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web site bringing no business

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Gas Engineer
so we moved out of london to a village near Northampton and I had new website build and its number 1 on page 1 when you serch for a :

plumber in northampton ,

but I dont get any calls at all , had one call back in the summer and I earned £40 out of it .......

any views welcome ,web address is below ......

Plumber in Northampton Boiler Breakdown Service installation Repairs

do you get any business from websites ?
Tom the mans name is Andrew from Acr services . He build the web site and he is doing SEO. I am on page one but I don't get calls ....
When I was in London I used to get min 2 a week and also I still get some business from post cards some one delivered for me 3 years ago . Had a boiler change job out of this post cards 3 weeks ago :)
I was busy up to 1 week ago and had few boiler change jobs done , but last week and this is bad ....
I have a job booked in for Saturday and Sunday but nothing during the week ....
I don't know why I don't get any calls from web , must be a reason but I am sure is to do with the area I am targeting .....
Stan have just googled plumber northampton and gas engineer northampton and you have not come up on either over first five pages .

How come you think your number one on the search list??

When I search :
Plumber in Northampton
I see my web on page 1
Web is :
Sorry to hijack your thread Stan, but I'm thinking of setting up a website soon & saw your thread.

What's this google business thing being mentioned?

Was your site built by the guy recommended on here Stan? Do you mind me asking what you pay & are you happy with the site? (Apart from the lack of business it's generating so far of course)

Also I pay him £55 every month , and that is all I pay ! No extra charge for building web site

boiler guide

rated people

my builder

free index

all these at top plus other big nationals come top when i google plumber in northhampton
When I search for plumber in Northampton it comes up second from the bottom but I wouldn't search for plumber in Northampton. I would search for Northampton plumber and you are definitely not on the first page in that search.
so we moved out of london to a village near Northampton and I had new website build and its number 1 on page 1 when you serch for a :

plumber in northampton ,

but I dont get any calls at all , had one call back in the summer and I earned £40 out of it .......

any views welcome ,web address is below ......

Plumber in Northampton Boiler Breakdown Service installation Repairs

do you get any business from websites ?

I do get quite a lot of business from my website from Google Places.

I will be totally honest with you SGI. I think your website looks far too corporate, as though it's been made from a template by a company that does hundreds of them. I hate these websites as they don't really do anything to distinguish you from your competitors.

From what I can tell from reading your replies to me on the forum, your unique selling point is you are very quick and thus probably cheaper than a lot of your competitors. If this is the case you need to market this on your webpage. I don't know if it is, it's just the impression I get.

For instance, I can't find anything on your website that tells me anything about you, the owner of the company. I think that this is how people will decide on who to phone in a competitive market. What's your background, why should they call you instead of the next RGI?

The only other thing I would say is people want everything at their fingertips now. There is a contact page on your website with a form to get in touch, but I would recommend signposting people with a 'get quote' button instead. I think this could actually replace your contact page as your phone numbers are on the top of every page instead. Have a look at mine, it also automatically filters out people who are wanting small jobs done but are too far away: -

Lincoln Plumber & Electrician Quote Request - Step 1

I'm not saying my website is perfect at all, but have a look at my 'about us' page: -

About Dripbusters Plumber & Electrician - Dripbusters

Please take all this in the spirit in which it's intended, i.e. to be helpful.
just had another look and your on first page at the bottom this morning ,

i am the same as mike tho i would just google plumber northampton
An where am I ? It's on first page ?

It's only on the first page for you because you live at the same address as your business is registered on Google Places I imagine. If you have a Google Account make sure you log out from it before searching to get a better reflection.
Sorry just noticed you do have the contact form on your main page. The fact I missed it shows that it's not that effective imo. People have to scroll down to see it and if you're lazy like me you won't.
Sorry to keep posting. Stan, is your company a Ltd company? I seem to remember somewhere that it was. If it is, it's a legal requirement to post your company registration number and registered address on each page of your website. Look at the footer on mine.
Thank you for all your comments . It does actually help me to understand why I am not getting any business . It's difficult when you don't know any one to help you out and keep bumping to web designers and SEO experts that don't know all this key things .
The other thing is that if your domain name is less than 1 year old Google thinks your website is spam. After it's 1 year old you will see a leap in the search results and the amount of calls you get.

Domain name age is still one of the most important criteria for ranking highly on Google.

Also, try and get a few customer reviews on Google Places. One you have 10 or more you seem to get a good boost in search rankings too.
And finally, £55 a month is a shedload of money to keep paying out for a website. Is he doing any work for you on an ongoing basis for that?

To give you an idea, mine costs me around £20 per year for the domain name and hosting.
Have you moved around alot stan???

I lived in London (Ruislip ) for the last 8 years , but did not want to pay anymore £1250 rent for the 3 bed house so we decided to move out + London" was to much " This year in March we moved to a village outside Northampton .
I have been in uk for only 13years and over all I have been in the tread for 4 years .
i would give it more time people need to see your van around see your face etc etc , i said in earlier post everybody knows a plumber so when people get to know you i reckon you'l get more work .

need to walk before you can run , i dont advertise but have tried in the past and never worked out for me but the area i live is saturated with plumbs and gsr .Bet it will take a year or so before work load picks up
stan i think your time and money would be better spent learning a little web design. it's inexpensive anmd you can steal idea's sorry i'll rephrase that gain inspiration from other websites. its not as hard as you think with a web editor and a little research on seo.
Stan, if I search "Plumber Northampton" I get this:

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 09.46.53.jpg

I can't see your website there. Maybe that's part of the problem?
I got recommended a guy here 8 months ago, I am now number 1 on google maps for plumber aylesbury, aylesbury plumber, plumber in aylesbury, plumbers aylesbury. 2-3 calls a day. £35 a month. Best money I ever spent I have 4 weeks spare between now and Xmas. I am sure it will be filled up by end of October. But 50 per cent of my work is word of mouth. But I still have 50 per cent new customers which is essential to being busy

Doesnt sound like Andy from ACRC to me, can you pass me his number please mate
Feed back helps us all. I would possibly move ur phone number to 1/3 down on rhs. Brits read left to right. By default miss top left 1/3 when skimming a page. First thing u focus on is the woman on sofa.... Ur number wants to be below that?
Feed back helps us all. I would possibly move ur phone number to 1/3 down on rhs. Brits read left to right. By default miss top left 1/3 when skimming a page. First thing u focus on is the woman on sofa.... Ur number wants to be below that?

the man that build it is not a immigrant , he is english man :) pmsl
Yes I use acre, took 8 months to get up there, but I am up there. I pay 35 as I did the website myself, also I have separate pages for every village, Stan talk to Andrew about google maps and google Adwords as you may want some instant results whilst your website is getting going. Also rated people, don't pay them money, I got signed up and received calls from people even though I didn't bid for job. Will take a while as Northampton is huge but keep at it, results will be worth it.
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