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Rogue Traders presenter jailed for fraud

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i posted it up a few weeks ago so he,s been jailed good greedy barstewerd
Penteado was rumbled when a housing benefit officer working for Bournemouth Borough Council recognised him on TV.

after what? 4 years.....
sharp as *****'s that lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is this where the term 'career criminals' come from?.

then there on more than me lol.
12weeks 24k sounds good to me where can i apply?

Ah but you're one of the masses Steve, not on TV, so you would most likely get 5 years with a cellmate called "Tripod" and a repossession order on everything you own or even thought about owning..
I wonder if they'll let him keep his bike leathers on in the showers?

Thats when they'll come for him!
it is a bizzarre story, wonder what his mate Mat will make of it?

He's probably found the mpg on the bike has gone up, and there's another 10 mph on the top end.

Never know, he might end up with Ann Robinson riding pillion soon - the ultimate back seat driver!

"MY, my, call yourself a biker: DO YOU?" ... etc, etc.
It won't surprise me if the BBC take him back on (maybe not on WD) - they like to be seen as PC, so will probably do it to show that they're doing the right thing by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

I'm usually sympathetic with people who get caught out because they've taken on a part-time job to earn a few extra quid to make ends meet and haven't signed off, but what he has done is plain greedy, and stupid.

Apart from claiming benefit when on very good money, did he not think about being recognised, bearing in mind that he's on national TV on a regular basis??

Now if he'd gone for the job as the Stig, he might have got away with it!

What a plonker!
laughed a lot when i heard this on radio, but he did get away with it for 4 years, so maybe he just thought if i cant beat them why not join them! seems the crooks rarely get caught and the rest of us struggle to earn a crust.. In a way I am glad he is only doing 12 weeks...after all, we' re footing the bill for his three meals a day for that time. Maybe his bike could be sold and the money given to some local charity... Of course you can expect the 'celebrity' interviews after his release, and the sob story release in hello mag...maybe i am just synical
I expect they sent him down as an example to any single parents who might be tempted to do a few hours work when claiming benefits in order to help feed their kids.

Perhaps having run short of extreme cases of benefit fraud to bash the welfare state with, the media have decided to create some in order to perpetuate the myth that people on benefits are living the life of Riley with a 4x4 and a Villa in Spain in the background.
I have been busy for a while and am laid up at mo, so feel like having a rant. There are enough benefit fraudsters out there to sort the uk ecomomy out imho, but the real fraudsters are the ones who draft their money out of the system thus putting more pressure on the general public..for example the owner of the burton group whose money is frittered away in tax havens and gave his wife a cool million pounds bonus...and all those account holders paying his exhorbitant interest charges not realising by the time they have repaid their account the item has cost three times list of the biggest ever scams imho
As HMRC would say: "That's another million gone for a Burton!"

Should be up for a Knighthood, and husband of the year any time soon.
If its good enough for parliament,then who are we to do different.imo
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