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Who was beaten and hit by teachers at school?

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Plumbers Arms member
Following on from the thread of things you don't see, you here remembers being whacked by a teacher at school.

I bet there are some young guys here who are too young, I'm 35 and do remember in 1984 getting belted hard on the back of the head with a text book by a furious red face music teacher and I was only six.

How times have changed, if that had happened today it would be on the news.

I did probably deserve it though!
Well im only 26, when i was 7 a teacher hit me on the head with a book and a lump appeared. My mum and dad complained and there was a big investigation, to be fair i probably deserved it, i was flicking ink.

My dad is 66 now and he used to tell me he went to a really rough school (cant remember the name, somewhere up north!) and he saw two fight on his first day, he said both between teachers! i used to think he was joking, but he swears it was that rough. His best mate had his shoes nicked off his feet on the first day.
Ha ha .....

I was always in fights but never saw two teachers fighting (only verbally).
Got the cane once rest of time was one of those black board rubbers chucked at the head
I hit a teacher ? Well two. My sports master was on receiving end of a cricket ball to the face, ( not deliberate) other one was knocked over by football, hit him in chest and knocked him over - apparently ? I was too busy running. Had been kicking frozen mole hills on pitch first lesson, told to stop it and do exercises. Hated all ball sports excluding hockey and rugby. More of a rowing man !

It was a miracle as I couldn't hit an open goal but managed to knock him down from 30 yards?
Probably got belted every week i was in high school and a few times in primary school.
I probably deserved it as i was a cheeky b and would never have gone home and told my parents, i would have got it again.
Never done me any harm and usually shut me up for a while. There were some teachers you just would never done anything out of place in their classes.
The blackboard duster was a sore one bouncing off the back of your head :lol:
Like Tamz, I was beaten so often that it became routine. Pretty much always for being a mouthy little gobshyte. Didn't do much harm, but neither did it do much good. Would never have dreamed of telling my parents, it would only have made matters worse.
Another time was in the dining hall I was swigging from a 1.5 litre coke bottle minding my own business and my mate reached over the table and crushed the sides of the bottle together as hard as he could and it nearly drowned me...I was spraying coke in all directions out of my mouth and there were little boys all round me covered in coke as well as their lunches and I got the punishment!
Probably got belted every week i was in high school and a few times in primary school.
I probably deserved it as i was a cheeky b and would never have gone home and told my parents, i would have got it again.
Never done me any harm and usually shut me up for a while. There were some teachers you just would never done anything out of place in their classes.
The blackboard duster was a sore one bouncing off the back of your head :lol:

Lol exactly the same
i was caned ,smacked, had the rubber thrown at m, end of the climbing rope slipper and table tennis bat in the gym from 7 to about 13 after that i got wiser and caught less obviously didnt harm me but not sure it did me any good either but no doubt it made the sadist teachers happy
Probably got belted every week i was in high school and a few times in primary school.
I probably deserved it as i was a cheeky b and would never have gone home and told my parents, i would have got it again.
Never done me any harm and usually shut me up for a while. There were some teachers you just would never done anything out of place in their classes.
The blackboard duster was a sore one bouncing off the back of your head :lol:

Like Tamz, I was beaten so often that it became routine. Pretty much always for being a mouthy little gobshyte. Didn't do much harm, but neither did it do much good. Would never have dreamed of telling my parents, it would only have made matters worse.

Lol exactly the same

i was caned ,smacked, had the rubber thrown at m, end of the climbing rope slipper and table tennis bat in the gym from 7 to about 13 after that i got wiser and caught less obviously didnt harm me but not sure it did me any good either but no doubt it made the sadist teachers happy

Definately pattern here, cos I had all the same!

Think the final straw was my blowing up of the chemistry lab just after I started 6th form.

