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what do you use then peeps ,

ive final bit the bullet and signed up to linkedin ,

not bothered about FB etc never liked no one when i was at school so defo dont like them now and they all knew and know
Im on Facebook as a business, I'm going to try twitter as well, just to get my name about. Ive got a profle on linkedin but don't really use it.
I signed up to LinkedIn last week got invited by the people who funded my business, going to use it to advertise but it seems complicated so far
I think I'm gettn old bod... Friends and relatives keep asking me to get on facebook! "Phone me if you want to chat" I'll say.... was once on ICQ. Don't know if they're still going. Personally they're yet another invasion on my privacy. The flippin mobile is attached to me wherever I go, and that is enough for me!!! blah! blah!! Humbug!!!! lol
I can't stand the bloody things! I am not on any of them!

I would not actually know weather to like or not having never bothered even lookin. But if I have finnished on my 2 forums and want something to do I go in the garage and tinker with me bikes
social networking sites are good when your single for meeting wee durtys :p but it just gets you into trouble when your girlfriend can see who your chatting to lol
Not blowin smoke where it don`t shine but me new garage is nearly finnished IMG_0118.jpg
Quality, that's just rubbing salt in the wound.

I'll have my toys and some space to tinker with them one day....Just need to keep grafting!
How do you use Facebook for business? I don't use any of them but I cant see any reason for a Facebook business page

Its just to get your business name about. I started mine a wee while ago and I just post the odd helpful post. I have had folk contact me and I manage to get a few enquiries. Its always free advertising, especially if friends of friends mention it.
Heres mine, but its nothing special.
CES Heating & Plumbing Services (Scotland) Ltd - Local business - Livingston, United Kingdom | Facebook
Dunno, never really tracked it, I suppose it cant harm it. I got the idea off a mate of mine who runs a pub, he posts crap on it but he gets his business name out there.
Started a facebook page for the business but not got any hits. Maybe I need to do something else with it? Not sure, not got time to mess about.
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