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Do Web Sites Work

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Do web sites bring in work for small plumbing/heating/gas fitting type business? Or are they just a necessary expense to join others? What are your thoughts?
Mine definitely works and is profitable but on a small scale. I designed and built my own (saving around £300?) and pay under £7 a month and probably get one or two jobs a month. I also think it serves as a confirmation for potential customers when they look in the phone book.

Apart from my van it's my only regular form of advertising (the rest of the jobs coming from recommendation).
Don't know really!

It does help but as don'tknowitall says on a small scale. Lets be honest the likes of Screwfix must spend millions on advertising we can't compete at that level.

Must admit I like websites, but then I am a Plumber looking at Plumbing websites because I am interested in Plumbing. A potential customer is not usually a Plumber so you have to attract them somehow and don't forget many of the people looking for Plumbers are probably women and they don't usually like techie stuff whereas men sometimes do.

Women usually want fit and forget at a decent price when it comes to repair and choice when it comes to the likes of bathrooms, showers, rads and kitchen stuff. They don't usually want a high tech boiler just a simple reliable one with a very easy to use programmer.
mine costs £3 a month from create , easily brings in more the most revenue per month .
Mine costs nothing....made my own using iWeb on my macbook.....easy. Doesn't bring in much work but being on Google maps and FreeIndex (both free) does, both giving click through to my website.
It gives me a presence on the web, helps custards find me when googling plumbers in my area etc but I think the work it brings in is minimal but I do think it's good to have one.

I built mine and it costs me £2.99 a month to host it. It has been running 3 years and has had something like 3500 views since creation.

EDIT: cripes just checked and it has had 7477 visits, I'm surprised.
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My God guys, you are a bit behind the times. We have had this conversation before - ever heard of search engine optimisation? You cant expect to knock up a website yourself, and for it to be profitable.

I have a backgrpound in web design, and have done quite a few myself. In this day and age it is the only place you need to advertise - and most of it is free, aside from getting an expert to design it for you!
i think its good to have a website mine was designed by a friend of the family - i would never design my own (as i couldnt get it as professional looking as the one ive got.

how much work i get from that is questionable but i think it looks more professional to have a well designed website and something for new customers to refer to...

not a massive expense - costs 50 a year to host, nearly 300 to design and whatever to register the www. names.
My God guys, you are a bit behind the times. We have had this conversation before - ever heard of search engine optimisation? You cant expect to knock up a website yourself, and for it to be profitable.

I have a backgrpound in web design, and have done quite a few myself. In this day and age it is the only place you need to advertise - and most of it is free, aside from getting an expert to design it for you!

SEO is what I'm going for, think all go with a cheap website to start with though guys making me a domain name n website for £70.
OUr website brings in most of our new customers and has made a significant percentage of our profit for us. I built it myself with bt web hosting for 4.99 a month, researched seo and did it myself. I nearly paid 500 quid to have it done professionally but I'm so glad I didn't as they would've rushed me into something that they wanted rather than what I wanted.

I only built it in the summer and now we are on the first page of google for all our relevant local searches such as southport plumber, southport gas engineer, southport heating etc and in some cases we are top. Best thing I ever did! if u want to have a look.
yes having a website does get you enquiries and gives customer a good impression. Go to google sites and you can build one and have it hosted for free through some organisation called Getting British Business Online. You do need to spend a fair bit of time building it and you need to sign up to google maps,yell, biswiki, your local authority website etc to make sure you get viewings. I have only registered with free listings. you will get a few calls wanting you to pay for advertising but Id say its worth doing
You guys might not be aware of this but Google has made a massive change recently in the way it is serving local business results. They have launched a service called Google Places which enables local businesses to claim their local listing which show above normal listings in google (you dont even need a website). If you guys have not claimed you listing yet, and your address is quite central (central listings are known perform better) you seriously need to do so before somebody steals it (seen it happen for US listings)
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Have to agree with AVATAR I am spending a lot of my time and money on my website as done correctly and professionally utilising SEO and various other design techniques I am hoping will bring me a lot of business.

Through talking to customers of the company i currently work for the majority look at websites and even base whether to use them or not on how they look! You would be suprised how many people have said this to me....young and old!
personally If a website doesn't look good or professionally done, it puts me off so I'm aiming for a good looking website.
I nearly paid 500 quid to have it done professionally but I'm so glad I didn't as they would've rushed me into something that they wanted rather than what I wanted.

Wow, £500 just for the web design!


Im thinking i might offer my services on this forum
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I always think its better to do these things yourself as then you have a better understanding of whats going on in your business. On the other hand it took me ages to get my website done so maybe paying £300 wouldn't of been such a bad option. Its quite easy to make a decent looking website on iweb for the mac but getting it found by google is much harder this helped me though Top Search Engine Rankings for Your iWeb Website | iWeb SEO Tool for Mac OS X.
Wow, £500 just for the web design!

Im thinking i might offer my services on this forum .
not without asking permission through admin first though, eh!!!!!!!!!
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My website cost me £400.00 it's not bought me in any work, but its an easy place to direct clients to, so that they can contact me and see my details.

If you work hard enough at it, I hear website can bring in loads of work. I'm established and don't need anymore work, most of mine comes from recomendations and regular clients.

Do a good job for people, leave a few cards, and always turn up when you say you will, and do quality work, and your business will grow.

I'm updating my website next month, it'll cost me another £100, but I feel its money well spent to have a proffesional site, and image. I wouldn't dream of having a go at building one. What a pilaver! Writing on this forum and playing Xbox is as high tech as I get!
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