nvq 2

  1. J

    Hi All

    Hello All, Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I have recently enrolled on a part time evening course for my plumbing certificate level 2 as I am working towards a career change. After completion I will be needing to find employment to gain an nvq 2 to become qualified so joined...
  2. S

    self employed and progression

    if you have 6129 from OLCI or other training centre and go self employed before completing the NVQ side.. can you complete the NVQ asessments as self employed or do you have to be working for an experienced plumber?
  3. A

    way forward

    hello all, Some off you guys, i have had conversations with in the past, some of you may know that i am in the building maintenance sector, however i have just completed my nvq 2 in plumbing, and i have to say it was one of the most enjoyable experiance i have had during my working life, at 45...
  4. M

    ocli training question

    hi folks has anybody had any experience of this company,been thinking of joining to learn to become a plumber ,just wondering if anyone out there knows if thier any good.Any feedback would be great thanks mike
  5. U


    Hello everyone my name is John, I live and work in North east England, for the last 5 years as a plumbing NVQ 2 AND 3 assessor, prior to this I was a gas assessor for domestic gas installers (CCN1, CEN1, WAT1, CKR1, and HTR1) and the old ACOPs assessments before that. I've been duplicating a...
  6. D

    Seeking employment help.

    Hello guys, i know you all probably get this question everyday but i'l try to make it brief. I'm currently doing C+G 6129 1st year, and imtrying to get employment as an apprentice. I'm just wondering what steps i should take, for example.. How should i approach the firms (Big Plumbing...
  7. C

    Newbie - Advice Request

    Hi, although I'm not a plumber I've decided its something I want to get into. I'm interested in Gas Installation and Maintenance and would appreciate someone listing the qualifications I need to achieve this. Many thanks. Chris
  8. C

    Guide me in the right direction please lads

    Hello everyone, great forum you got here. Should be a regular on this site as its got alot of stuff i can learn. Im currently in my first year at college doing my City & Guilds 6128 Heating & Ventilation Installation Level 2 NVQ which im really getting in to but its only 3 days a week. What...
  9. M


    as i live in wales, once i finish my level 3 i would like to look into oil and lpg, as far as i can gather i have to complete the 101+105e in oil and for the lpg the changeover course conolp1pd? also the res homes and leisure veh would help with me being near coast resorts. my question is this...
  10. L

    Advice and guidance please!

    Hi all Im after a bit of advice and guidance which I hope you can help me with. Im currently working within IT for LTSB and have been doing so for the past 11 years (since I was 16). Due to the banking crisis and recession etc, redundancy looks likely at the end of this year so I thought the...
  11. S

    The training minefield

    I've been looking through the minefield of training centres and am still no closer to finding the right one. I'm in South East Cornwall and a lot of these places are quite a way away. The local colleges are for people in the trade only so it's going to have to be a commercial training centre...
  12. C

    OLCI - London Training

    Can anyone help? Has anyone trained in Plumbing at the OLCI in London? I am planning on doing the intensive 8 week 6129-2 / 6089 NVQ 2 course If so, where you happy with the triaining and quality of service and facilities. Cheers
  13. A

    nvq 2 criteria coverage

    Hi everyone, Iam a self employed plumber, not doing to badly, however i have only just finished my 6129 tec cert and want to complete 6089 nvq l2, been plumbing for around 3 years self taught, decided i needed formal quals, want to ask an assessor if there is one out there, Iwill have a...
  14. J

    good news at last

    I have at last got a plumbers mate job, after what seems like a lifetime i got the call today to start in the new year studying for NVQ 2 and then NVQ 3 gas so well happy at the moment, and all this started for a fast track course doing city & guilds. I know the fast track courses get a bad...
  15. C


    Right folks could you give me a little help here please? Im wonderin what you have to have completed to be a qualified plumber ? The reason for the title is im wantin to move as soon as i am a plumber (canada). Has anyone done so and could lend me a hand ?
  16. W

    Few Questions

    1. I heard that from next year you have to either possess or be working towards your NVQ 2 to be carrying out any plumbing work. Is this true? I work for a plumber, mostly fetch and carry but increasingly more hands-on work. Would this be therefore illegal unless I get the NVQ started? (which...
  17. P

    New member on the forum

    Hi everybody, just got a note, member for 147 days and never posted a thing, its miserable outside, what a better day to introduce myself. My name is Peter, I finished my level 2 certificate last june, currently doing my nvq 2 but its just a bit slow... I have 4 year experience in...
  18. S

    stratford upon avon apprentice/plumbers mate

    ow do, From reading through the forums i know you guys probably see a lot of people asking if anyone needs an apprentice or plumbers mate for the odd day here and there. I debated whether to post asking the very same questions, but you don't know unless you ask so as you can see i decided to...
  19. G

    Plumbing Trade slowing down or growing ?

    Hi Everyone could you please give me you opinions on what is happening in the plumbing trade ? im currently inrolled in a course (learn from home) and was promised job prospects after completion. this dosnt seem to be the case infact all i keep hearing is plumbers going out of bussiness, and...
  20. T

    Trainee Plumber looking for a apprenticeship

    Hi, I am a 23 year old trainee plumber in Chelmsford and i am looking for a apprenticeship in the area. I have been working 1 day a week with a plumber for the past 3 months and i am looking into becoming a full time trainee and the plumber i work with is unable to offer me a full time job. I...
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