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Mental Health Issues

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Just putting it out there..

Does anyone suffer from any mental health issues.. Me? Severe self esteem and anxiety issues. Does my bloody head in lol

Just wonder if I'm alone in the mental department...

Got a job on tomorrow and I'm already getting anxious about it, ain't even that bad a job
Onto the more serious subject.
I've never bothered about anything in my life from work to personal. If shyt is going to happen it will happen and when it does i'm not going to panic about it.
What is going to happen, nothing. Everything can be dealt with. Just go with the flow.
However i've worked with a couple of guys over the years who could best be described as a bag of nerves. They were good enough at what they did but lacked confidence and how to deal with a fk up situation (we've all had them)
When i was younger it was funny to watch them but as i got older i would help them deal with it. Hard to say how but mainly by sending them out the room, dealing with it then talking confidence into them.
Maybe the confidence thing is because people jump into the deep end these days without the rubber ring we had.

Here is one from last week.
Fitted a cloakroom suite for a woman, back to wall pan and basin. Fitted the pan turned the water on and went out for a ***.
Woman runs out saying the water is running down her hall. Fs i've only had 2 drags: so walks back in (never run) and sure enough the water is running out the cloakroom door, ballcock running at full whack and running over the top of the cistern (some cheap internet rubbish).
I just turned the valve off and said "good job that wasn't in yer upstairs bathroom or you woulda had a ceiling down. Get me a couple of towels and i'll dry this up. Btw i told you that cistern was shyte i'll go buy you a real wan".
Take it in your stride and never panic is the best i can offer.
Mate I wish I was as calm as you about life. I get very rare days where I'm chilled with work and it feels so nice to give my mind a break. But they're seldom around and all I get all day is a war between good and evil lol one voice trying yo win a battle against the negative sh** I tell myself all the time. Its tiring.
Onto the more serious subject.
I've never bothered about anything in my life from work to personal. If shyt is going to happen it will happen and when it does i'm not going to panic about it.
What is going to happen, nothing. Everything can be dealt with. Just go with the flow.
However i've worked with a couple of guys over the years who could best be described as a bag of nerves. They were good enough at what they did but lacked confidence and how to deal with a fk up situation (we've all had them)
When i was younger it was funny to watch them but as i got older i would help them deal with it. Hard to say how but mainly by sending them out the room, dealing with it then talking confidence into them.
Maybe the confidence thing is because people jump into the deep end these days without the rubber ring we had.

Here is one from last week.
Fitted a cloakroom suite for a woman, back to wall pan and basin. Fitted the pan turned the water on and went out for a ***.
Woman runs out saying the water is running down her hall. Fs i've only had 2 drags: so walks back in (never run) and sure enough the water is running out the cloakroom door, ballcock running at full whack and running over the top of the cistern (some cheap internet rubbish).
I just turned the valve off and said "good job that wasn't in yer upstairs bathroom or you woulda had a ceiling down. Get me a couple of towels and i'll dry this up. Btw i told you that cistern was shyte i'll go buy you a real wan".
Take it in your stride and never panic is the best i can offer.

That's how I've always imagined you, Tam - totally unflappable, and it's a great way to be.

But clinical anxiety and depression has very little to do with conscious thought or behaviour patterns. It's caused by chemical imbalances in the brain - reduced amounts of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine to be precise.

True, clinical depression is an absolute *******. It's like constantly choking under thick black clouds, completely unable to ever imagine being happy or able to function properly. It makes you completely unable to interact with other people and in extreme cases, physically unable to get up off the bed, even to eat - this is not laziness or feeling "meh" but genuine physical exhaustion at the slightest effort.

Complete and constant self-doubt, self-loathing, anhedonia and the genuine, totally concrete belief that you're worse than **** and the world would be better without you. It's the single biggest cause of death amongst men under 45 in the UK.

Brave post, Jay, and some very brave responses too. All I can say is, if you're feeling depressed and it lasts more than a couple of weeks, or comes on repeatedly, please, please seek help. There is no shame or stigma attached to it, and medicine and therapy really do help.

Sorry to get deep and serious on a Friday but...
Onto the more serious subject.
I've never bothered about anything in my life from work to personal. If shyt is going to happen it will happen and when it does i'm not going to panic about it.
What is going to happen, nothing. Everything can be dealt with. Just go with the flow.
However i've worked with a couple of guys over the years who could best be described as a bag of nerves. They were good enough at what they did but lacked confidence and how to deal with a fk up situation (we've all had them)
When i was younger it was funny to watch them but as i got older i would help them deal with it. Hard to say how but mainly by sending them out the room, dealing with it then talking confidence into them.
Maybe the confidence thing is because people jump into the deep end these days without the rubber ring we had.

