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Things I hate when driving...

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1) People who stop when they get to an empty roundabout. ARGH! Just drive on there's no one coming!

2) People who come to a virtual standstill when going around a corner. ARGH!

3) People who are sat in front of me at the lights and when they go green take FOREVER to get going then nip through the lights and leave me behind as they've turned red again. ARGH!

4) People who leave about 5 cars distance between themselves and the car in front in a jam. If everyone did that this queue would be 10 miles long! ARGH!

5) People who ACTUALLY DRIVE SLOWER THAN THE LIMIT! Jeez. Can you believe people actually do this!?

Can you tell I am an impatient driver?

Anymore for anymore?
1) People who stop when they get to an empty roundabout. ARGH! Just drive on there's no one coming!

2) People who come to a virtual standstill when going around a corner. ARGH!

3) People who are sat in front of me at the lights and when they go green take FOREVER to get going then nip through the lights and leave me behind as they've turned red again. ARGH!

4) People who leave about 5 cars distance between themselves and the car in front in a jam. If everyone did that this queue would be 10 miles long! ARGH!

5) People who ACTUALLY DRIVE SLOWER THAN THE LIMIT! Jeez. Can you believe people actually do this!?

Can you tell I am an impatient driver?

Anymore for anymore?
lucky you dont live in London !
If I have to drive in London I'm usually OK as I've mentally prepared myself for a day of hell.

Its when you live in the sticks like I do, and you have a bad day on the roads that you feel the blood pressure rising. I really do despise driving!!
i dont like:
the drivers that hit brakes when going on motorway and there is no one in front of them .......
the drivers that are cutting me in and then run away when i try to have a chat with them about it last one nearly run me over ......
dont like "bad boy " drivers who think there little car is the fastest thing and they have the rights to cut you and go in front of you and that are doing many stupid thing without knowing how to actually handle there vehicles
dont like the rich range rover drivers that thing that they have the rights to brake the low cos they have a expensive cars specially there is this bad boy rich ******** i wish i could list there original nationality
list will never end .........

ps.but not that i am the best driver
One of my favourites was me travelling at 30mph. Bang on. Why? Cos there was a police car behind me.

About 50 yards before the national speed limit he started overtaking me.

At the national speed limit I'd changed down to 2nd gear and he was alongside me.

Oops, my right foot slipped ... next thing I knew was I was doing 55mph then 60 and he was dropping back behind me ...

Bet he was pleased with me?!

Not ...

But he didn't have the guts to pull me over.
i have a tuned diesel 75 it will go from cruising at 70 to 100 in about 4 seconds,i have to watch it dont get me banned but it puts a bloody big grin on my face as i put all the audis,beemers and other expensive stuff to shame:teeth_smile:
Back in the 50's my dad and aunt owned an Austin 30 - with a Porsche engine tucked inside ...

I don't know the specifications but what I do know is how much they enjoyed surprising the Surrey motoring elite!
Back in the 50's my dad and aunt owned an Austin 30 - with a Porsche engine tucked inside ...

I don't know the specifications but what I do know is how much they enjoyed surprising the Surrey motoring elite!
i have fitted to my 75 a tuning box,a x power upgrade,cold air intake mod,and egr bypass it left the factory with 119 bhp on a recent rolling road its putting out 170 bhp all this from the same diesel engine fitted to later freelanders
Driving is boring. Doing everything correctly (timely signalling, correct distances, remembering where you're going) requires that you pay attention to something boring. I'm incapable of doing that - I need to seek the refuge of daydreams. This entails some swerving and last minute panic moves. I drive slowly because if I didn't I'd crash 4 or 5 times a day. The most common thing I say out loud to myself when driving is "Jesus, that was close, maybe we should start paying attention? Hmm?"

