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Woolwich killing

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Seen thia on news before think it is the worst ever ! Think the scumbags should be put to death !
It's easy to say that we wouldn't be allowed to practice our beliefs in a Islamic state etc. it's true but but freedom is part of what makes Britain Great. Unfortunately we do tolerate too much and tied up with too much bureaucratic red tape.

What makes it worse is that all the bystanders decided to film it on phones rather then rip the the Gil perpetrators limb from limb.

There is no place in society (ours or any others) for people like this and it will cost the UK taxpayer millions to keep them safe whilst they serve time in jail. We need to wake up and realise that there is no chance of rehabilitation for people like this and bring back capital punishment.
But i dont think freedom is what makes this country great ! Infact i dont think this country is too great the state its in ! It doesnt go againest my freedom to knock immigration on the head ! Its not againest my freedom if the commit a crime send them back home !

What is againest my freedom is them changing the way i like b there was a kick up around my area about 2 years ago saying muslims where complaining about christmas decorations ! Ha ha that is my freedom ! Its my country ! Were not free ! I cant go into the road and shout anything i want
Bring back death penalty ! Look at the killer for tia sharp ! That young girl killed by a man who lived with her nan ! Hidden in her nans loft. And he wont tell the police or family what he actually did or how he killed her or why ! He even pleaded on tv !

Tia sharps dad is trying to get death penelty back ! And i would happily sign the petition !
Your right, our freedom is being restricted as we tolerate others but they do not respect us.

However, would you rather live in a country where there is no freedom. Where women and children are treated as objects and are often subjected to rape and assaults?

Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to defend anyone. This type of extremism cannot be tolerated and there is no place in society for it and too many do-gooders will not allow capital punishment back for this type of behaviour.
hang the *******s by the neck,tough message got across take a with yours
No excuse for not allowing the death penalty (testicles in boiling water followed by being driven over with a steam roller from the feet up at approx 0.5mph) for this type of crime. There is no possibility of them having the wrong person for the crime.

The more we let these type of crimes continue, and allow idiots to stay in the country and avoid deportation because of eu human rights loop holes etc, the more we will become a racist society. In the end it will lead to civil war.
I hope this doesn't blow up, i have friends who are Muslim and also friends from other religions .
I feel sorry the minority brand the majority.

Personally i think there should be the death penalty and harsher sentances.

My friend was killed by a woman texting on her phone in a 4x4 as he crossed a zebra.
she got 7 years and has just been released after 3!
where is the justice in that ?

rapists and killers usually serve half their time now and are back on the street.

I admit this country is very very well cared for but people smile in court now when they get 7 years, they know they will be out in 3.
They wouldent be smiling when that hammer hits and off to death row now would they.

I feel for that poor soldier so much, i think he would have died happy fighting for his country in afgan.
Not run down in his countrys capital and hacked up to make a statement.
No i wouldnt want to live in a country without freedom but we are not free ! As saod we are restricted by others coming into this country ! Just seen a video from that girl that makes documentries and shes gone back to luton and all the muslims walking the streeta protesting shouting police go to hell !

If you disrespect a soldier a policeman or anyone with power ypu should be punished ! If you spat at a soldier in northern ireland back in the day theyd smash your head in !

Im all for english jobs for english people ! And if you come to the country ypu may have your own belief but you cant take over ! You cant change everyone else pr the country ! There are rules !
Why did it take the police take so long to get there, bet they were too busy stopping motorists to worry about some poor soldier dyeing in the street.
Reading these comments I realise just how liberal I am. Theses events where shocking but let's not confuse 2 nut jobs with 60 million odd Muslims. I like to think we live in a free(ish) country where anybody can air there views regardless of who it offends! Imagine loving in North Korea for example!

I have a wide range of friends Muslim black chinesse gay I'd hate it if they had to suffer for prejudice brought on by two people terrible actions.

Hitler lost the war the facists where defeated lads lets keep it that way.
The death penalty should NOT come back. No human being has the power to decide who lives and dies. What should happen is that life sentences should be just that, LIFE, they should die in prison. The Government need to pull their fingers out of their arses and start deporting these radical preachers and seriously tighten up on immigration. They should take note of Australia and only let those in who have something to offer the country!

I feel sorry for the Muslim population in this country, they are a peaceful race and these extremists are just hiding behind it. I'm growing increasingly fed up with this country and I'm seriously thinking about leaving.
Hitler started a war, lets not confuse that with patriotism or sticking up for your own human rights. Multi culture society's are flawed by religious extremism at the moment on both sides of the fence. We are typically territorial beings like everything else on the planet, so why attempt to push for something that is so un-natural.

It's simple, if we can live together peacefully then fine. I we can't then split up or there will be blood spilt. That applies for every country in the world but NOT excluding our own,we seem to be the only one forced to bite own tongue and get on with it.
We are talking in some instances about people coming from mud huts and murder being a way of life for survival, to being expected to live in a massive city and do as your told, its not going to happen, and I'm not being racist, its fact.

i'm sick and tired about hearing how someone who's originates from half way around the world is not being allowed to express the human rights or opinions when it has a direct adverse effect on everyone else's quality of life. National health service is a prime example, pushed to the max because of an increased head count ( amongst other things )

and before anyone accuses me of being a racist, zip it. I don't hate the race, I hate the criminal activity you bring to this country. Keep your head down and pay your way and I've no problem whatsoever.
For what it's worth, guys, the vast majority of Muslims are shocked, horrified and heartbroken at the rise of Islamic extremism. I'm not a practising Muslim, haven't been for a very long time, but my whole family and community are still pretty devout.

