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Gas training

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I am thinking about a change in career by doing a combined plumbing and gas engineering course, can any body recommend a provider or give me advice on whether the courses are worth the money.
Amongst the replies is a genuine desire not to see money wasted on courses that promise much and deliver little. Some are designed with inbuilt failure criteria and minimal feedback so the student blames himself for lack of progress, whilst course takes even more money for numerous resits before core subject is even taught. I wish you well and urge caution in equal measure.
A voice of reason, many thanks, already decided it is not the way to go, guess I will have to bite the bullet and employ a professional. Just like to do things myself, far more satisfying.
I'm glad you got some ideas. In plumbing and gas business, one calls a spade a spade.
Like it! Fuel-burning apparatus person calls an earth-inverting horticultural implement an earth-inverting horticultural implement.

Hey, Ray! I wanted to get Baxi Platinum combi and your boys are telling me – We don’t do them. Is it right!?
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Hey, Ray! I wanted to get Baxi Platinum combi and your boys are telling me – We don’t do them. Is it right!?

Afraid not Alex.

Well, to be specific, we could get you one, but it would be ridiculously expensive as we would have to buy it as a single purchase, and we prefer not to do that.

We can do you a great line in Worcester, Vaillant, Ideal, Glowworm, Intergas, Main, or Baxi 200 or Baxi 400 series, but Baxi go out of their way to make it hard for most independents to sell Duotec and Platinum at a competitive price.
I am thinking about a change in career by doing a combined plumbing and gas engineering course, can any body recommend a provider or give me advice on whether the courses are worth the money.

Forget plumbing/gas
Start up a monumental mason business (headstones etc)
If you are a stone mason it wouldn't be much of a step I don't suppose
The ones that are around me are constantly busy and have a waiting time of 6/8 months
Come to think of it, I'll swap you my tools for yours :smart:
Thanks, did that for a number of years but have carpal tunnel syndrome which means I can no longer hold a chisel all day.
Not worth doing the quick courses, they'll teach you everything and make you do exams whilst it's fresh in your mind. By the time you take the second exam you would have forgotten about the first lot and so on. Get started on a course and go work for someone who is experienced and willing to help you. Apprentices and beginners cost a lot in screw ups so no many one man bands would take you on apply for big companies and show your keen. It's not an easy trade
Thanks, did that for a number of years but have carpal tunnel syndrome which means I can no longer hold a chisel all day.
For my twopennys worth if you have hand problems then this is not the trade for you
They are not worth it mate, do some research on here for a start.

There is a guy on here called SteveWannadoGas why not PM him, he has / is going through this he might be able to give you some direct advice.

He`s passed it. :) (And past it)!
Tillers & Plasters are like rocking horse poo around this area and the one's that you can find charge a lot more than Plumbers, only need small van/estate car , tool outlay less than 1K, No need to keep doing courses every 5 years, as a Plaster if you take to it you could be earning good money in 12Mths, Why does everyone want to be a Plumber ??????

Because plumbers can do emergency work that pays very well. Plastering is rarely an emergency.
When plumbing goes wrong: Plasterer, who boards and plasters ceiling will earn better than plumber whose leak damaged original.

Good thinking. Maybe we should all become plasterers? It`s clearly a better job.
Let's all become plastererererers and wave our hands in the air like we just don't care (how tedious it is)

Forget plumbing/gas
Start up a monumental mason business (headstones etc)

I know a monumental mason.

Well, actually he's not all that good.
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