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Your views on tattoos and wether they affect your workload.

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
835's that time again where the hankering for another tattoo hath cometh.
I've always tried to keep away from ink that's going to be on display I.e forearm's neck etc but nowadays I'm seeing loads of customers with sleeves, women also with sleeves and hand tattoo's so maybe it's become more socially acceptable to have tattoo's on show now?
Do any of you guys have tattoo's on hands arms necks etc and do you think it has ever caused you to lose a job because of the appearance and the custard getting the impression your a yakuza thug. I've always wanted a full sleeve but held back for fear of being perceived as some brute cowboy lol.
It`s a marmite thing, love them or hate them, personally I hate them.
I have a sleeve that goes slightly up onto my neck. As far as I can tell I've never lost a job as a result. I get far more compliments over my punctuality, politeness and professionalism. I would never never get something on my face or my knuckles but I love tats and will get more
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I have a couple but covered by sleeves, am not keen on the Beckham look myself. I remember years back a women got the sack from mcd's for having lower arm tatts
I know a very good Electritian. Polite, neat professional and tidy. Has tattoos on his arms and neck . He packed in with the company he was working for and applied for a job for my mates electrical company.
My mate wouldn't give him a job, for fear he might offend customers.
I know it's not right, but that's his view.
I know it comes down to the individual customer but I've worked for young and old, rich and poor and posh and rough and no one has ever batted an eyelid. I know several old boys that are ex services and have regiment tats and ones from their travels and these guys never struggle for work. If someone is gonna judge my work on my tats then I'm not convinced I wanna work for them. As I say though, the situation has never arisen to date. My tats are fairly non imposing and certainly aren't rude or some buxom bird on show
I know it comes down to the individual customer but I've worked for young and old, rich and poor and posh and rough and no one has ever batted an eyelid. I know several old boys that are ex services and have regiment tats and ones from their travels and these guys never struggle for work. If someone is gonna judge my work on my tats then I'm not convinced I wanna work for them. As I say though, the situation has never arisen to date. My tats are fairly non imposing and certainly aren't rude or some buxom bird on show

I still wouldn't let you in my house!
I think times have changed, tattoos used to give a thuggish impression. Nowadays they are the norm, not everyone will like them but the perceived image is now completely different to what it was. If you want more then go for it.
:wink: a gentleman never tells
To some customers a large amount of highly visible tattoos will lead them to make assumptions about you where before they might not have. I have found myself looking at really naff sleeves on some people and reflexively presuming they are a bit thick othewise they wouldn't have done it. Same for loads of weird piercings. If you have the ability to defuse such prejudiced thinkings by coming across charming, polite, knowledgable, helpful and the like, I doubt it'll matter often. If you happen to struggle with those things it would seem to me a bit like shooting yourself in the foot.
I love tattoos, some of the skill in the art work is fantastic.
I don't have any, so cannot comment on the success of winning jobs etc.
Lots of my friends have sleeves/ covered in them and they are probably some of the softest and nicest people around.
Where it becomes a problem I think is Old Mrs Jones, (octagenerian) who has grown up thinking tats are thuggish.

If I employed anyone, I certainly would not let the fact that they have tattoos be the deciding factor in employment.
Any old tom Dick n Harry has tattoos these days to the point its odd not to have them .

I don't have any but seem to be plastered in scars which oddly attract a lot of interest.
i dont have any, but if your offering i would have a sleeve done and some :)

however, its down to taste and what they are. for example, you would loose many jobs with a swasticker? on your forhead or diy hot needle work dipped in the school ink, wouldnt you?

i would also like to read this one evening, cover to cover. :yes:
Ive got 2 full sleeves and never had any problems with regards to losing out on work!

My mate calls tattoos barcodes for Chavs.......Hes a fat duck so my reply is lose some weight your fat rolls offend me!!

Swings and roundabouts, if everyone liked the same things in life well wouldn't life be Boring??
As redsaw said all depends on what it is.

Years ago a boss told me not on show and you will be fine but I think times have changed. I do think though if you have your head and face done people will think differently.
i dont have any, but if your offering i would have a sleeve done and some :)

however, its down to taste and what they are. for example, you would loose many jobs with a swasticker? on your forhead or diy hot needle work dipped in the school ink, wouldnt you?

i would also like to read this one evening, cover to cover. :yes:
View attachment 27274

google Notonix ;)
There's bound to be a small risk of losing some. Specially to the old folks. But hey ho, if you want them, have them.
I've got two half sleeves and a full back, I'd love more but swmbo has forbade it.
I can't see the attraction of a mass of ink covering your arms. Usually just looks like blue arms from a short distance.
I bet a lot of tattooed people enjoy the attention tattoos have, but just because people are interested, doesn't mean they like them.
A bit of art work that you can hang on a wall or have the option to sell someday seems a better idea to me. :smile:
I can't see the attraction of a mass of ink covering your arms. Usually just looks like blue arms from a short distance.
I bet a lot of tattooed people enjoy the attention tattoos have, but just because people are interested, doesn't mean they like them.
A bit of art work that you can hang on a wall or have the option to sell someday seems a better idea to me. :smile:

you can skin your dead cat cant you?lol
personally I see tats as something that can look good when they are new, just look awful 20 years down the line when they bleed and you sag. what ever folks say, they arent as acceptable as some hope, they can lose you work as the minority of those with tats, ruin it for lads who are hard working and honest etc etc by the minority being asses, but it is them the world remembers normally.
I was brought up with "no tattoos below the elbow" ethos. Not so much of a big deal nowadays but bearing in mind if most of ones client base is of the older generation, old rules still apply.
I have a few but non in view when dressed
But ones on neck I'd deffo say are off putting to most people
A lad I know has a large clock tatooed on his back .

I asked him why the clock he said to symbolise the time he was born.

8 said but it has no hands .

His answer .... couldn't afford them !
A lad I know has a large clock tatooed on his back .

I asked him why the clock he said to symbolise the time he was born.

8 said but it has no hands

His answer .... couldn't afford them !

I thought you were going to say he ran out of time.
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