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spending cards

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Gas Engineer
govt considering paying the unemployed with spending cards to stop them spending their benefit on booze and ****. nice one
govt considering paying the unemployed with spending cards to stop them spending their benefit on booze and ****. nice one

Good idea to be fair. But these bag heads who lead the life of Riley on the dole will probably lose them, then it'll cost me and you more tax to get them another. As long as it doesn't cost too much to implement I think it's a cracking idea.

Maybe the embarrassment of paying with a so called dole card would be enough to encourage some to work.

Im not a big fan of the welfare system to be fair, it's all to easy to play the system and live a mice life without working.

I learnt all the tricks that these "people", and I use that word loosely, use to scam and cheat their way to an easy life when I worked at the council. My biggest hate when it comes to the welfare system.

I was working in a property the once and the bloke was telling me than he got a bonus for getting a job (a job that was found for him by the job centre that I fund) then he was paid money for clothes to attend the interview.

I couldn't catch my breathe when he was spouting all the handouts he was given. I think the whole system stinks and needs a compete overhaul from top to bottom. I've been in a job centre once when I lost my job, not to sign on I may add, but to get some advice on starting up on my own and couldn't really believe what I was seeing. There where people asking for advances on their giros. I seriously thought I'd entered the twilight zone, how can you ask for an advance on money that you get for free. There was also a couple by me asking for extra money as they where having another baby, I'd have gave them a couple of quid for a few condoms had they asked m a few months before. And there was another bloke asking for hell paying his mobile phone bill (which he was getting). Seeing the inside of a job centre was a real eye opener for me and I came the conclusion that these people deservenp no help at all. They deserve very little in life in my eyes. Everything I have I have earnt, I've worked my arse off over the last few years getting the deposit for my house and nobody helped me.

People say that there is no work and that's the reason why they don't work, well I have one world for those people "ballocks". There's loads of jobs on the job centre website. Ok, it might not be job the want, but that's just life. And let's face it, beggars can't be choosers.

As you can probably tell, I have very strong feelings on this,and if it offends anyone then I'm sorry. But as far as I'm concerned, these people deserve nothing and and should be given what the government want. Ie food, help with gas water electric and that's it. You can't have a 50" tele and not work for it. These people need to learn some self respect and need a huge kick up the backside.
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Good idea, but can't help feeling that some of the more unscrupulous shop keepers will find a way to cash in these cards in exchange for **** and booze. On another forum thread, scrappies down your way are already offering to cash in the cheques they pay you for your scrap in return for a 3% surcharge!
Good idea, but can't help feeling that some of the more unscrupulous shop keepers will find a way to cash in these cards in exchange for **** and booze. On another forum thread, scrappies down your way are already offering to cash in the cheques they pay you for your scrap in return for a 3% surcharge!
yeah pretend to give em bread but give em white lightning cider, then charge em more
I think they should be made to attend the job centre everyday. Before 10am and be given gas and electric top ups and bread milk and basics then a treat of their choice for tea. They should have to do this everyday. Then when they get home they have all day to search for jobs and sort their acts out.
They should also have chastity belts on to stop them breeding, while they can't support themselves they shouldn't be able to support someone else.
If they want **** and all the other luxuries then they will have to work for it, they should also have their sky dishes removed until such a time that they deserve it.
I've found that when dealing with people like this, who think the world owes them a favor, you need to be harsh and treat them like children. I know it sounds daft but it's what I've always done with them.
When i used to work at the council, we used to get called out at night time for stupid people who had done stupid things, like kick a rad off the wall because they where angry, them demand it be fixed there and then. They didn't understand that didit have a van full of rads. So what I used to do in situations like this, rather then cap the pipework and order a rad, I'd drain down the whole thing and tell them they couldn't have heat and hot water until the rad was ordered and back on the wall. I know this makes me sound like a mean bloke, but I tell you one thing, they never did it again.
A few revisions to your cunning master plan...

I would draw a line between someone who has paid into the system for decades and then gets made redundant, and someone who has never paid in, or only paid in very little.

