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Flue test points!

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Arrrr I hate test points. Did I put it back didn't I???? Started taking a photo when finished just for reference. Any one else have this mind fxuk when driving home after work. Wish boiler mrs put a rubber flap in them so it would self seal and the test plus was just for good measure! I half inched a few Baxi plugs from showroom at merchants as had a few where the lugs had snapped off and couldn't buy them off shelf. Kept them in fga bag , bad idea as that just confused matters!
I hate to admit it but I have been back a year later to find the bung out!!! went all sweaty and cold at the same time!
Luckily I've never forgotten to replace one (yet) but I've been on one job where the cap was completely missing.
Got sent back to a service i had done because transco had turned off the gas after the cust called them when co alarm was going mad. Also always worry about test point plugs being replaced so was racking my brain trying to remember replacing it, got to the job to find test plug good boiler good and it was a faulty alarm!
Got sent back to a service i had done because transco had turned off the gas after the cust called them when co alarm was going mad. Also always worry about test point plugs being replaced so was racking my brain trying to remember replacing it, got to the job to find test plug good boiler good and it was a faulty alarm!

I get super paranoid about them, its just something you do without thinking about it so it never sticks in your memory. I have gone back to a few jobs and pretended I left a tool on top of the boiler so I can jump up and take a look, I always have a little screwdriver in my pocket so I can pull it out as if I found it haha. I haven't left a test point off that I know of yet, but if in any doubt I always go back to the job. When subbing for BG I went to a fair few where test points had been left off since the last service.
Have a note pad where write FGA, gas rate readings etc. Put a big tick across when confirm test point in.
This jobs isn't the most high flying but if u make a mistake u can easily kill a family! Then it's high ho off to prison we go! I couldn't live with myself if I killed some one through negligence at work...... When Driving my van like a tit thought never crosses my mind though!
It's burner pressure test points with me. I tend to keep the fga test point cap/plug in my hand all the while it's open.

Plus the Anton reminds me!
Had one catch fire when boiler was on ..... That was amusing for custard stood behind me!
I don't do enough services or installs as yet, but, am definitely going to get a pad like Graham says. Scary stuff. Agree little flaps would be great
Treat the flue test point the same way as any other test point; as soon as the gauge is taken off the test point fitting gets put back in and checked.
Not so bad with it anymore. I just say out loud "Test point in", that usually does the trick.

I've done the whole "going back to find a tool" thing plenty of times. I'm convinced I've a mild form of OCD when it comes to things like this, as I get really worked up about it. I'm the same with locking doors. I did a job recently for an Estate Agent and went back to the door five times to check I'd locked it!

I've also driven back miles to check things before!

Most of the time if a boiler is running correctly, it wouldn't do much harm with the test point out as it should just be carbon dioxide and water vapour. If it's not set up correctly or it is somehow reburning the products of combustion, then you're in trouble!

There should be some sort of interlock that will prevent the boiler running with the cap out. It would be very simple to do. Cap on a lead with a small voltage running through it that makes a circuit when connected to the flue.
I do a bit of audit work, came across a few that previous engineer has left out

its like the gas nipple syndrome !
All your comments are so true I always use the left my tools behind trick ;-), take a pic on your phone or a pad
serviced a tat ariston e combi evo the other day anyone seen the test points on them? designed to break the moment you touch it much like the rest of the boiler
And yet you all ask why I try to stay commercial!

Couldn't physically break my boilers if you used a sledgehammer!
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