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F. Ing customers

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image.jpg Went to a job yesterday fixed the boiler charged £275 for replacing the diverter and the prv got a huge text with this pic this is how you left my boiler I want £ 500 and compo unreal some people are really crazy
been there posted on here I think the other year - I isolated my mates glowworm compact in his rented house - I went to visit him and could smell burning had a quick look and noticed the fan was sticking and the cables from the transformer burning. isolated and turned it off - got nasty call from his landlord saying they had had another engineer and I had sabotaged the boiler and he has fixed it and they were reporting me . I was scared so called gas safe and they said don't worry they have to prove it was me . I returned to my mates and had a quick look as he was worried to find someone had shoerted the safety devises and the boiler was running very hot scorching the case .I called the landlord saying I am at my mates house and it was duty as an engineer to isolate the boiler as it was dangerous and they could call the police or gas safe as I have acted in safety and if they are called they will ask who shorted the safety devises - I never heard another think don't think the guy who come out was gas safe registered - hope it goes ok . I have to admit gas safe did put my mind at rest and said they would file that I called
There are people in the world who are users. These types and those the others mentioned are users. Their children will be users and they will spawn users. They will make decent working people scared for their livelihoods. As you go on you will get better at spotting the mean time don't take it personally. Most customers are OK. I had one like this a while ago and it gave our business a better focus after some thought and reflection.
Have just read the thread from start to finnish, must say it is worrying to think the lengths some people will go too.

I had a call once from a custard asking if i had liability insurance even before the job was discussed or seen! I said yes and goodbye.
As an antidote to scumbag customers,I have had 4 tips of £10/20 in the last 6 weeks,seemingly for making contact,booking a time,keeping to it and doing the job.All small jobs .I look forward to referrals who will probably be nice customers.Latest one was an elderly gent who had recently lost his wife.He seemed to enjoy the company and was interested in what I was doing without hovering.Sometimes the job is a good one.
I can't believe this! Some people really do live on another planet. I'd ignore it. Gas safe wont be interested and there's insufficient evidence for trading standards to get involved. Send them a dog turd as a token gesture.
Why do people say send a dog turd? Send your own turd to put a personal touch on it. Eat corn a day prior for the marbled affect
Ha ha each fortnight we should positively review another members yell account sounds like it works. Joking aside good luck PJF hopefully the worst is behind you.
I would LOVE someone to try this on me. Love it. It would be a great excuse to bring out my nasty-side I keep locked up.
I'd be waiting outside in the dark for those and scare them so much they'd be waddling back to their boiler soaked
I would LOVE someone to try this on me. Love it. It would be a great excuse to bring out my nasty side I keep locked up.
I'd be waiting outside in the dark for those and scare them so much they'd be waddling back to their boiler soaked in their own

Fancy a job ? :lol:
I just phoned her all nice as said we are taking legal action against her then I text with the same she said she's called the police
Feel for you PJF sounds a feckin awful scenario. No doubt we'll all be happy to assist in any way we can. I hope the threat of legal action makes them realise how wrong they are. We're all just trying to earn a living at the end of the day. Let us know how it goes. Chin up mate
I took legal advice two weeks ago they said she has no case at all I'm starting legal action in the morning. Cheers guys. One review says I'm unkept and messy !! And it's from north wales !! I've been doing my acs all week in Cardiff !! I've just found out that she's works for HSBC in the business deptment. Should I contact her manager
It would be rather pleasant if she could be served with a solicitors letter or even court summons at work. May show her what it's like.
Good thinking. A summons in a work environment always goes down like a wet fart in a spacesuit. Fraud on her part, which essentially this is, is also severely frowned upon in banking circles. Go get her
I've been on the net for over an hour found her dept and her manager contacted my soliciter as well ( he's my uncle ). We are going to town with this crazy nasty ,;:)/- the stress is unreal knowing this review is on there and I can't do any thing till tomorrow is doing my head in !!
Why do people say send a dog turd? Send your own turd to put a personal touch on it. Eat corn a day prior for the marbled affect

when a turd wont do When I'm riding shotgun with another player - Imgur
i just copy and paste when iv'e had a weird moaner
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