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Cash payment is morally wrong!!!

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Why don't we just stop killing each other? Make a pact around the world to resolve disagreements amicably over a pint or have a barny outside! That would save us a hefty wodge! Then the odd homer/back hander wouldn't be such an issue .. IMHO :)
If only it were that simple. I personally think humans are the best and the worst thing about the planet we share.

Some people are so kind, and thoughtful, and makes you glad to be alive and gives you faith in the human spirit.

Then you drive down the road and some wazza in an Audi cuts you up and flicks you the bird. :) That's life, that's people.

I have a saying, my mantra....Love many, trust few...always paddle your own canoe. Seems to be working out for me.
When computers run the whole operation, then there will be few get outs.

I might do a job for a neighbour and charge him a box of beer, how do you tax that?

I bartered with someone recently. I fixed their boiler, they sorted my garden. I dunno. I'm off to bed. Been drinking Johhny Walker Black label, now I feel like fighting the syetem.

I'll wake up in the morning and dock in like everyone else!!
We're easy targets, plumbers tax amnesty etc.

Vodafone was recently let off over £7bn worth of tax in a deal with HMRC.

But we are found to miss an invoice out or forget to declare a visit to the scrap man and we are criminals. Bunch of fools the lot of them
Funny how quiet GasSafe, OFTEC and CIPHE are on this issue.

Zilch on their websites.

Thought they were meant to represent their "members". Or are we just people to fill their wallets at any opportunity, preferably without any return?
Couldnt agree with you more. No-one wants to back us up!
We dont do cheques or credit/debit card payments for small jobs under £100 just lolly
we always give a printed reciept. UNLESS its a regular - usually one of our oldies
who must not keep cash at home.

Mind you some of our long standing customers have the bank numbers and just pay in when were done

sorry mr mp just paid sparky cash and my joiner 600 cash as i dont own a cheque book .perhaps i should pay him in green shied stamps or tescos vouchers next time as im sure no mp would try to defraud on their expenses sorry i mean tax,i dont give two hoots if thay declare it or not i got quote for job and i pays cash job done
how dare you!!

you make me sick, mr!.....

i have never met you before, you phone me up and demand i come straight away, i then do you a favour and call between jobs then only charge you £50 when it should of been £60 as i was passing by anyway.
you then have the audacity to then offer me cash for the work i did for you, cash??. i say your attitude stinks and i think your ethos towards my services that i have supplied for you are totally immoral sir.
why is it always the same with you people at the inland revenue who think you can insult hard working people like myself by paying in cash because you cant be rsed as it takes more effort to write a cheque????eh!.
dont ever call my number again you hear?......

on the other customer base is slowly growing just like the economy and the cockups of the coalition government !...
It would be okay if people where all treated equally. Perhaps people would not mind declaring everything they earned then. But when, the more you have seems to be the more you can get away with, those on less look at you and perhaps think "That's the way to do it!"
Its also possibly a ploy to divert attention from all the off shore tax avoidance schemes the big banks are offering and many big companies seem to be taking advantage of. A few years ago an investigation into "backhanders" by BA systems was stopped in the national interest. Seems if you do things on a big enough scale its okay.

And yes lets be honest the possibility that undeclared cash payments and income are probably rampant through out the economy. The only way we would find out is if everybody was forced to publicly declare all their income and have it published with all details of any bank accounts and all cash payments by anybody for anything of any kind over £5 recorded with a dated receipt.

I would imagine no chance of that, probably cost billions to check. Its simply a matter of "Are we prepared to be honest?" not "They do it why not me!" then putting in regulations to ensure people are honest as far as possible. The problem is a good accountant seems to get around anything. We should perhaps make it illegal to break the intent of the regulation rather than the written law of it. Somebody once asked a lawyer why the law was written in such a long rambling way. The lawyer said, we have to write it so nobody can say it is saying something else and try to get it to mean something else. I suppose he was saying "Tax avoidance" is quite legal but it is perhaps not what we meant to happen when we wrote the law.
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Would you not think cash payment is less prevalent now? Gone are the days of 90% of the workforce getting a little brown envelope every friday and now it's once a month into the bank.

