to be good and hot,or it cools too fast,and you get a weak joint.
The use of lead solder on pottable water supply pipework is illegal. You can get turnpins from a plumber's merchant or just google it, loads come up. Shavehook and a lead stick combo is a good idea, I'll try that next time...
Isn't wiping illegal?On the other hand,I've seen so many leadlocks fail,I still resort to wiping joints.Don't know if you can still get turnpins or moleskin cloths,but if you put pliers in the pipe and wiggle them round,it opens up the pipe.Don't forget to tin the copper and lead,and the lead has to be good and hot,or it cools too fast,and you get a weak joint.

ye water regs say along the lines of adding more lead to potable water big no no bcos now we know lead isnt good for you

id just go with a leadlock nice and easy
Ive used a leadlock before i just wasnt sure about sweating a pipe thanks for your replies and thanks for the vid Dannypipe. That guy sounds a funny charecter, that turnpins a good piece of kit ave to get one of those just incase, beats a stanley blade thats for sure, BG engineer showed me that way.
I think lead lock is the best solution your problem. Otherwise ask from the professional plumbers for its solution.
If youre doing a jead joint, practice on a bit of scrap lead and copper pipe first!

Wiped lead joints must not be used for systems carrying drinking water.

Your other option is the Philmac universal coupling for lead to copper / plastic - a lot cheaper than a leadlock!
This thread takes me back,:confused: it is along time since I did a wiped joint, lost the turn pin and wipeing cloth alonge time ago, not to menchan the pipe clamps, kids today with their push fittings, dont know they are born, yep it is a lot easier now thank goodness:)
Yeah the video about scrap is useful. I didn't know you can weigh in painted copper with clean aslong as you cut the fittings off
Just the brass. Leave on the soldered fittings.

But if you leave soldered fittings on they don't give you as much as clean copper so I always split clean and dirty copper. But this guy is saying cut the soldered fittings off and weigh in your painted/dirty copper with the clean and it will all get weighed as clean so that's loads more money in our pockets if he's right
thats what happens at my scrappy! he's not even fussy about leaving the odd brass nut on the copper either. so i always do seeing as he pays double for copper than brass.

toms top tips ,ive prob learnt more off this guy than the tutors at bolton college lol
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