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I'm off the **** and on the vape stick. I've been creeping towards 30 **** a day so felt I needed a change. But I'm gonna be one grumpy git for a while.
I quit because I couldn't think about not being there for my son!

You big softie ;)
Wish both you guys the best, the first 2-4 weeks are the worst but it gets easier after that.
I'm 6 months in now and have tried a few draws of a *** when pished and it was horrible, so much so it made me wonder why I did it for 20 years :lol:
Good luck both of you. When I gave up I put the price of a box of 20 in a jar, every single day, just as if I was buying them. Seeing the cash pile up kept the motivation going.

Remember you're only human. If you do give in and have a sneaky one don't admit defeat. Brush yourself off and keep going. Addiction is a hard thing to overcome.
Can recommend Alan Carrs Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It's a book. My dad smoked from the age of 10 to the age of 40. Heavily. Smoking ban came in and he was so annoyed he couldn't have a *** with his beer he decided to quit. He read this book, hasn't touched one since. Worth a try.
Good luck lads, I quit when found out misses was pregnant after 12 years of smoking, I find the hardest thing isn't the addiction to the drug, it's the routine. Your morning ***, *** after dinner, *** with the paper, or in your case APP a *** with your cherryade. If you can break the habit you'll nail it. If you was that addicted you'd wake up every few hours for a smoke, I know skag heads do when they need a fix.
I've never had a routine really, my parents and my missus don't like me smoking, so I'd often go a long time without when they're around.

I never smoked in the house, always go outside and am continuing to do so with the vape stick.

I've never been a heavy smoker, I probably went through a 12.5g pouch every 3/4 days, as I say, social smoking and drinking is my worst, but most of my friends have quit now too, so i can't even use that excuse.
just think on before using patches or electronic ****, its just the tobacco industries way of keeping you hooked on nicotine. Cold turkey is the only way, same as alcohol addiction, unless u stop totally, your still hooked omho and I smoked around 30-40 a day before quitting, just got stupidly expensive. The worst thing is getting a smokers cough that is worse than ever as your lungs get clean again
I only remember cadets from that list, orange and brown colour scheme?

There was a Labones down here. I think it was Heatec Labone. And Travis Perkins was Travis and Arnold, and Sandal Perkins - two completely different firms.

I just realised that I can remember Mira's technical support number from 1986. How sad is that. I wonder if it still works.
I just realised that I can remember Mira's technical support number from 1986. How sad is that. I wonder if it still works.

Yep - I googled it an it is still registered to Mira. Mind you, they have changed hands about 3 or 4 times since then. I think Walker Crossweller owned them.

Oh god, I'm rambling like the old feller in the corner of the pub. Help. Nurse. NURSE!
Day 1 ... Still *** free. Feel cack tho.

p.s ray if there's ever a pub quiz at the local I'll be ringing you!
Day 1 ... Still *** free.

Thats all it takes Adam. Just one day at a time, not lighting up. Now just commit to doing one more day.

The cack feeling subsides after about 3 or 4 days. After that, its just forming new habits.
I quit last summer after 17 years, the '10 motives' menthol e cigs are actually more enjoyable than the real thing but damn expensive.

I'm currently addicted to Niquittin mints but weening myself off them. When I see people smoking now I just think yuck!
I've used the vape thing twice today, if I keep going at this rate it'll not be long before I only use it on nights out etc.
I still use quit counter now updating the cost of **** at todays prices - was 40 a day - have no urge to smoke again ever but the money involved works out at a good holiday a year or a bloody amazing one every three !

"Chris - Free and Healing for Eight Years, Five Months, 8 Hours and 43 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 426 Days and 20 Hours, by avoiding the use of 122935 **** that would have cost me £57,340.89."

I did quit one day at a time as the thought, back then, of the rest of my life without a *** was just too scary. Try and avoid replacements as they are just a way of keeping you hooked in a " safer " way. As Ray says after 3 or 4 days in without nicotine it gets easier.
I only remember cadets from that list, orange and brown colour scheme?

UBM and Labones had places in Dixon Blazes est just down from the dug track. Changed to BSS then gradually to PTS.
PTS were called something else in the early 90's but i can't remember what it was. They had green invoice headings.
Day 4 nearly over. Recommend the vape stick to all thinking of giving up the smokes. Been coughing up all sorts of muck but that's starting to ease up now. Eating a fair bit more rubbish tho.
Day 4 nearly over. Recommend the vape stick to all thinking of giving up the smokes. Been coughing up all sorts of muck but that's starting to ease up now. Eating a fair bit more rubbish tho.
Stick at it you are doing great. I might give it another go shortly.
Day 4 nearly over. Recommend the vape stick to all thinking of giving up the smokes. Been coughing up all sorts of muck but that's starting to ease up now. Eating a fair bit more rubbish tho.

Keep it up mate, your doing great \o/
Day 4 nearly over. Recommend the vape stick to all thinking of giving up the smokes. Been coughing up all sorts of muck but that's starting to ease up now. Eating a fair bit more rubbish tho.

You're over the worst of it Adam. From now on, it gets easier every day.
I've upgraded the vape stick to a liquid vape stick. Much more choice on flavours so I thought I'd give it a try. Starting with pear drop flavour first obviously!

on a serious note I never thought I'd be able to quit the smokes but these things are amazing. I'd strongly recommend giving one a go if you're thinking about quitting.
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