Here is one from last week.
Fitted a cloakroom suite for a woman, back to wall pan and basin. Fitted the pan turned the water on and went out for a ***.
Woman runs out saying the water is running down her hall. Fs i've only had 2 drags: so walks back in (never run) and sure enough the water is running out the cloakroom door, ballcock running at full whack and running over the top of the cistern (some cheap internet rubbish).
I just turned the valve off and said "good job that wasn't in yer upstairs bathroom or you woulda had a ceiling down. Get me a couple of towels and i'll dry this up. Btw i told you that cistern was shyte i'll go buy you a real wan".
Take it in your stride and never panic is the best i can offer.

When I react like this it's classed as not interested/ couldn't care less etc ..but in reality it's a front.....I think the older you get the confidence decides to wane for one reason or another. I have a couple of plumber/ Htg engineers that I always talk to, sometimes I have the sorry to bother you line but it does help....
what happened after jay, did you ask your boss?
what happened after jay, did you ask your boss?

Tried to chat a couple times but he didn't call back so will send him a message tomorrow. Worst case scenario is I go and redo that section of pipework I guess and being told 'why did you do it like that, I told you to go around the steps' lol
what happened after jay, did you ask your boss?

Sent the boss the pics, he's gonna gonna reroute the pipework around the door. He also commented how neat my pipework was which I'm quite pleased about. So no more anxiety for this one :)
Sent the boss the pics, he's gonna gonna reroute the pipework around the door. He also commented how neat my pipework was which I'm quite pleased about. So no more anxiety for this one :)

:) thats nice of him and it is neat no big snots and no green lines :) your getting better
:) thats nice of him and it is neat no big snots and no green lines :) your getting better

:) cheers Shaun much appreciated. He said he's gonna chuck me a few simple boiler installs now lol
:) cheers Shaun much appreciated. He said he's gonna chuck me a few simple boiler installs now lol

ooooo moving up in the world :) and go with your gut and trust your self
la lala la la lalalalala laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaa , what stress? just listen to the voices and do as they say.......
la lala la la lalalalala laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaa , what stress? just listen to the voices and do as they say.......

even if they get you in trouble ?
la lala la la lalalalala laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaa , what stress? just listen to the voices and do as they say.......

Easy to say if it's just one voice you hear, but when you get opposing voices it all becomes a little tricky lol
Easy to say if it's just one voice you hear, but when you get opposing voices it all becomes a little tricky lol

