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Nutter Customer!!

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Try again in the Arms lol!!

I seem to stumble across these idiots every couple of years without fail. I wish my nutter detector was a bit better. He said before hand he would be getting a loan to pay for the installation and I should have realised then he would try absolutely anything to knock money off at the end.

Before we started on the first day, the customer told us specifically not to worry about the carpets as they were being replaced once we were done. On that basis we didn't put down roll and stroll protector, or indeed worry too much about the carpets. To be honest, our boots would have bloody cleaned his carpets as they were absolutely filthy anyway.

8pm the first night he got home. Keiran, I can't believe the state you have left our carpets in. Mud on them, a right mess. Me - you told me you were getting rid of them once we had done the work (this property is being renovated by the way) and not to worry about them. Him - I want them cleaned or replaced throughout the whole house..

At this point we are one day into the heating install and I have a fair amount of money in materials on his house. He also knows its our first job as a gas fitter and I believe he is trying to take advantage of that.

My colleague also heard him clearly say not to even worry about taking shoes off because he would be replacing all the carpets!!

So I stupidly agree to REPLACE all his carpets just to avoid a bad review. A week later I get a call off of my favourite customer, there is a small leak from under the boiler. I send one of my lads over who fixes it. 2 days later, there is another small leak from the same place.. Now I am getting suspicious as I know the lad who fixed it is good.

Next I get a very rude text at 10pm at night stating that me and all of my lads are completely incompetent, is the boiler even safe?? I tell him that I am happy to help deal with issues but would he mind being less rude and texting me during working hours. His response was to tell me to f*** off basically. He then emailed telling me we are not welcome back and he will be getting all of our work inspected and expecting money off the bill (on top of the £1,000 I took off to try and pacify the idiot by giving him brand new carpets).

I have told him to jump (politely) and that we will fix the leak for free. We are not allowed back in so we can't though.

Letter today, the f****** idiot has asked Gas Safe to inspect our work. Now I am worried that over this they will cancel my registration. I know the gas line is fine, did all the usual tightness testing. Equally, the flue is all fine and the boiler is combusting nice and cleanly (ratio and CO is spot on). Will they care about anything else this idiot says (he won't let me attend this inspection)? I am really worried now even though I am 100% happy I have left a safe installation.

I hate the guy with an absolute passion. I have fantastic reviews online and work my backside off to do things right and then you get one tosser like this who tries to ruin everything I have worked so hard to build up.
i wouldnt worry at all about gas safe. but NEVER believe customers when they say "dont worry about the carpets", if you are in the habit of putting sheets down or roll&stroll then its only 5 minutes and shows the customer you care even if they asked you not to, and it stops any chew like this!!
Wonder he didn't want you to paint the walls where the old cylinder was, Did you insulate the pipe work when you had finished ?
But I would want the receipt for new carpets and a photo you can claim that against your tax if he doesn't get them fitted sue he in small claims court for your £1000, if he doesn't spend the full amount on carpets tell him you want the balance back !!
I've had to clean carpets before. Same issue as you had. Install looks good though mate
be very carefull about the amount of weight your placing on your reputationif you get a reputaion of being a soft touch for a grands worth of carpet on every job that will not help either
Gas safe deal with muppets like this all the time. They will spot that he is after money back etc so I wouldn't worry about it.

If you have loads of good feedback on Checkatrade then don't worry about that either as everybody knows you have 1 crackpot every now and then and will look over it if the rest are good.

And as missplumb said never ever believe a customer when they say don't worry about this or that as that usually means they want a new one and if they get chance you will be paying for it. It has happened to me before when I was an apprentice subbing to British Gas, they were not best pleased lol.

I wouldn't of gave them money to buy new though I would of paid a professional cleaner to go round and then taken photos after.
I managed to spray water all over a kitchen today, dont ask............... customer turned up later on and commented how clean everything was, including the ceiling, had I made a mess drilling the flue and cleaned up ? :):):) told her way before i left.

Forgot to close a service valve under a work top on a pipe i had just cut off, for some reason the old boiler had a separate cold feed for the system top up instead of taking it off the cold feed to the boiler. I had just wacked on a service valve to allow me to charge up the system as all my stop ends were in the van.
I cant see ceiling fire stopping there as per the building regs part B sec 7
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I managed to spray water all over a kitchen today, dont ask............... customer turned up later on and commented how clean everything was, including the ceiling, had I made a mess drilling the flue and cleaned up ? :):):) told her way before i left.

Forgot to close a service valve under a work top on a pipe i had just cut off, for some reason the old boiler had a separate cold feed for the system top up instead of taking it off the cold feed to the boiler. I had just wacked on a service valve to allow me to charge up the system as all my stop ends were in the van.

Learned that one a long time ago, i always have a 22 and 15 push fit cap in my pocket and feel naked without them!
Oh come on what - Regs are regs.
What you on about.
I dont make em, just abide by them.
You do what you do. I do what i do
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Nope just pointing a potential issue out if he was to get inspected.
Last thing he needs is a defect on his 1st install while on probation.
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To be honest with you I didn't put a fire stop in. I've never seen a single boiler fitted in all my time in Lincoln that has one or that is sealed. I guess it depends on the inspector. If he looks over the whole installation by the book he is going to find fault in my work. Is it safe though? I would certainly argue that it is. At the end of the day it's all very academic - if they find faults and he doesn't let me back in to fix them that's the end of it!
It doesnt make it right tho..
But I wouldnt presume all inspectors are gonna be so understanding on balance some will be fine and others could be a pain.
The best way is to install by the book from day 1.
I have lost count of how many i see without earthing near the meter outlet or incorrect condensate or leccy wires trailing gas pipes - but i don't think ill do the same and nor should others.

The regs clearly state should be firestopped but that doesnt look sealed anyway. but i dont want to upset anyone so ill shut up and keep my opinion to myself
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