
  1. uksoundz

    Help with unblocking whirlpool bath

    Hi I have these air jets in the base of my bath and when I switch the pump on only one works, it started working and lots of grime came out so I suspect all are blocked Does anyone know of a way to clean these and remove them? I’ve tried myself to no avail. Also; interestingly when I...
  2. M

    Can’t remove these sink taps

    Morning all, struggling to get these taps off - no screws that I can see and cap doesn’t seem to want to pop off. Concerned I’m going to damage them if I force them. Any ideas ?
  3. B

    Struggling to remove the tops of these bath taps.

    I'm struggling to remove or even find where to remove the cap off these taps. I've tried prising it off twisting and multiple things to remove the cap to get inside. I'm out of ideas....
  4. gb17342

    Identify these pipes?

    Hello, anyone know what these pipes are? I'm guessing the black pipe could be iron or lead gutter pipe as it goes in to what seems to be a gutter down pipe (the down pipe is next to the soil pipe and is slightly smaller so presume it's the gutter pipe). However it seems to be around 50mm wide...
  5. W

    Are these pipes acceptable?

    We had a leak from our boiler which meant I had to take up the flooring. This was a bathroom, but we want a utility room, so will be putting in the washing machine. I don't know if these pipes are accetable though? We need the water feed (on the left) and the pipe for the waste (you can see on...
  6. M

    Will these isolation valves be ok like this for a few weeks?

    I’ve removed the sink from downstairs cloakroom as we are getting new flooring and a new vanity unit and sink installed over the next few weeks. I’m now thinking maybe these isolation valves may not be ok left like this?? If they were going to leak it fail in some way surely they would have by now??
  7. townfanjon

    Really struggling on here these days

    Sorry, @Dan , @Shaun, what’s altered over the last couple of weeks , bloody adverts united , forums so hard work .
  8. G

    Can someone tell me what these scorch marks are?

    I'm assuming either from the installation of this (or a previous) boiler, or issues with the last boiler? Intending to buy the house and the other half is concerned. Any advice would be appreciated! Dan
  9. G

    What are these valves called and can I replace with gate valves?

    Hello all, this set up in the attached image was what we inherited when moving in. The balancing valve on the 15 mm bypass and the isolator on the 22mm pipe emerging from the bottom of the cylinder heating coil are both dribbling in the circular recess where the square head sits. My intention is...
  10. gmartine

    Pump fitting, where can you get these?

  11. B

    These taps have me stumped!

    I need to disassemble this tap to repair the valves. But for the life of me I can't work out how to take off the knob caps! No grub screw, the top can't be prised off, it doesn't unscrew... Anyone got any ideas? Thanks!
  12. B

    Can anyone identify these two taps please?

    Any help to identify the Manufacturer and or model would be much appreciated
  13. L

    Any ideas on how to bleed these valves?

    Hi all, my towel rail is only half heating up and I'm guessing it needs bleeding, thing is it hasn't got your usual bleed valves installed, so how do I go about bleeding this rail? Hmm it won't let me add pics??. Basically its a flat head screwdriver kind of valve head, I've tried searching on...
  14. F

    Help identifying what these pipes are for

    Hello all, I was clearing out my first floor bedroom built-in cabinet and saw these pipework in the image. I'm not 100% sure what they are for. The only thing I can think of it for the central heating system as the pipes seem to go quite high (quite a but higher than radiators in my house)...
  15. gmartine

    Are these worth anything?

    I've had these very attractive smallish cast iron period (which one) single panel rads for years as they came out of my old place but been meaning to use them for something but you know how it is. Dunno what to do with them really as I'm having a recycling centre, ebay or scrap...
  16. P

    Does anyone know where I would find a new one of these?

    Originally purchased at Tradelink in 2009, Orbit Hand Shower System 5 with Overhead Shower and Hand Piece. I believe it was a Caroma product. See from the image and video the mixer and outlet are part of the shower rail and if we cant find a replacement it will be a huge task to replace, meaning...
  17. R

    Do these regulation valves also firmly isolate pipe work?

    Hi. Will this crane regulator valve act as an isolation valve too allowing for alterations? Many thanks.
  18. J

    Can I reuse these pipes or will I need new ones?

    I want to move these two 22m water pipes closer to the wall - the pipes were never chased into the plaster but fitted onto the wall. Now the plaster has been moved I was thinking of moving the pipes nearer to the brick and then covering with plasterboard. Will I be able to reuse these pipes or...
  19. L

    Which way do you fit these corner sink brackets?

    Never fitted a corner sink and am unsure how the brackets should be used? I'm putting in wood fixing behind plasterboard today so thought I would dry run fitting the sink. Fitting the brackets as in the top pic leaves a gap all round the sink making it unstable. The bottom method makes the sink...
  20. A

    Advice on some of these please...

    I bought these (not the ones in the image, what they sent) Ratchet Tool for 0.5mm²-10mm² Ferrules -, however I had to return them as the crimps kept getting stuck, nearly broke the wire getting it out. I was considering these Ferrule Kit -...
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