Plus it's a statistical impossibility that everyone is apparently a good driver but sees little but bad drivers when they leave the house. I think driving turns people into hypocrites. 'If you cut me up I'm going to hunt you down and kill you. If I cut you up, chill out!" a comedian tweeted recently. When you're driving just under the limit because you're deep in thought or you're trying to spot a specific turning in an unfamiliar area the person driving right up your boot is an impatient bully. But when the situation is reversed the person ahead is clearly a dithering moron who can't read speed limit signs.

Also isn't it barmy that driving - the mode of everyday locomotion where we find ourselves moving the fastest - is the one that makes us most impatient? Even crawling in a traffic jam we're still going to get where we're going faster than all other forms of transport available to us. And in greater comfort.

I remember a TV programme about road-rageheads and a chap pointed out that the level of annoyance you feel towards the pensioner reacting slowly in the car infront would disappear if you found yourself behind him in a queue for a cash machine or in a shop. Being in a car makes people mental. Slow/unskilled/unthinking/dithery/poor driving is a tiny crime compared to aggressive driving.
My no.1 pet hate is some lazy git leaving their shopping trolley in the middle of a parking bay instead of taking it back the 10 yards to the damn trolley bay. I've hit 2 trolleys with the van because I didn't see them while reversing out.

And no.2 is the pricing con in petrol stations. Why the hell can't they round up the price to £1.45 instead of £144.9p? Is it because the price makes it look cheaper? 0.9p mate, what a price I'm paying. ****!

Grumpy old (unwell) man, rant over.
one what annoys me is psycho drivers who think everyone else should get out of their way as they are more important than me, and anyone who has a temper,
PS the speed limit is the maximum you are allowed to drive, NOT a statement that you MUST drive at that speed, its all about the conditions, take a chill pill man

I not that bad really - was exaggerating for comic effect! Most of the time I am fairly chilled its just sometimes I get wound up. Please don't think I ride up peoples arises with smoke coming out my ears cuz I am not really like that.
Came across one I'd forgotten about today. One way road, two lanes at the end, tosser in van in front of me sits in the left lane indicating right when I want to turn left. Even worse there was a queue of traffic to the right so he couldn't go anywhere but was blocking me and the cars behind me from turning left.
had one today, where someone pulls out from a give way while you are approaching them at speed, vans take longer to brake than cars luckily i didnt wipe him out and he gives me a look as if im the arse beeping at him
Many years ago I was reading a report by the Dept of Transport. They'd done a survey or *** many drivers. The report was 'angels and demons'.

One question asked was what is your pet hate about motoring? A high response was people not sticking to the speed limit.

Next question was if you had to choose something else? people not indicating correctly or not indicating at all.

They then asked the same drivers 'Have you been in a new town and being unsure where you are have slowed down' Oh yes.

In that strange town have you ever seen the turning you need and just turned by mistake or indicated late' Yes, for sure.

Its about perspective, many of the faults that annoy us we do ourselves. Where was my next job, Oh thats right, should have indicated. etc etc. Driving is also a state of mind, suns out your in a good mood the days going well, your not late driving is less of an annoyance.

However, the one thing that always, without fail annoys me is rudeness. If I cut someone up or do something stupid I always put my hand up 'Sorry mate, I'm a muppet'

If someone cuts me up all I need is an acknowledgement and the hate disipates. I agree with another poster, if the lane is closing and has been advertised for the last 1 mile don't cut in front of me! my point about this is you wouldn't jump the queue in the bank or marks and sparks why do it here!

And, you are not here to regulate my speed, if its 2am and I want to jump on my motorbike get out of the outside lane on the M25 and into the slow lane, I have politely flashed you 'warned you about my prescence' I expect you to move into the middle or inside lane because they are clear. When I move into the middle lane 'don't behave like an arse and then move into that lane'

The last point is car snobbery. Yes, you may have a BMW M5 or a Merc or a X5 etc. They don't impress me in the slightest, I can drive around any poor area in Essex and see these cars, it doesn't give you the right to be rude.
The last point is car snobbery. Yes, you may have a BMW M5 or a Merc or a X5 etc. They don't impress me in the slightest, I can drive around any poor area in Essex and see these cars, it doesn't give you the right to be rude.

