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how long.........

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would you allow to change a radiator, adjust pipework replace drain off and change and wire in a 2 port valve.
Gravity system slow to refill, stuff in front of rads, van parked 3 mins away.

Just need an idea??

PS guess i could have frozen the pipework and put on 2 full bore valves but.......
I always used to give myself to little time when pricing, how long you think then add a few hours - glad its sorted mate
cheers mate i was just wondering whether this was much to long. sounds it huh
Sometimes the simplest of jobs throw us off. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Some days you will through jobs, others not so much.

Take the rough with the smooth!
cheers.. bosses dont seem to though and want things done in record time is it always the same in plumbing. 2 hours seems tight with a draindown. I was wondering if i was doing something wrong that comeswith tim in the field. The time includes parking (in London) unloading and loading and the rads always seem to be top floor flats with no flamming lift... Anyway i supposse i just wanted to vent (no pun intended)
If I was pricing that, it would be a minimum of 1/2 day, yes might get it done in two hours but if people want a fixed price, then pricing on the best that could happen at all times will leave you out of pocket a hell of a lot - unless of course you are on a great hourly rate.
Thanks all...... feel a bit better about getting the chop now .... wimp i know.. lol
Iv given up trying to put time scales on little jobs like rads etc for family jobs i just its done when its done now
I always try to over estimate everything then if you get it done quicker customer is even more happy, but if you over run some customers make plans on your word and then get uptight if you run over. I always over estimate but always state that it is only a estimate and should take that time if I don't encounter problems. Just keep them up to date if you do think your going to over run and I find customers always appreciate the honesty and being kept in the loop.
I hate being rushed
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