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A Lucky Escape?

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Sent my apprentice off to flyer some houses in a posh area we were working in today. Got an email back entitled 'the letter I received today' today and thought, oh great, a quote request. Couldn't have been more wrong. This could possibly be the rudest email I've ever received!!

..through my letterbox in Harmston. The letter is full of errors and if, as you state that attention to detail is one of the things you are offering, then perhaps you need to read your letter again.

  1. The first paragraph - My wife and I moved back to at the end of 2011. Where did you move back to? Missing word here and that is in the first paragraph! I will give her this, the flyer is missing one word in the first sentence.
  2. Self-certify your own electrical work? I don't think so. Independent certification is what is required. Yes, of course I can self-certify my own work, that is the point of competent person schemes you idiotic fool.
  3. How can you personally carry out and supervise all of the work. You either do it yourself or supervise others. Again this wording really doesn't make sense. Very simple really, I supervise other people who work for me on the job and I am there working myself.
  4. At the start of 2.) you have put the letter 1? It would be better to put 'one'. Since when was the number 1 a letter?? Why does it matter if I write the number 1 or the word one. Seriously.
  5. No 4 - sorry it this just too wordy. Seriously. If you are going to criticise my wording at least make sure your email reply has no typos in it.

I could go on...... Oh please... don't.

My suggestion, take a look at how the letter is written, get someone to check it for accuracy. Change your logo, it really is very 'old'. Strange that, your the only person in 5 years to not like our logo.

Please read this email in the spirit in which it is sent. You are the wife of a local electrician and/or plumber and are ****ed off I'm flyering their turf. Letters full of inaccuracies will not improve your chances of competing in this highly competitive market. Thanks for that, I'm booked up till Christmas, but glad to have you telling me how to compete in a competitive market. Mine is now going in the bin, as I would imagine most of those you have put through letterboxes will. Thank **** for that, if this is what you are like over a missing word, god knows what you would be like to work for. Marketing material needs to make an impact and give confidence so when you engage with a company they are offering attention to detail in all their dealings with you. You fell at the first hurdle. Thanks, good job I value the opinion of worms and stinging insects more than yours.

Yours Comma missing here.


I was going to send back a rage email but instead decided to send back a 'thanks for your valued feedback email' :)

Anyone else ever found someone as rude as this?? Both my apprentice and my customer found it incredibly funny when I read it out to them.
i havent found someone this rude but i did get a text once from a driver behind telling me there was paint pishing out of the back of my van. i had some plastic tubs of masonary paint in the back for painting the house that had fallen over.
i would just send an email advert every day offering your services. ignoring any replys.
i havent found someone this rude but i did get a text once from a driver behind telling me there was paint pishing out of the back of my van. i had some plastic tubs of masonary paint in the back for painting the house that had fallen over.

Random Jules, random.
We send letters out when done a jobs to 20 houses either side if job.

Dear mrs x,

We just robbed your neighbour at number 123 blah blah.

Got an email back stating we were going to be "sued for liable and slander " also deformation
...... The noob in office out wrong house number on it. Still ended up doing boiler? Feckin mental.
Should have e-mailed back offering them a job, as obviously they have sweet fa else to do.
sign them up for every free peice of crap you can find and ask all the local estate agents and letting agents for valuations etc
sign them up for every free peice of crap you can find and ask all the local estate agents and letting agents for valuations etc

That is a great idea to be honest!! Anyone got any particularly annoying email lists that I can sign them up to?
cope and paste the email on here i want to see if the spelling is better then mine lol
Some people have sad lives. or weird sense of humour.
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