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draft letter

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Billy Bob Bob


have a read of this guys we need everyone's support

Following submission of our petition, it would be considered appropriate to present our case
for the attention of the All Party Parliamentary Group and to seek a pragmatic resolution to
the existing legislative maze which governs the Gas industry.
Today in our country, the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations (GSIUR) 1998, sets
the standard and places particular requirements on Gas operatives relating to matters of
Gas Safety. This document is issued and controlled by the Health and Safety Executive,
whose approved class of persons are required to be a member of the Gas Safe Register.
In a reply to a recent request, the Gas Safe Register outlined their responsibilities and scope
of operation as follows;
To maintain the register of Gas businesses and engineers.
To inspect Gas works undertaken by those businesses to ensure it is safe and
compliant with the relevant regulations.
To investigate illegal Gas works and to share findings with those bodies who are
empowered to prosecute illegal Gas works.
To raise public awareness of Gas safety and related issues through campaigning.
Similarly in a reply to a recent request, the Gas Safe Register forwarded the following
alarming statistics;
There are more than 125,000 Gas Safe registered engineers in the UK.
There are more than 65,000 Gas Safe registered businesses in the UK.
There are approximately 7,500 unregistered gas fitters actively working in the UK.
There are 250,000 illegal gas jobs done every year by unregistered gas fitters.
Dangerous DIY - one in three people would fit a gas appliance themselves to save
Badly-fitted and poorly-serviced gas appliances can cause gas leaks, explosions,
fires, and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.
Dangerous gas work can kill - 4 people died and 333 were injured in 2011-2012
(Source HSE 2011/12).
Carbon monoxide poisoning – 3 reported deaths 2011-2012 (Source HSE 2011/12).
Today, the registered Gas engineers, who drive the front force of this industry, are
increasingly facing profound challenges. Challenges that compromises peoples safety not to
mention our economy at large.
These challenges which often lead to accidents, causing fatalities and damage to properties,
are due to the inherent lack of measures that pops up the regulation.
Here is a realistic case which will illustrate the flaws in the system of Gas Safety today;
Regulation 3(1) OF GSIUR requires that “No person shall carry out any work in relation to
Gas fittings or Gas storage vessel unless he is competent to do so”.
Whilst the above regulation clearly stipulates the legal requirement, there is NO mechanism
by which this is enforced. Members of general public purchase Gas related goods everyday
and act illegally by breaching Regulation 3(1), yet no force is in existence that combats this!
In fact on close examination, it becomes clear that the entire regulatory system is propped
on a nonexistent foundation.As outlined in the list above, we do have the Gas Safe Register, who as part of their remit is
required to regulate illegal activities, but as the statistics show, their effort is almost futile
given the scale of the evidence.
Gas Safe Register is often limited by other forces in the industry not to mention that to even
expect a handful of inspectors to deal with a problem at such large scale renders the effort
as a failure.
Clearly other measures are needed and in an effort to rectify the bottleneck. We, the
registered Gas engineers have made several proposals to Gas Safe Register which are
practical solutions and will help alleviating much of current concerns. Unfortunately the Gas
Safe Register have taken a definitive position and dismissed the option to work with the
engineers in lobbying the authorities for a resolution that ultimately saves lives in our country
today. Their argument is repeating what they have always echoed, which is; “this does not
fall within our remit and scope of operation”.
Having approached our regulator and achieved no amicable solution, we are now bringing
this matter to your attention and looking to work towards rectifying the system where (A)
measures are taken to enforce the legislation and (B) modification is brought to the current
regulations in pursuit of achieving practical and sensible standards that this industry
chronically is in need of.
Please note that this notion is currently supported by a number of registered Gas engineers
up and down the country, which is steadily gaining momentum.
The general consensus amongst the engineers is that due to a lack of enforcement, our
industry sector is heading for overall reduced performance and a drop in the standards,
which ultimately can translates to more accidents.
We look forward to hearing your advice and would be willing to take part in a meeting during
which we can present a detailed proposal for your attention.
Yours sincerely
Gas Engineers Forum
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needs some more proof reading and spell checking, if it hasnt already gone, got to be right to be noticed

Still hasn't gone. It will be checked and double checked. Already found a few spelling mistakes, this text sets out our narrative, so long as the concept is on the target at this moment in time. Thank you for the feedback though.
The petition count is on 75 at the moment. It would be much more credible if the count was in 100s or better still 1000s, but bear in mind that every signatory is a registered engineer/business and not from the general public. This way the issue remains focused and no one can claim we don't know what we are talking about. Derek has another petition on 38 Degrees which is more targeted for the public. I have sent over a 1000 emails to registered businesses and many of them have responded by signing, but not enough really. I found that Gas engineers tend to be very pessimistic about change! Most of them say "What's the point". The point is if we do nothing we can expect nothing. What is there to loose! But hey, potentially plenty to gain. GSR has already started to pay attention to our campaign. You only need to look at a few of the articles in relevant magazines and see how they are trying to fall in line. Spread the word, let's get registered engineers and businesses joining these forums and sign our petition, if we have numbers behind us, nothing will stand our way.
I am currently looking browsing the tinernet to see where else we can get the petition posted! I was banned from boiler guide because I argued their policies (but I got my money back), maybe someone could post on there?
I am currently looking browsing the tinernet to see where else we can get the petition posted! I was banned from boiler guide because I argued their policies (but I got my money back), maybe someone could post on there?
Has anyone ever won work through boiler guide?
We did a few quotes but lots of cheapsakes - time wasters. Non f them wanted a proper job or to comply with building regs.
Has anyone ever won work through boiler guide?
We did a few quotes but lots of cheapsakes - time wasters. Non f them wanted a proper job or to comply with building regs.

yes i have won work through them but not alot , what they dont tell you is that the cust thinks that we dont pay for the lead so they are happy to chuck out feelers for prices left right and center.
boilerguide are very protective of this as well hence why you get banned from using them , they also give out fake leads as well which i found out by accident so in other words dont bother with them .
The petition count is on 75 at the moment. It would be much more credible if the count was in 100s or better still 1000s, but bear in mind that every signatory is a registered engineer/business and not from the general public. This way the issue remains focused and no one can claim we don't know what we are talking about. Derek has another petition on 38 Degrees which is more targeted for the public. I have sent over a 1000 emails to registered businesses and many of them have responded by signing, but not enough really. I found that Gas engineers tend to be very pessimistic about change! Most of them say "What's the point". The point is if we do nothing we can expect nothing. What is there to loose! But hey, potentially plenty to gain. GSR has already started to pay attention to our campaign. You only need to look at a few of the articles in relevant magazines and see how they are trying to fall in line. Spread the word, let's get registered engineers and businesses joining these forums and sign our petition, if we have numbers behind us, nothing will stand our way.

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