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My life just changed

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The missus just told me she's pregnant.

She came in before and told me she'd been to see a doctor and had this look on her face I couldn't figure out, I really thought she was about to give me bad news of the worst kind then she told me she's pregnant. I just went from having the worst possible feeling to the biggest high of my life in an instant. This will be our first child, we're both ecstatic but stunned at the same time.

We've decided not to tell anyone for a day or two yet because we need to let ourselves take it all in first. Although I'm over the moon I'm not looking forward to the attention it's going to bring from both our families. Really can't think straight at the moment, I feel I should be celebrating but we're kind of stunned if you know what I mean, our minds are overloaded with it all.
I agree with Simon and Adam mate.

But at the the same time it's better you come and vent at us than the nurses. They probably want to act in your best interests too but red tape imposed by a faceless beancounter won't let them.

Get back to Mrs Keefy and enjoy your new baby.

And them come and tell us so we can all go soppy!
So sorry to hear of your experience mate, sounds like appalling care. Most wards will have a tea making station, ask and if not choose the ugliest nurse and chat her up, make her feel special.
Rooting for you here mate.

How was your first sleepless night Si?
Baby isn't here yet.

Just got home after being there all day. The missus is having regular pains and her waters have begun flowing but not full on enough to be moved to the labour ward. Bit pee'd off at the way fathers are treated to be honest, they never seem to look you in the eye or even involve you when explaining the whole process of the lead up to giving birth.

It's her first child and she's been in a lot of pain since early afternoon, I'm the one who's given her a bath twice today to help her relax plus I'm the one who's been reattaching the monitor things onto her stomach and resetting that monitor itself which she's been hooked up to on and off all day - we've hardly seen the staff. The restaurant in the hospital closed early as did Costa Coffee and WHSmith wasn't open at all but when they came round with the tea trolley the fathers didn't even get offered one. This is just a for bed ward and two of those were vacated by the afternoon. Surely they could spare a cup of tea?

I did manage to get a breakfast down me this morning and ate sandwiches I'd prepared at home but just being there in support of your missus can be a very tiring ordeal in itself.

When it got to around 11:20pm they told me they don't allow partners to stay overnight which is contrary to what we'd been led to believe. A relative of ours is the Patient Experience Manager at the hospital and will hear about our experience in the morning.

The thing I'm trying to say is that a child has two parents and both should be treated with respect and be kept well informed as a couple from beginning to end. I'm sure it's a management issue and not down to individual nurses and midwives who work there but to be almost totally blanked by staff as if you're somehow a burden to them is not on.

Rant over but I'll let you fine gentlemen know as soon as possible when the little one has finally arrived. Cheers again and I hope you all enjoyed a Boxing Day bevvy today. ;)

You in the women's mate?
They are over worked under paid and stretched to their limits. You are stressed to death and wanting everything to go smoothly for your wife. Unfortunately the person you want to be grabbing by the hairy bits is probably off for a fortnight.

Not easy but try and stay relaxed. I had it easy, the wife had 3 c sections. After the first we even got to pick the date.

Hope things go smoother for you today.
You in the women's mate?

No, heard too many nightmare stories from that place, one being my sister who now has irreparable damage to her muscles underneath if you know what I mean - due to negligence. We're in Whiston Hospital mate and nope, still no sign of the little one but it'll happen very soon I'm sure. ;)

These latest replies and comments and have cheered me up a little though, my miserable gob even cracked a few smiles while reading them. ;)

Thanks all!
Will be here at 6 .20 am today by my guess , a girl at 6 lb 5.

If you're prediction is accurate I promise to send you a "Thank You" gift!

Tell you what, let's turn this into a little game [of sorts] - Anyone who can guess the time of birth, sex, weight and name of the baby (or nearest) will receive an inexpensive 'Thank You' gift from myself, the missus and the baby. Chalked's entry has beeen noted - just add a name! ;)


Clue: If it's a boy we're not calling him Hugh Janus!
If you're prediction is accurate I promise to send you a "Thank You" gift!

Tell you what, let's turn this into a little game [of sorts] - Anyone who can guess the time of birth, sex, weight and name of the baby (or nearest) will receive an inexpensive 'Thank You' gift from myself, the missus and the baby. Chalked's entry has beeen noted - just add a name! ;)


Clue: If it's a boy we're not calling him Hugh Janus!

My dad tried calling me wayne.........

in expensive gift is going to be a nappy right?

cant we name the baby, ?

i bet its going to be 3 am tomorrow! Oh, and you have to give he or she the middle name pigeon...

7lb 8oz

Hope it all goes well mate!

Take time for yourselves, don't be so quick to rush family members in to see baby! There's plenty of time for that over the next coming few weeks & months! Besides your missus will be glad of the company of (few) visitors when you're back at work.
Just posting this before reading replies since I last posted in case I take the knock, absolutely knackered. Promise I'll review those replies a.s.a.p.

Time: 23:36
Date: 28th Dec'.
Weight: 6lbs 12.5oz
Sex: Female
Name: Alannah

Baby 001.jpg

C-section in the end, dressed in full scrubs and watched the whole thing. Thanks plumbers!
You mean you didn't grab the the plunger from the van and have a go yourself!

so tell us, was the c section really as bad as working on an isar boiler?

congratulations to the both of you!
Alannah will brings you such happiness, and sleepless nights :)
Thanks lads! Just spilling a few tears over a JD and Coke because I've held them back for 3 days and nights from the missus to keep her strong. If she'd seen me well up she'd have lost it but she was an absolute hero throughout - her pain threshold is unbelievable, refused every pain relief offered until we decided she and the baby had gone through enough. Ended up having all on offer in the end for the sake of the baby. Absolute hero she is, sobbing as I type this and thank you all really! I know it's just a private thread on a forum full of plumbers I've never met but your kind words have helped so much during this journey.

Crying my effing heart out right now due to [equally] fatigue and joy. Feels good though, off to give my swollen ankles a rest now, thanks ever so much!
Massive congratulations.

Sounds like you all went through quite an ordeal!

Rest up & wish you all the best of health, love & happiness.

Congratulations again! It's a moment you will never forget!
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