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Average week on the cards?

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Evening all, just wondered what you believe to be a fair weeks work for a guy on the cards booking 40 hours a week. I ask because I feel the blokes are being pushed to much at the moment. The work is boiler swaps and or 6 rad combi systems. What should be expected over 5 days?
We worked on ten pound an hour, but were allowed to book thirteen hour days if we got things done. it was cracking money at the time. I'm sure it's why I'm fluxed know though!

Lol 10ph is what company's are paying now around me and expecting 10 services a day that's why I'm self employed.
Lol 10ph is what company's are paying now around me and expecting 10 services a day that's why I'm self employed.

Bloomin heck that's a low wage......and as for 10 services a day, hope theirs no Bunin there.
Glad I don't have to do it, did it years back when you could earn good money, you were treated well and appreciated for what you did, did get my state pension papers today, not long now, then no more S--t to put up with.
Lads I know, cards in are getting paid 90 a boiler swap.

id rather work in Tescos
Lads I know, cards in are getting paid 90 a boiler swap.

id rather work in Tescos
Think if we all give it up and got jobs driving vans or stacking shelves then may be this industry would sort its self out, must be the only trade that everyone wants to screw , from the government to the customer, Wonder how the country would get on without Plumbers, how long B4 the system ground to a standstill
Think if we all give it up and got jobs driving vans or stacking shelves then may be this industry would sort its self out, must be the only trade that everyone wants to screw , from the government to the customer, Wonder how the country would get on without Plumbers, how long B4 the system ground to a standstill

It wouldn't they'd just let another state into the eu.
I tell you something i see wages going up everywhere and our game hasnt gone up for about 4-5 years now. Used to be like 50p a year on the books but it all just stopped.
At the moment there is an abundance of plumbers so it is an employers market due to sites not offering decent money and people expecting to earn 60k straight out of college. In a couple of years it will go back to almost as good as a couple of years ago but it's the same for sparks as well. These training companies take thousands off people who think they are in for a good deal but they don't realise they will have to take a massive drop in Wages to get experience to earn money. When people cotton on to these companies it will make things better too.
it wont go back to how it use to be their will always be people wanting to retrain be going on for ten years or so now.

anyone who is doing boiler swaps for pittance is quite simply an idiot
have worked opposite from his mob on few heating contracts was like wacky plumbing see who could do the most packs , we were doing two packs a day cant do that now tho to many nobbers in the game ruining dont think i would want to

Ive heard some stories from them though, chucking carpets and furniture out the front door on the grass, shutting the old dear who lived in the house in a cupboard sat on a chair with a cup of tea while they rip the front room to pieces to fit the heating!
it wont go back to how it use to be their will always be people wanting to retrain be going on for ten years or so now.

anyone who is doing boiler swaps for pittance is quite simply an idiot
Yes there is a chap on another post, part time fireman, wants to give it up and take up plumbing, what is the attraction , only the odd one who makes very good money, every one else is just making a living, (IF your lucky) and what do you get in the end !! bad back, knees F---'D , nothing in the bank, no pension, years back used to be a good thing to get into, good money, prospects, Now just working yourself to death for someone's leftovers, Big Co have got greedy and ruined the industry, Days of the SE engineer are running out, wil be priced out by countless training costs & equipment requirement's not counting all the other leaches you have to pay out to B4 you even step out the door.
Yes there is a chap on another post, part time fireman, wants to give it up and take up plumbing, what is the attraction , only the odd one who makes very good money, every one else is just making a living, (IF your lucky) and what do you get in the end !! bad back, knees F---'D , nothing in the bank, no pension, years back used to be a good thing to get into, good money, prospects, Now just working yourself to death for someone's leftovers, Big Co have got greedy and ruined the industry, Days of the SE engineer are running out, wil be priced out by countless training costs & equipment requirement's not counting all the other leaches you have to pay out to B4 you even step out the door.

Crickey! Cheer up fella. Yes it's tough, but quite a few do ok. Sometimes it's skill, other times it's luck. Right place and clientele.
Crickey! Cheer up fella. Yes it's tough, but quite a few do ok. Sometimes it's skill, other times it's luck. Right place and clientele.
I'm cheerful enough, but its no good painting over the cracks for people wanting to take up plumbing, they need to see both sides of the coin, plenty of hype about huge earnings but very little about the down side, not the best time for anyone in the building trade, but it just amaze's me why every one wants to be a plumber , I think he needs to stay at what he is doing and try to do a plumbing course on is days off.
still depends what the pay is pay crap then get slow production

i would question why oh why would anyone do boiler changes on the cards???

Eh? They would do it cause their boss has won a contract to do the work, I've never been SE doing gas or im bong and have done 100's of boiler swaps, isn't that part and parcel of what we do? It's just a job
Eh? They would do it cause their boss has won a contract to do the work, I've never been SE doing gas or im bong and have done 100's of boiler swaps, isn't that part and parcel of what we do? It's just a job

thats why i would never want to work on the books
Ive heard some stories from them though, chucking carpets and furniture out the front door on the grass, shutting the old dear who lived in the house in a cupboard sat on a chair with a cup of tea while they rip the front room to pieces to fit the heating!

They were one of the first mobs to crack into the one a day game they have made a mint from it although kinda black listed now but hey ho gotta a lot of coin from it .

One of the funny ones they use to do is change the circuit to as small as possible so in and out quicker and what they would say to the tennants is we need to make the circuit smaller otherwise the boiler would blow up !!!!

Th main contractors would tolerate it as they use to earn alot of coin from them
we had a firm tell us that when the flats were finished we could go onto the house which were twice as much work for the same money when we said no he said "youve gota take the rough with the smooth" my reply was "sorry mate we only do smooth"
Oh another bit I failed to mention... All cylinders taken out from the installs are to be returned to the office.:willy_nilly:
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