Let's be absolutely clear about one thing. These animals are NOT Muslim. Nothing in the Qur'an, or the teachings of the Prophet encourage or condone the targeting of innocents, nor this form of vile behaviour.

But let's also be clear - extreme violence is not restricted to those who carry it out in the name of Islam. Japanese POW camps, Nazi concentration camps, kneecappings in Ireland, "Bolivian neckties", "Soweto necklaces", "special interrogation" in Guantanamo... the list is long and pretty f*&%ing horrendous.

My point is, no matter how angry this makes you, no matter how ghastly the actions of these animals, please don't let them win. As soon as people start feeling hatred towards a whole section of the population, they have won. They have got inside your head and planted the seeds of hatred and conflict. And that is what they want. Let's condemn the perpetrators, not whole sections of the community, who are as much the victims of this as you are. There will be repercussions, and a backlash. And those who will suffer those consequences will not be the cowardly *******s who crawl out of their sewer to do this kind of thing, but the innocents who get wrongly tarred with the same brush...

For what it's worth, guys, the vast majority of Muslims are shocked, horrified and heartbroken at the rise of Islamic extremism. I'm not a practising Muslim, haven't been for a very long time, but my whole family and community are still pretty devout.

Let's be absolutely clear about one thing. These animals are NOT Muslim. Nothing in the Qur'an, or the teachings of the Prophet encourage or condone the targeting of innocents, nor this form of vile behaviour.

But let's also be clear - extreme violence is not restricted to those who carry it out in the name of Islam. Japanese POW camps, Nazi concentration camps, kneecappings in Ireland, "Bolivian neckties", "Soweto necklaces", "special interrogation" in Guantanamo... the list is long and pretty f*&%ing horrendous.

My point is, no matter how angry this makes you, no matter how ghastly the actions of these animals, please don't let them win. As soon as people start feeling hatred towards a whole section of the population, they have won. They have got inside your head and planted the seeds of hatred and conflict. And that is what they want. Let's condemn the perpetrators, not whole sections of the community, who are as much the victims of this as you are. There will be repercussions, and a backlash. And those who will suffer those consequences will not be the cowardly *******s who crawl out of their sewer to do this kind of thing, but the innocents who get wrongly tarred with the same brush...


I agree with you 100%, as angry as I am a knee jerk reaction is not the right thing.
Why did it take the police take so long to get there, bet they were too busy stopping motorists to worry about some poor soldier dyeing in the street.

Unfortunately, not every police officer is armed therefore they need to wait for an armed response team which can be traveling quite some distance, sad but true.
The death penalty should NOT come back. No human being has the power to decide who lives and dies. What should happen is that life sentences should be just that, LIFE, they should die in prison.

if you use that philosophy then what gives one human the right to imprison another for their entire life? The decision is made by the culprit as soon as they decide to carry out an act such as this, theyve only got themselves to blame. Your only entitled the same rights of the victim, an eye for an eye and all that.
I agree masood , but bar a few uneducated or racist extremists ( as said before on both sides of the fence) most people will too.

I'd feel the same if it were a Brit murdering another human from different ethnic origin. In fact in this instance it would seem like the perpertrator had lived in the uk for some time (long enough to pick up the local accent) so I'm not assuming this man has come into the uk to practice this crime.

The point I was making above was that we are openly letting criminals through the borders with little power to stop them.

Youve got to want to kill first, then use a religious belief to excuse from the act.
I'm disgusted with what my friends are posting to facebook, the photos and banners they are sharing.

I feel ashamed of my age group looking at it.
The animals responsible for this will end up in prison for many years, each costing the tax-payer around £40k per year. To me, with DNA forensics being able to 100% accurately prove someone was at the scene of a crime and/or holding the murder weapon etc there's no realistic argument against the death penalty imo.

This country is far far too soft.
LOL I could never be prime minister, I am not political enough to appeal to the masses!
If I was loaded I would start the common sense party though.
Just set up a Facebook page to see how far my idea goes. https://www.************/pages/Bring-Back-The-Death-Penalty/196062600543264?ref=ts&fref=ts . If, like me, you believe the UK should bring back the death penalty for murder then please like the page and mention it to friends and family. If it does go viral then maybe we can petition government to bring it back :)
I'm just so glad there aren't any white christians going around killing people for religious reasons, political reasons or just for fun...

an eye for an eye and all that.

I believe those are the exact words one of the two nutjobs in Woolwich used, too.
bring back the death penalty

[h=2]hy·poc·ri·sy[/h] [hi-pok-ruh-see] Show IPA
noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies. 1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.

1175–1225; Middle English ipocrisie < Old French < Late Latin hypocrisis < Greek hypókrisis play acting, equivalent to hypokrī́ ( nesthai ) to play a part, explain ( hypo- hypo- + krī́nein to distinguish, separate) + -sis -sis; h- (reintroduced in 16th century)
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