and they start answering back thats worrying
I thought about you when finishing up a 'quick' job today Jay.
Gets a call off a regular customer, she doesn't want to use her en-suite shower because the cowl behind one of the shower tails has come away from the aqua panel and water can get down the back of it.
It's 4:30, I'm about 5 miles from there, but I'm thinking 'bit of silicone to stick it back pays for a case of beer, a tenner of fuel and my chinese dinner for when I'm home in an hour', so sod it, I get there at about 4:45.
It's a bar mixer and the cowls are pretty flush to the wall but the whole shower is loose. I tell her I will have to whip the shower off silicone where the pipes come through the wall to seal it properly and maybe give the shower a bit more stability.
Well I take the shower off easily enough to find the fibre washers between them and the offset fixings are shot to bits. Not a problem, I have loads of washers. Not one of them would fit. It's a Triton with the little circular ridge on the plates that tighten up to the back fixings, they're a daft size and I think I've only ever seen them come in the bag with the offset fixings. Because it's now past 5 and I'm miles from home there's no indie plumbers merchants I can fall back on, so decide to try the sheds.
Goes to the local screwfix armed with the shower bar but they are out of 3/4'' washers except for some in a sealed 10 quid ''plumbers washer kit'' But I have no idea if any of them will be up to the job and they won't let me open them so bin them off and go to B and Poo. They don't label what the sizes are in their vacuum packed sets of washers, they just say 'assorted washers' - wtf is that about?
I go up to 'Abdul' at the bathrooms area helpdesk and explain to him, his first offer of help is to call over the plumbing expert. (I've not said I'm a plumber at this point) The 'expert' says the only way to sort the problem is to buy a new shower, I explain that I only need a couple of washers that are 3/4'', he starts telling me they phased out 3/4 inch anything in plumbing in the 70's and everything's metric now. It's at this point I let them know I'm a plumber, the 'expert' backed away (literally - he walked backwards away from me as if to concede, made me chortle to myself).
Abdul asked if I know what brand the shower is, it's a Triton, he said if there's an open triton mixer in the little locked compartments then he'll take it out and let me look at a new washer so I can size one up from the plumbing aisle that will fit.
There were no already-opened showers at all, so Abdul kind of accidentally opened a Triton bar mixer and said, 'oh I found one' Nice one Abdul! We got to the offset fixings and there were the washers all shiny and new. Takes them over to the plumbing aisle and matches them up nicely with some rubber ones. Job done.
Gets back to the customers house (about 6:30 now), silicones everything that needed sealing, put the cowls back on, tightens up the shower with the new washers, turns the water back on and one of them is pishing out so nip it up a bit and the whole offset fixing that comes out of the aquapanel turns with it so one end of the shower is now about 2 cm lower than the other. Any access to the offset thing is behind the cowl so off the wall it all comes again.
I told the customer that as this is the en-suite, I'll just cap the ends up and come back Monday afternoon, she's fine with that.
Sticks a couple of 3/4 brass caps with the shiny new wahers in them to seal it up, as I'm tightening, the one that moved earlier does a full 180 as I'm tightening it, god knows how (or if) it had held water previously, anyway I'm tightening it so no worries.
Everything tight and water back on, not a drop to be seen. It's about 7:30 now and I'm putting my tools away. The en-suite light turns the fan on so it's only when I turn the light out on my way out that it is quiet enough for me to hear the drip.
I stand still for a second and hear it again, then again. Anxiety started to niggle a bit at this point.
Goes with a torch (because the fan is too noisy when the light is on) to find the drip. It's definitely coming from the right hand shower feed. Must of been the loose fitting behind the aquapanelling that I had to tighten to get the cap tight enough. There's no access to that as it's behind the panelling. Aargghhhh!!!! Anxiety is feeling pretty bad at this point, it's something to 8 on a Friday night now and I have an unknown drip coming from the pain in the bum quick job I set out for over 3 hours ago.
I turn the water off and nip out for a vape, that's when I thought about you and what has been written in this thread. It helped me get perspective, so a few more blasts on the old e-cig and I go back in to give them the news.
'There's a drip somewhere behind your shower panel wall, I need to do a bit of chopping up to get at it and sort it out before I leave. This means I'll have to come back next week and possibly re-do the whole wall'
To my amazement and relief, she was fine with it. So chopped out some panelling to find a horrible bodge of kinked plastic pipe and unnecessary compression fittings.
Snipped the plastic back and popped a couple of JG stop ends on them, turned water back on, no drips, lovely jubbily.
Going back on Monday to put some copper in there and a proper bar shower back plate and some new panelling.
The customer actually said 'is that all?' when I told her how much it would be. Damn I hate it when I go in too cheap ;)
doesnt matter tbh aslong as your happy with it you prob will get more work off them anyway as they know your cheap now :D
I thought about you when finishing up a 'quick' job today Jay.
Gets a call off a regular customer, she doesn't want to use her en-suite shower because the cowl behind one of the shower tails has come away from the aqua panel and water can get down the back of it.
It's 4:30, I'm about 5 miles from there, but I'm thinking 'bit of silicone to stick it back pays for a case of beer, a tenner of fuel and my chinese dinner for when I'm home in an hour', so sod it, I get there at about 4:45.
It's a bar mixer and the cowls are pretty flush to the wall but the whole shower is loose. I tell her I will have to whip the shower off silicone where the pipes come through the wall to seal it properly and maybe give the shower a bit more stability.
Well I take the shower off easily enough to find the fibre washers between them and the offset fixings are shot to bits. Not a problem, I have loads of washers. Not one of them would fit. It's a Triton with the little circular ridge on the plates that tighten up to the back fixings, they're a daft size and I think I've only ever seen them come in the bag with the offset fixings. Because it's now past 5 and I'm miles from home there's no indie plumbers merchants I can fall back on, so decide to try the sheds.
Goes to the local screwfix armed with the shower bar but they are out of 3/4'' washers except for some in a sealed 10 quid ''plumbers washer kit'' But I have no idea if any of them will be up to the job and they won't let me open them so bin them off and go to B and Poo. They don't label what the sizes are in their vacuum packed sets of washers, they just say 'assorted washers' - wtf is that about?
I go up to 'Abdul' at the bathrooms area helpdesk and explain to him, his first offer of help is to call over the plumbing expert. (I've not said I'm a plumber at this point) The 'expert' says the only way to sort the problem is to buy a new shower, I explain that I only need a couple of washers that are 3/4'', he starts telling me they phased out 3/4 inch anything in plumbing in the 70's and everything's metric now. It's at this point I let them know I'm a plumber, the 'expert' backed away (literally - he walked backwards away from me as if to concede, made me chortle to myself).
Abdul asked if I know what brand the shower is, it's a Triton, he said if there's an open triton mixer in the little locked compartments then he'll take it out and let me look at a new washer so I can size one up from the plumbing aisle that will fit.
There were no already-opened showers at all, so Abdul kind of accidentally opened a Triton bar mixer and said, 'oh I found one' Nice one Abdul! We got to the offset fixings and there were the washers all shiny and new. Takes them over to the plumbing aisle and matches them up nicely with some rubber ones. Job done.
Gets back to the customers house (about 6:30 now), silicones everything that needed sealing, put the cowls back on, tightens up the shower with the new washers, turns the water back on and one of them is pishing out so nip it up a bit and the whole offset fixing that comes out of the aquapanel turns with it so one end of the shower is now about 2 cm lower than the other. Any access to the offset thing is behind the cowl so off the wall it all comes again.
I told the customer that as this is the en-suite, I'll just cap the ends up and come back Monday afternoon, she's fine with that.
Sticks a couple of 3/4 brass caps with the shiny new wahers in them to seal it up, as I'm tightening, the one that moved earlier does a full 180 as I'm tightening it, god knows how (or if) it had held water previously, anyway I'm tightening it so no worries.
Everything tight and water back on, not a drop to be seen. It's about 7:30 now and I'm putting my tools away. The en-suite light turns the fan on so it's only when I turn the light out on my way out that it is quiet enough for me to hear the drip.
I stand still for a second and hear it again, then again. Anxiety started to niggle a bit at this point.
Goes with a torch (because the fan is too noisy when the light is on) to find the drip. It's definitely coming from the right hand shower feed. Must of been the loose fitting behind the aquapanelling that I had to tighten to get the cap tight enough. There's no access to that as it's behind the panelling. Aargghhhh!!!! Anxiety is feeling pretty bad at this point, it's something to 8 on a Friday night now and I have an unknown drip coming from the pain in the bum quick job I set out for over 3 hours ago.
I turn the water off and nip out for a vape, that's when I thought about you and what has been written in this thread. It helped me get perspective, so a few more blasts on the old e-cig and I go back in to give them the news.
'There's a drip somewhere behind your shower panel wall, I need to do a bit of chopping up to get at it and sort it out before I leave. This means I'll have to come back next week and possibly re-do the whole wall'
To my amazement and relief, she was fine with it. So chopped out some panelling to find a horrible bodge of kinked plastic pipe and unnecessary compression fittings.
Snipped the plastic back and popped a couple of JG stop ends on them, turned water back on, no drips, lovely jubbily.
Going back on Monday to put some copper in there and a proper bar shower back plate and some new panelling.
The customer actually said 'is that all?' when I told her how much it would be. Damn I hate it when I go in too cheap ;)

