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What do you class as drinking too much?

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
As title really? What would you say is the definition between a social few and stepping over the line is.

The wife says I drink too much, which is hypercritical to say the lease, as we met in a pub, drunk. Albeit me more than her.

I used to drink most evenings, either down the pub or a few at home. At one point it did become a little bit out of control - maybe a bottle of Cpt Morgans a night or at least 2/3s. However for one reason or another I wasn't in the best time of my life then.

Now I tend to stick to the weekends only, maybe a couple of cans on a Thursday,but, generally just Friday and Saturday night - either down the local or at home. consume roughly the same amount, 8-10 pints on Friday and Saturday.

I don't think this to be excessive? Although I appreciate it's what has become known as binge drinking.

I've been going to the pub every Friday after work since I was 15. I suppose it's just become a habit?

How much do you guys drink?
I use to drink heavy on weekends friday and all day sat/sunday benders .

Now i drink on occasions birthdays or out for meals etc

Feel much better for it .

What is drinking to much? If you drink every night even just one or two i would wonder why
I don't tend to have one or two. As once I start, then that's it. I do sometimes wish I would knock it on the head completely. Even just for the kids sakes. Both my parents drink a fair amount, which is probably where mine comes from. Don't really want my kids to follow suit. I do only drink once they're in bed though.
I hardly drink but when I do o get lashed up quickly.

I used to drink 20 years ago in my twenties but now at 45 very rare

Never drink at home, parents didn't drink at home.

Go out maybe once every other month with a mate, 4-5 pints and I'm slurring!! Having a great time but the hangovers are bad. They take 2/3 maybe 4 days to go!
7 nights a week is beer & wine to de stress me, I say stress but it`s the utter boredom and knowing tomorrow is going to be another Groundhog Day.
I think drinking 8-10 pints at home is excessive but what do I know?! Not drunk capt Morgans for years, I used to love a drop of that.
subliminally I probably think it to be excessive, probably why I'm asking here - to find someone who drinks more! I never used to drink at home, It's only since the kids and not having much spare time; or people willing to babysit lol.
Most people i know who drink on week nights is because i find they seem bored ,

i do fair bit of swimming in eves at moment stops boredom setting in
Most people i know who drink on week nights is because i find they seem bored ,

i do fair bit of swimming in eves at moment stops boredom setting in

I agree with this. When I get home, if it isn't to late I will take the kids to the park or out on the bikes. Then once they're in bed I will go swimming or out on the bike myself- Or do invoicing/ book keeping. Joys
What do you do RPM, you SE on on the cards?

PAYE, repairing, service or replacing macerators Mark, also train the newbies which is about the only time the boredom lifts. Problem is after +12yrs I can honestly say I`ve been there, done it and got the T-shirt! Even have customers say "You still doing it?" but it`s good when they say "I`m glad it`s you, not the last one" which makes me feel good.
Tend to drink only friday and saturday either at home or i go out. I reckon i have between 8 & 12 pints. I will have a few if ive had a good day during the week but never on a bad day it just makes you feel worse
Tend to drink only friday and saturday either at home or i go out. I reckon i have between 8 & 12 pints. I will have a few if ive had a good day during the week but never on a bad day it just makes you feel worse

Just like that northern song... Go down pub, have ten pints, get totally plastered...;)
Mate, I don't mean to sound like a smart bum, but if you are asking the question, then you know the answer.

Me? Too much sometimes. I went 4 years on the wagon a while ago, mostly just to prove to myself that I could.
Mate, I don't mean to sound like a smart bum, but if you are asking the question, then you know the answer.

Me? Too much sometimes. I went 4 years on the wagon a while ago, mostly just to prove to myself that I could.

Yep I agree, as I said - I'd quite like to go a year or so without a drop. Just not sure I could!
Yep I agree, as I said - I'd quite like to go a year or so without a drop. Just not sure I could!

Think you oughta do a week without mate, at the very least the Mrs will get off your back and that probably means more to her than you realise. Once got a call from a mates wife about this very subject.
more than 2 coffees and I need to pee, alcohol is the same, but dont realy use it nowadays. Back in the days, had a couple at lunch and numerous in the evening as it was so cheap onboard HMs vessel!!
I'm a firm advocate for binge drinking. Be that good or bad I only drink at weekends as that's the only time I see my lady at the mo. We like to unwind together over a bottle or three it's not ideal but it keeps us sane :wink:
Mate, I don't mean to sound like a smart bum, but if you are asking the question, then you know the answer.

Me? Too much sometimes. I went 4 years on the wagon a while ago, mostly just to prove to myself that I could.

I went dry for 18 months and weirdly it cost me an awesome woman and nearly my livelihood. I just didn't socialise so didn't pick up those jobs in the pub or those friends of friends that need some bits doing. I think the actual socialising/advertising of your trade is actually a big thing as long as your not some pi55ed up fool falling over himself and can actually say the word plumber :smile:
Ive had a drink almost every day for the last thirty years haven't had a hangover but had to do a medical a few years ago which meant three weeks dry I really thought I was addicted and wouldn't be able to do it it was a piece of cake only prob I had was getting to sleep the first two nights it made me feel better knowing that I was not addicted (don't like to use alcoholic) I only drink lager or cider never spirits app 8 a night which is way above what I should..brum
My disappointment at being on the wagon for four months is that I still feel rough in the morning. The upside is a healthier bank account.
I often worry that I drink too much. I usually have 3 bottles of beer a night and if I go out I could have anything from 3 to I think the most I've drank in a day was 18 but usually anything up to 10.

The time that I worry the most is when I go out with the girlfriends friends or family where I'm usually drinking 1 1/2 pints to their pint and I'm usually the one that can still walk properley.
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