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Diy sos

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Anyone ever done one? Doing one in the next town to me the missus has always said you'd help wouldn't you if they where local now they are worried she might bully me into helping
I've always fancied doing something like that you know do your bit
They couldn't afford me! Plus look at the long hours they put in. Working in the afternoon for free?! Wash your mouth out with soap and water!
Not a chance. Mate of mine (a builder) got them in to finish his house. Never laughed so hard down the pub in my life. Needless to say, the drinks were on him.
I've worked in one few years after they did and the workmanship was awful.
No way, absolute mayhem... I can just imagine parking miles away from the house, every trade in each other's way & tools going missing likes nobody's business!!
Anyone ever done one? Doing one in the next town to me the missus has always said you'd help wouldn't you if they where local now they are worried she might bully me into helping

Just tell her you put your name forward but you haven`t heard back - Sorted!
Bet you would have to sometimes cut corners on that to get your job finished on time.
Might be good advertising for you though when people watching the programme recognise you and think what a decent bloke you must be.
I would do it but not at the blinding pace it all seems to happen
I would do it but not at the blinding pace it all seems to happen

I would like to see the places a few years down the line as everything happens far too quickly and you know what they can miss they will.
These programmes have all gone down hill since Claire Sweeney presented them in a selection of very tight tops, sometimes sans brassiere
Ive thought about it but then I thought what if all my customers see it, they'll be giving me a sob Story to half the bill
There's one where I live was going to do it but they exact 10 days it's on is the exact 10 days I'm on holiday, think it'd be fantastic free advertising for your business IMO
I hate working with anyone else, at the best of times, let alone trying to get 10 blokes in a poxy sized kitchen, all trying to do their bits and pieces.
Would be worth it though to see Julia Kendall up close lol
Me and a few blokes got roped into a filmed thing with Craig from big brother and the blonde plasterer from diy sos. Was mad, community center I went in a loo ta pipe a basin and urinal. Got stuck in there for 45 mins cos flooring was going down outside. Big countdown haha half the plumbing wasn't finished just looked the part lol
A couple of years ago, I had just made a cup of tea, and was about to wander back to my office when I heard a phone ringing in the marketing office next to the kitchen. There was no-one in that office at the time, so I did the decent thing, and went in and picked up the phone. It was a researcher from one of these TV programmes, asking us to donate materials. His pitch was that we would be featured in the credits, and our logo would be plastered all over prime-time TV.

I was incredibly polite, but explained that as a trade-only business the very last thing that we wanted was exposure to retail customers, and that we already had a charitable giving programme, so whilst we were flattered to be asked, it wasn't something that we would want to pursue.

The chap on the phone went from being persistent, through being condescending, and ended up getting quite aggressive. The more wound up he became, the more politely, but determinedly negatively I responded.

In the end, he insisted that I was failing to understand how big a mistake I was making, and demanded the phone number of the Managing Director, which - acccommodating fellow that I am - I gave to him.

I just had time to get back to my office to take his call. :)
Well what did he say ?
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