I felt it mate, your anxiety. I would have been 10 times worse and probably panicked a bit. Glad the post helped though.. It's funny how a simple thing as being open about being human opens up a window to relief :) I'm as open as a book. I don't mind admitting my weaknesses, I've plenty of em lol
Those offset bar mixer fittings are the work of the devil, a nightmare to get straight, they leak and they don't even fix the shower on the wall. There are fantastic at bulking up the weight in my scrap bin though.
Pressure gets to everyone. Everyone feels useless some days. It always will when it comes to jobs because very few go smooth. How many times I have cursed myself for even starting a job and when I get a run of bad ones I can feel completely like chucking it all in. Then I hit a wee purple patch and I think its not all bad. It comes and goes.
Pressure gets to everyone. Everyone feels useless some days. It always will when it comes to jobs because very few go smooth. How many times I have cursed myself for even starting a job and when I get a run of bad ones I can feel completely like chucking it all in. Then I hit a wee purple patch and I think its not all bad. It comes and goes.

I hit that 'purple patch' about 10 years ago.

As for 'chucking it in' I've been trying to activate an exit plan for almost as long.

As for mental issues, I've just had an invoice sent to me from an advertising conglomerate for over 4K $A, for advertising since December 2014, that they conclude I didn't cancel.

I have an email confirming cancellation, date December 2014, and have told the credit collection teal to not bother with all the threats, but just take me to court.

I suppose I could have sent them the email that confirms cancellation, but I'm going to wait until this goes to court, and then sue the feckers for giving me a bad credit rating.
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