It's all just smoke and mirrors, let's get people talking about something other than the real issues.
A Member of Parliament saying that cash payments are morally wrong is like the pot calling the kettle black. MP's have been taking immoral payments for years.
A Member of Parliament saying that cash payments are morally wrong is like the pot calling the kettle black. MP's have been taking immoral payments for years.

All this stuff from MPs about morals and finance is total claptrap - the market place has no morals!

They castigate city bankers in public and yet support the system to the hilt that bankers make their massive bonuses in.

The platform that these MPs stand on has a foundation of hypocrisy.

The idea of having a Labour Party was to have a political body that represents working people, but that got flushed down the pan due to self-interested individuals using the Party as a platform for their own selfish ends.

It would be naive to deny that some small businesses do trade and benefit from cash in hand transactions, but the reality in many cases is that if they didn't they wouldn't survive. Many of the same small businesses are likely to be missing out somewhere on reducing their tax liability because they can't afford to pay high-flying accountants as the mega rich do, so at the end of the day, it all probably balances out financially, and morally.

The people running this country don't have a clue with to regard to pulling the nation out of the current financial slump. All they can do is to play the blame-game, and they are getting desperate now because even they can see that people are getting fed-up with hearing that everything is the fault of the last government, and that unemployment is the fault of the people who are unemployed, and that the way to save the country is to destroy public services and to privatise the NHS.

It seems now that they have become so desperate that some of the tts think it's a good idea to start attacking small businesses!

You really couldn't make it up, could you!
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Who accepts cash nowadays?

Lets all take rubber cheques (the ones they were gonna phase out) - stupid comment by an idiot

Should we stop giving cash to the pizza delivery guy too?
Who accepts cash nowadays?

Lets all take rubber cheques (the ones they were gonna phase out) - stupid comment by an idiot

Should we stop giving cash to the pizza delivery guy too?

When the Government brings in the 'Fat Tax', they're going to want a slice of your pizza too!
Breaking News

Baroness Warsi has been cleared of fiddling her expenses.
What a surprise.

If she was a plumber she would have been jailed.
Conservative Party co-chairman Baroness Warsi has been cleared of any serious breach of the ministerial code over an official trip to Pakistan.

The prime minister's adviser found she was guilty of only a "minor" breach for failing to declare she had been accompanied by her business partner.
Without sounding too controversial... whats the name for male cows again? ah yes.. bullocks! They are all up to their necks in the trough. This cash payment outburst is nothing more than trying to deflect the public gaze away from the MPs and public sector who have been plundering this country's finances for years under our very noses. Then hoarding it away in tax havens offshore.

I think I'm away to lie down before I march on Westminster!...
went to see shower yesterday. took it apart, found limescaled cartridge. Told customer the price for labour and possible cost of new cartridge. she started hassling price down, I said I'm not VAT registered so its already cheaper than other companies. But even that was too much, she thought that paying by cash I will do it for donkey. ;/ I always give invoice, no matter if is cheque or cash. But I prefer bank transfer if possible.
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Maybe we should just say it will £ X plus 40p for every £100 cash as that's what the bank charges me to deposit it..:smilewinkgrin:
Plumber jailed for a year over £50,000 tax dodge as HMRC cracks down on evasion | This is MoneySo i was reading that article. A chap did not register his earnings. He got caught.
Then i picked up on this snipped from the article:

‘HMRC is clamping down on plumbers and those in other trades who attempt to commit tax evasion, and the sentence given to Careswell will act as a deterrent.’

What about the MPs that fiddled their expenses? At best they offerd to pay back what they shouldnt have taken in the first place! As for bankers fixing the figures, next to no action at all appart from a resignation here and there and a life living off vast earnings for the rest of their days. (with barclays STILL set to make over 4 billion in profit amist all this scandal)

Surely these "deterrents" should start at the very top. After all the people at the top get the biggest media coverage and exposure, if examples are to be made out of people those same examples should apply to them, after all they govern and make the rules and the other holds the economy of this country in its hands as far as im concerned.
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