I left shortly after that. By mutual agreement.....
caned, smacked and belted during school times, but most memorable was walking into the gym one day and suddenly feeling my arse light up as a fencing foil made full contact! the PE teacher an ex RN PTI did explain on day one that we nevered walked or ran in his gym, we had to bloody well fly!! Helped when I joined the RN as I was the only one who could climb those bloody ropes that hang down and lock myself off and hang there whilst the other numpties spent 1/2 an hour trying to get to the top. I could also slide down, face down not using my arms and stop nose just off the deck, that got me another bollocking from the RN pti in charge, as he thought Id fallen off :)
In juniors it was the slipper, in secondary it was the Cain. There was no need to throw anything when they could resort to the Cain.
I deserved it pretty much all of the time, except of one teacher. And to this day if I saw him now I'd slap the vindictive rr,s hole.
Spent most of the time looking out of the windows, I was envious of the bloke who mowed the lawns.
was getting smacked with ruler over my fingertips or pulled by my sideburns :D

You had side burns big enough to pull on when you were at school.......??


ha ha ha...
My dad is 66 now and he used to tell me he went to a really rough school His best mate had his shoes nicked off his feet on the first day.
WOW!! ................. You went to school in shoes? :shocked3::shocked3:
Although I never actually got the cane at school it was still in use in the mid-late 80's in my school. Only ever remember one lad getting it and he got it every other week right across the palm of his hand. Seeing the so called hard lad of the school crying with that nasty stripe across his hand kept the rest of us in check I think.

I did get lifted up against the wall by the scruff of my jumper by the headmaster once though, he got the same the next morning from my mum.
Pants pulled down in front of the class with my accomplice(for flicking ink) didn't do it again.
had the cane though last teacher to use it got the crap kicked out of him by some kids dad
Had a mad art teacher. Had a chair thrown at me once and one time a football sized lump of clay across a classroom square in the chest. Left me gasping.
Cracking fella though. When I balls up my course work he let me sit my exam and come in a hour early everyday to catch up whilst listening to Neil Diamond.
the blackboard rubber seems a popular weapon of choice we had the strap aswell had that a few times we also had the wasp. basically the Pe Teachers knotted string onthe end of his whistle.if you were pyshing about he would sneak up behind and whip right round back of your legs. felt like a stinging wasp hence the name. if its was a bunch of us he would make us all line up. never told parents cause i would have been belted off them aswell
worst we had was a wet towel across your bare back by one of the games teachers - nearly brings tears just thinking about it
Worst was the upright part of a wooden labstand used by our chemistry teacher. Much worse than a proper cane, and left really deep bruises.
Kills me to say this, me dad was an Evertonian when very young kid.

he went to a game once, ran on the pitch an his teacher saw him.

next day he got the cane, the teacher knocked a bit of sense in him though. He stopped following the sh@te that day
One of my customers Joe was a teacher in the 60's and 70's and a scary one by all accounts...he was never a morning person and used to hit pupils for even approaching him in a morning..he used to shout "YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO APPROACH ME IN A MORNING!" and clip them round their heads.

He was also involved in a full brawl with a dog by the sounds of it and a right little cow.

His stories have me in stiches. :lol:
About the norm when I was at school in the 60's, ear twisted on a regular basis, ruler across the knuckles too. All from the same teacher. Absolute academic thug. I was only 7 years old at the time and not that badly behaved. In the last year a couple down the lane who we have become friends with, I found out she was a teacher at my school when I was there, she confirmed that teacher was not the full ticket. Amazing to find out she was one of my teachers, and do remember this young teacher in a little mini skirt, as you do and had a bit of a laugh about it with her. She is nearly 70 now.
About the norm when I was at school in the 60's, ear twisted on a regular basis, ruler across the knuckles too. All from the same teacher. Absolute academic thug. I was only 7 years old at the time and not that badly behaved. In the last year a couple down the lane who we have become friends with, I found out she was a teacher at my school when I was there, she confirmed that teacher was not the full ticket. Amazing to find out she was one of my teachers, and do remember this young teacher in a little mini skirt, as you do and had a bit of a laugh about it with her. She is nearly 70 now.

I love that story....what a coincedence..
Slightly off topic but your story reminds me; I was sitting next to a girl in class looking through a football book when I turned to a page with this pic:


Turns out it really was her dad. He's legendary in Everton football folklore.
Edited that wrong ^

As I turned the page she shouted "That's my dad!"
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