Good point.

But this is one of those opinions I hold but I distrust because it's definetly an opnion I'd like to hold. And self-interested opinions are the shortest route to unscrutinized ones. I genuinely want to believe that those in elaborate, ostentatious cars are more bullying and discourteous than others. And I'm half convinced I see it all the time. Indeed I do. But is it a bit like saying, "God! It always rains when I forget my coat!" i.e. of course, it doesn't. but the times you make a point of remembering where the ones when it did.

Do we make a less impacting mental record of the rudeness of drivers in rubbish cars than those in expensive cars? I half suspect we might. But both might of course be true. We may dispropotionately demonise those in expensive cars AND they may disproportionately act like lord and lady road-hog too.

I've never driven a nice car so have no personal experience of whether it would embue me with a sense of importance and entitlement. I'd like to think it wouldn't...
Many years ago I was reading a report by the Dept of Transport. They'd done a survey or *** many drivers. The report was 'angels and demons'.

One question asked was what is your pet hate about motoring? A high response was people not sticking to the speed limit.

Next question was if you had to choose something else? people not indicating correctly or not indicating at all.

They then asked the same drivers 'Have you been in a new town and being unsure where you are have slowed down' Oh yes.

In that strange town have you ever seen the turning you need and just turned by mistake or indicated late' Yes, for sure.

Its about perspective, many of the faults that annoy us we do ourselves. Where was my next job, Oh thats right, should have indicated. etc etc. Driving is also a state of mind, suns out your in a good mood the days going well, your not late driving is less of an annoyance.

However, the one thing that always, without fail annoys me is rudeness. If I cut someone up or do something stupid I always put my hand up 'Sorry mate, I'm a muppet'

If someone cuts me up all I need is an acknowledgement and the hate disipates. I agree with another poster, if the lane is closing and has been advertised for the last 1 mile don't cut in front of me! my point about this is you wouldn't jump the queue in the bank or marks and sparks why do it here!

And, you are not here to regulate my speed, if its 2am and I want to jump on my motorbike get out of the outside lane on the M25 and into the slow lane, I have politely flashed you 'warned you about my prescence' I expect you to move into the middle or inside lane because they are clear. When I move into the middle lane 'don't behave like an arse and then move into that lane'

The last point is car snobbery. Yes, you may have a BMW M5 or a Merc or a X5 etc. They don't impress me in the slightest, I can drive around any poor area in Essex and see these cars, it doesn't give you the right to be rude.

Couldn't agree with you more on every point there, SS!
Old people. There I said it. I'm really happy for them, they've got all the time in the world happily retired. But I havent, I've got jobs to get to, I'm not interested in the scenery or slowing down to see if I can catch every red light on my way. Rant over. Oh and also people who don't know what side of the road we drive on in the uk. If a car is parked on the on coming traffics way, they have to give way. Your not supposed to drive on the wrong side of the road when traffics coming towards you. Rant definately over. Can't wait to hear your replies, how many will agree but won't say?
poor parking, if some people moved a couple of foot closer to the car behind there would be another parking space available
poor parking, if some people moved a couple of foot closer to the car behind there would be another parking space available

This comes down to the fear of there car being damaged by people parked in front or behind attempting to get out of a gap, this is the same reason some people park in two bays in car parks or people parking in mothers and toddlers bays in supermarkets. Its nothing to do with being ignorant or rude its about people protecting there property.

There are many inconsiderate people who think nothing of opening there door onto the side of your vehicle or denting your car in the car park and driving off! For a lot of people there car is the second biggest investment they have.
poor parking, if some people moved a couple of foot closer to the car behind there would be another parking space available

Poor parking where people park too close to me. Not everyone has parking sensors and I also need room to open my rear door.
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