If someone has been paying tax and national insurance for years, then they should get their benefits in cash. They paid premiums in cash, so thats only fair. There should be a defined limit to this (not forever) but proportionate to the time that the claimant had paid in.

People who never paid in, or who overstay their time on cash benefits should go on the card system.

However, I wouldn't trust the government to pass the saving back to the taxpayers or to spend it wisely. I would prefer to see any savings made on working-age benefits automatically transferred to pensioners who have worked and paid in all their lives. I think pensioners get a rubbish deal compared to what they have paid in.
A few revisions to your cunning master plan...

I would draw a line between someone who has paid into the system for decades and then gets made redundant, and someone who has never paid in, or only paid in very little.

If someone has been paying tax and national insurance for years, then they should get their benefits in cash. They paid premiums in cash, so thats only fair. There should be a defined limit to this (not forever) but proportionate to the time that the claimant had paid in.

People who never paid in, or who overstay their time on cash benefits should go on the card system.

However, I wouldn't trust the government to pass the saving back to the taxpayers or to spend it wisely. I would prefer to see any savings made on working-age benefits automatically transferred to pensioners who have worked and paid in all their lives. I think pensioners get a rubbish deal compared to what they have paid in.

Totally agree, I'm only having a swipe at the people who are happy to do this all their lives. I'd quite happily pay my tax and have it used to pay someone's mortgage who'd lost their job, but spending benefits on sky tv and **** does my nut in.
I've found that when dealing with people like this, who think the world owes them a favor, you need to be harsh and treat them like children. I know it sounds daft but it's what I've always done with them.
When i used to work at the council, we used to get called out at night time for stupid people who had done stupid things, like kick a rad off the wall because they where angry, them demand it be fixed there and then. They didn't understand that didit have a van full of rads. So what I used to do in situations like this, rather then cap the pipework and order a rad, I'd drain down the whole thing and tell them they couldn't have heat and hot water until the rad was ordered and back on the wall. I know this makes me sound like a mean bloke, but I tell you one thing, they never did it again.

I used to do the same 1 that comes to mind was christmas eve they were both really drunk and said the radiator just fell off the wall ( Because they do dont they good fixings in a brick wall and it fell off for no reason) Needless to say they had a cold and smelly christmas.
I agree with the card its the best thing thought of in years. I do agree with Ray as well if people have paid in for 5 years they should get a maximum of 1 year cash then on the card. I also think a voluntary work scheme to earn extra cash like picking litter as this shows that people are willing to work.

My major gripe with the benefits system is with the likes of 2 of my neighbours 1 hasnt worked for 15 years due to "ill health" he has sky TV full package and smokes 40 a day and his fingers are yellow because the amount he smokes. He has a dog 3 cats. His health problems are bad back but his garden is pristine including vegetable patch so his back cant be that bad and mental problems as in the last job he had he walked out on because he had a bad day.

The other has 3 kids never worked I think she's about 21 drinks loads smokes loads sky tv etc has no intention of working has her house kitted out nicely.

I cant afford sky I cant afford to kit my house out nicely I work 50-60 hours a week to pay rent electric and gas I think its disgusting
I agree with the card its the best thing thought of in years. I do agree with Ray as well if people have paid in for 5 years they should get a maximum of 1 year cash then on the card. I also think a voluntary work scheme to earn extra cash like picking litter as this shows that people are willing to work.

My major gripe with the benefits system is with the likes of 2 of my neighbours 1 hasnt worked for 15 years due to "ill health" he has sky TV full package and smokes 40 a day and his fingers are yellow because the amount he smokes. He has a dog 3 cats. His health problems are bad back but his garden is pristine including vegetable patch so his back cant be that bad and mental problems as in the last job he had he walked out on because he had a bad day.

The other has 3 kids never worked I think she's about 21 drinks loads smokes loads sky tv etc has no intention of working has her house kitted out nicely.

I cant afford sky I cant afford to kit my house out nicely I work 50-60 hours a week to pay rent electric and gas I think its disgusting

People get what coming to them mate. They might have it all now but one day they'll get their just deserts. And I'm sure you'll get your sky tv mate. Good things come to good people.
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