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shes a gonner

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Move this Lee. It's better to have a debate like this in the Arms .Guaranteed to get too heated for public forum.
Zeb, do you remember what Britain was like in the 1970s, before Mrs Thatcher came into power?
You don't remember the 'winter of discontent' then, everybody calls Maggie but I can't actually recall many other PM's giving us anything better. 3 day working week, unions striking to show they ruled, I don't think we can blame everything on her.
I was born in 68, personally I liked her but on the other hand the wife was born in 62 and hates her for taking away her school milk. Either way RIP.
She set the wheels in motion so to speak. If she hadn't had ruined industry the banks wouldn't have the power they have today, they know there holding this country up and act accordingly

What industry? We were lazy and needed a kick up the arse.
She may have improved the south but she destroyed the north, people talk about 3 day working week. My dad was lucky to stay in work a lot of my uncles and my dads friends where not they had a 0 day working week.
What industry? We were lazy and needed a kick up the arse.

So to kick us the arse she put the majority of the north on the dole and the ones who resisted in prison? His did that work?
No I don't, I was born in 1980

It was a pretty rubbish time to be honest, and it probably defined my political outlook. Have a google of the three day week, the winter of discontent or the history of labour relations of that time.

I know that Mrs T is a pretty divisive figure, but its not fair to judge her until you have a feel for what the alternatives were.
I hate the woman. I watched everyone round me struggle to live whilst her and her mates enjoyed fine wine!
It was a pretty rubbish time to be honest, and it probably defined my political outlook. Have a google of the three day week, the winter of discontent or the history of labour relations of that time.

I know that Mrs T is a pretty divisive figure, but its not fair to judge her until you have a feel for what the alternatives were.

Liverpool stayed that way if not worse for most of the 80's/90's.
I think the 3 day week was brought about by a very strong union going on strike. This depleted the coal stocks which reduced the available electricity which gave industry a short time.
Liverpool stayed that way if not worse for most of the 80's/90's.

I lived in Scotland and Wales as I was growing up, but never Merseyside, so I didn't see it. I seem to recall that you had a rampantly left wing council in the 80s. What was his name? Hatton?
Although he wasn't actually in charge just the public speaker, he was bent as a nine bob note!
John Hamilton was the council leader at the time had to google that couldn't remember his name.
I didn't like her or her policies, but at least she "humped" you from the front back then, not like the weasels in politics nowadays.
unions were always on a loser, not changed much today either, you just have to look at Bob The fireman, quaffing champers and eating caviar while preaching to his members about "solidarity".
You just have to look at Bob The fireman, quaffing champers and eating caviar while preaching to his members about "solidarity".

Or Scargill in a legal battle with NUM over his "lifetime right" to live rent free in a £1.5m london apartment.

I despise almost all the current crop - politicians, union leaders, quangocrats etc. Professional scroungers, entitlement junkies (both sorts) and two-faced, serf-serving, career liars. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Brown, but Cameron and Osbourne are giving it a damned good try.

No one should be allowed to be an MP until they have done at least 10 years real work in a proper job, not as an activist or "researcher". And if you want to be health minister, you really should have worked as a doctor or nurse, if defence secretary you should be ex-services, business secretary should be a successful businessman etc.
One of my claims to fame back in late 90s did a job at his bungalow in Barnsley told scragill
I would like to nominate Ray Stafford for the next prime minister.
Or Scargill in a legal battle with NUM over his "lifetime right" to live rent free in a £1.5m london apartment.

I despise almost all the current crop - politicians, union leaders, quangocrats etc. Professional scroungers, entitlement junkies (both sorts) and two-faced, serf-serving, career liars. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Brown, but Cameron and Osbourne are giving it a damned good try.

No one should be allowed to be an MP until they have done at least 10 years real work in a proper job, not as an activist or "researcher". And if you want to be health minister, you really should have worked as a doctor or nurse, if defence secretary you should be ex-services, business secretary should be a successful businessman etc.

Ill second that! The political system needs a massive overhaul! There all as bad as each other! The never ending circle between the torys and labour is old and detrimental to the country!
No, you could get it on 'grandfathers rights'
She believed in her policies, however misguided and was a real politician.
She laid the foundations of the mess we are in today i.e an economy that relies on house prices to keep it bouyant and produces ziltch.
All the things that should be in public ownership like power, water and transport are run by faceless monopolies who increase prices at will.
As someone born in 1958 things were not as bad in the pre Thatcher time as some would paint it.
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