
  1. P

    Customers who hover over you all day trying to help

    Had to leave early tonight I couldn't stand it........doing a kitchen and all I want is a bit of space/piece and quiet inbetween them coming into the room to cook dinner. Had a full day of interference but just general hovering and not giving me the breathing room to concentrate. He was is his...
  2. cr0ft

    0% VAT for bathrooms etc for disabled customers

    Hi all. You guys and girls probably already know this, but I only found this out recently. Will help those who are VAT registered get more sales. You just need a letter from your customer (or an email) confirming they are disabled and you can charge 0% VAT on all work/materials supplied. You...
  3. B

    some customers

    1st fixed a kitchen the other wk and the lead mains is where the dishwasher is going - explained I could not cut it close to the floor as that part was slightly twisted and flattened and a lead lock would not work - if I cut further up it would still be 7" and the cutout on back of dw was only...
  4. cr0ft

    Customers Ordering Sanitaryware etc

    Do you guys take on projects where customers have ordered stuff. Having a complete nightmare at the moment on one such project. Lovely customer but no clue about what shower enclosure will fit and what wont.
  5. P

    Scary customers

    Had a message on face book how much to remove a gas fire. I said xx just Messaged her to say we will be with you in the morning. Comes back. Does it matter that there is a back boiler behind. I said does it work I said you can't do this she said all I want is the fire taken away and then...
  6. S

    Payment plans / finance to customers

    Had a couple of enquiries this week asking if I could offer flexible payment plans or finance. Does anybody do this or know of how I can register with a company to offer this service?
  7. R

    Why wont customers rocommend me????????????

    Dear Friends I do the best I can with the few plumbing jobs I get. I ask here for advise and when I leave a job there are no leaks. I do what I can. So, what can I do to get recommendations? What is wrong with my work? What can I do? Below are a few photos of my work. As always, i look...
  8. W

    Working in a kitchen. Are the customers well off or a are they a bit skint?

    In my extensive field research I have found the most reliable indicator is the presence or absence of kitchen roll. So much so I will find myself under a sink, realise my rag is wet and my sleeves are short and that I require the services of some sort of large thick tissue - say for instance...
  9. Leo21

    Bloody customers!

    Just had a breakdown canceled. "Ive took the case off and oiled the fan, it's working ok now" Cretin, the oil will dry up and it'll seize again. Then he'll replace it himself I reckon, what's the Pratt doing taking the case of anyway.
  10. P

    Naked customers

    My job today, arranged a day and time to start and was there on the dot. Brief conversation with the lady of the house as I had already run through what would be the procedure, I then start to lay the dust sheets in the hall and then the one on the stairs up I go getting to the top. I'm at the...
  11. Keefy

    Displaying charges on your website

    Do any of you who have website's display your charges/prices/rates? I'm considering displaying the basic prices for each service with a generic note that additional work will be charged accordingly. Like to hear what your thoughts are on the pro's and con's of doing this.
  12. cr0ft


    Argh, Having a rage day today!! Just got off the phone to an existing customer who is having a problem with their power shower. Spoken to Mira today who said it's most likely to be a plumbing related issue causing the problem. Informed the customer I am going to have to do 1 possibly 2...
  13. S

    non paying customers

    quick question 2 customers owe me some money. not much but every penny counts one £76 and one £198 send number of invoices and called them and i allways get i pay next week etc but next week never comes. one has been 2 months one been 3 weeks, do you add extra on for non payment eg £20 a week...
  14. B

    some customers

    went to look at a bathroom today customer had someone fit bath basin and wc it was awful all copper pushfit and flexis and bath legs were on floorboards that were not supported by joists .they wanted quote to remove and re fit correctly moving all exposed pipework old 3/4 under floor and...
  15. R

    taking the proverbial

    yep i got one yesterday
  16. L


    got a call today on answer phone from a customer, the boilers broken down you put in (4 years ago wb 26i jnr). Note that when I rang them in July for annual service, I was told it had already been done by another engineer!!!!!!. So I've left it till tommorrrow, I am inclined to say youve got...
  17. O

    What Customers say....

    You charge a lot of money and i always pay my bills. OH I'M INDEBTED TO YOU THEN. It wasn't like that before. IT WAS. No one else has ever done that. (while giving you a funny look) THEY DIDN'T DO IT PROPERLY THEN. Where do i get one of them...
  18. C

    Cowboy customers - stories please

    As its Friday and there have been a few tales this week of some newer members being conned by customers I thought it might be good to post a few real experiences to let these fellas know the ropes. Even if its our mistake.:57: 1. Lady A*** (a real titled person) in Bath who complained that we...
  19. G

    Brilliant customers

    I've got really nice people as customers. The lady whose bathroom I was working on has invited me and my family to lunch today and another customer is helping her. Can't get better than that.
  20. SimonG

    Feckin Customers.

    Firstly, can I say that? :) Started a bathroom on Monday, picked up a 1200 x 800 cast resin tray, wall panels and bathroom suite, supposed to be there on Monday as well, but ordered by the cust. Monday morning I had to swap a boiler as an emergency and phoned to say I would start the bathroom...
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