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Cash payment is morally wrong!!!

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What winds me up is the car wash places full of illegal immigrants taking cash... How comes they don't get mentioned and it's always our trade!!!
Not sure why I called him "Sir" ...

Dear Sir

I am writing to let you know that I earned (as a self employed plumber) about £8,000 last year.

I declared EVERY SINGLE PENNY that I earned and have had my accounts cleared by my accountant and await my tax bill.

Many customers, especially the rich, think it is fine to delay payment by a few weeks. This affects cashflow, and is frustrating if you’ve spent well over £1,000 buying materials for that customer. You cannot take the materials you’ve bought out of your customer’s house because the law does not allow you to do that.

I give cash discounts to my customers because that way I know I have the money and I don’t have to worry about whether I’ll be paid for a job or not. Is this morally wrong?

I don’t claim for a second house as I don’t have one but I do dream that one day we’ll be able to afford a new car. A holiday this year would have been great too but the recession has hit my trade and my family can’t afford to go away, especially as my wife has also been redundant for around eight months.

I’m not asking for pity – just don’t tar all of us with the same brush while your energies would be more productive by going for some of the richer people.
It is always plumbers who are made out to be the bad guys out of all the trades. Plus what is wrong with taking cash payment? Who is he to assume that everyone taking cash payment wont declare it, the expenses fiddling pillock.
they do it to divert attention from their own theivery

Exactly right.
Perhaps he could take a look at Boot Sale venues.
Pitch fees taken in cash, food outlets - cash.
All venues in my area charge 50ppp to get in, you guessed it, in cash.
Our local tip now charges to dump certin things £2.00 per item Cash only ! no recept given, How many MP are takeing Cash backhanders , still fiddleing expences, Useing offshore bank accounts to avoid Tax, what happens when they get found out, usely promoted to a better job as a Euro MP.

If I were a multi million pound banker or MP, I could ship the lot offshore.... Tax avoidance, at worst a slap on the wrist but probably sweet nothings, but genrally be able to "do the right thing and step down" if they even botherd to care or invesigate the matter...... along with my ridiculous pension/bonuses/astronmical wage and live the rest of my days with out a burden in the world.

For everyone else it's Fraud.

Point is not every body dealing in cash is trying to con HMRC, besides it's the people who make the rules, and the people who are supposed to look after the countires economic interests that have had by far the most damaging impact on this country anyway and as always working joe public have to suffer for their inadequacies and incompacies.
Funny how quiet GasSafe, OFTEC and CIPHE are on this issue.

Zilch on their websites.

Thought they were meant to represent their "members". Or are we just people to fill their wallets at any opportunity, preferably without any return?
Various politicians practice 'divide and rule' politics by playing off one sector of the public against another - no one is safe these days, doesn't matter if you're a doctor, nurse, HMRC, Customs, all civil Servants, Plumber, etc.

The other day there was talk of the trillions of £'s worth of tax avoided by off-shore schemes and the like, and it was suggested that the companies that run such schemes should be made to disclose names.

With so many multi-millionaires in the Government, I can't see that happening.

They have no scuples about focussing attention on others, be it single parents, the disabled, the unemployed, etc.

The really sad part about it is that so many people buy into it, having been brainwashed by the tabloid press.
all I can add is get stuffed to these MP folk who don't have to worry about getting either way
I take it this bloke has never been taken out for a 'free' meal, 'free' trip, 'free' round of golf etc etc etc But if he had it would be visible on his tax return?
Ah, he is such a moral bastion that he's breaking the National Minimum Wage legislation by hiring an unpaid 'volunteer':
W4MP Jobs
Better to pay in cash than to put it down as expenses and not pay anything
So is letting so many immegrants into the country its cripiling it

So many people who earn more on benefits than hard working people

The fact they tax us to death

There seems to be one rule for the rich and another for the "little people"

The fact they seem to be able to do what they want and get away with it

They get us to pay for all there privlages

And why is it always plumbers that get the flack, what about car washers car boots and any other cash deals you could think off

Rant over
what I find morally wrong is that,

"David Gauke claimed £10,248.32 in stamp duty and fees involved in the purchase of his second home in London."
its easier to attack and take from the poor than the rich. I wonder how many MP's and bankers have lost there homes during this recession compared to trades??

lets be honest the banks are corrupt, Many MP's were proven to be thieves and tax payers are paying for 250,000 plus people who should not be in the country. I think there are some more important issues to address than attacking hard working tradesmen.

But afterall its an MP talking crap because he thinks its a good sound bite and might make him more popular and famous. If he really wants to be reconised and more popular he should fix some of the more important problems this country has.
Dear Mr Pot , get yer own house in order before you start messing wi mine. Yours sincerely, Mr Kettle.

That is all!
Can we ask for payment in gold instead and then cash it in at one of dodgy cash buying shops???
I'm gonna have to write to this ... () sorry mr administrator I obviously mean twit!
every time a customer says is it ok to pay cash I say yes of course but the bill is still the same
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I'm gonna have to write to this tw*t () sorry mr administrator I obviously mean twit!
every time a customer says is it ok to pay cash I say yes of course but the bill is still the same
that is perfectly fine i think he is a twit as well
His morals can kiss the hairy side of my butt , mp's are the countries biggest crooks

[DLMURL=""]Expenses | David Gauke MP - Member of Parliament for South West Hertfordshire[/DLMURL]

£120-125k of expenses year on year!
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Are we all to answer to these mps that are so educated they dont know what an answer is,they continously answer with a load of nonsensical bilge
i hope he uses pimlico.

i always insist in cash and cheque is secondary. when i have finished the job then i want paying on the day i finished, not 8 days free credit waiting for cheque to clear. oh yeh! there doing away with those so cash only then.
seems to work with chip shop, corner shop, window cleaner, mp back handers so whats the problem?.
The problem is that people find it much harder to hand you a fistfull of notes than to sign a cheque or better still, put their PIN into your card machine.

I have a card machine and people pay big amounts without blinking. When they pay you with pound notes, they act like they're doing you some big favour....

I guess it hurts more to see the lobster coloured notes part company!! LOL.
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