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a traumatic few hours

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Billy Bob Bob

Swearing is allowed in this forum,just nothing else
Got broken into last night,some utter low life smack head ******* broke into my home and put my family at risk,but Super dog,Rover,the ageing,totally psychopathic parsons jrt was having none of it,chased the ****** and bit him,my mrs came down stairs after she heard the dog kicking off,this is nothing new,if he hears a cat outside he loses it,however she said the barks and growls were different,he was on the attack,she screamed when she saw the bloke,i shot up,fell over the bed and ****ted the wardrobe,run downstairs but he had gone,scaling the garden wall,i went looking for him ,but nothing,police found a footprint and have arrested him:rockon2:pity,i am now furious and want revenge ,anyway,the old boy did good so gets a good meal
Wow that's scary....glad you and the family weren't for the scariest bit who's gonna chance taking the reward off the guard regards Turnpin:veryangry2:
Wow that's scary....glad you and the family weren't for the scariest bit who's gonna chance taking the reward off the guard regards Turnpin:veryangry2:

not me LOL he is a nut job,but fully protects his pack in his eyes
been there, feel for you as you dont feel safe in your own home for a while. My ***** climbed up and tried getting in via the scaffold when I did my roof years ago. Best thing though was my nipper heard him, he was leaning out a window shouting at the potential thief, I was out the third floor window and on my way down when he dropped off, pratt forgot he was at least at 1st floor level on a hillside, he made off at a fast hobble!!! :) Being in a set of y fronts, I didnt bother to chase him :):)
Bleeding good job that JRT's think they're bigger than they actually are.....

This ones built like a staffie,longer legs and a bigger gob,in fact my mates staffie got into a tussle with him once, Play turned nasty,it got bloody and violent,it badly damaged my mates dogs outlook on jack russels,he was **** scared of them
Love my mutts, I never mind if they bark at me when I get home, it lets the local skanks know they live in my place, but I wouldnt want my lads biting them, you never know what they could catch :)
Love my mutts, I never mind if they bark at me when I get home, it lets the local skanks know they live in my place, but I wouldnt want my lads biting them, you never know what they could catch :)

i was concerned in case he gets high LOL,got 2 little jrt literally **** himself in fear the mrs said,parsons is a different animal,instinct kicked in ,went on the offensive,will; always have a parsons,strong dogs with attitude
Just remember if you did catch somebody in your house and you kick the ****e out of them, drag them upstairs before you call the cops. Upstairs they pose an immediate risk to your family so allowed to use force necessary to stop them :)
Just remember if you did catch somebody in your house and you kick the ****e out of them, drag them upstairs before you call the cops. Upstairs they pose an immediate risk to your family so allowed to use force necessary to stop them :)

my sis said the same
Just remember if you did catch somebody in your house and you kick the ****e out of them, drag them upstairs before you call the cops. Upstairs they pose an immediate risk to your family so allowed to use force necessary to stop them :)

bit like what a Texan farmer told me years ago as I admired his daughters - " his comment went something along the lines of " family is everything to me, we never need to lock our doors either when you have a couple of guns in the house" he then showed me his armoury..... he had the lot, pistols, shotguns, automatic rifles etc etc. Put me right off his daughters :)
I didn't think it was possible for me to love dogs more but biting your burglar is some serious good books material. Good f****ng boy!
Never get a cat to do that would you!
Story in US where German Shepherd stood between 7yr old girl and a Diamond Back snake, dog still alive after several taking bites.
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This is scary just reading about it , main thing , you are all ok , thats all that matters.
Never get a cat to do that would you!
Story in US where German Shepherd stood between 7yr old girl and a Diamond Back snake, dog still alive after several taking bites.

I adore cats but nobody with their head screwed on could possibly claim there is a creature on Earth more deserving of our respect than man's best friend. The absolute second I finally get my own place (this year hopefully) I will be getting a dog. The prospect of getting another girlfriend (having recently been dumped) is actually far less exciting.
I adore cats but nobody with their head screwed on could possibly claim there is a creature on Earth more deserving of our respect than man's best friend. The absolute second I finally get my own place (this year hopefully) I will be getting a dog. The prospect of getting another girlfriend (having recently been dumped) is actually far less exciting.

get a parsons,biggest you can find,forget dogs that look hard,get one that is
Glad you're all ok, could've been different
I went through similar last Tuesday, Drugged up gypo barged in through the porch door, through d/room and kitchen, then onto living room where soon to be 18 yr old daughter was watching tv
Without talking, he locked the French doors(but luckily, didn't remove the key) went back into the kitchen and picked up a bread knife and started rifling through the drawers
At this point my wife came down from upstairs, saw the knife, unlocked the door and fled (with the dog and daughter) next door to phone the Police while my daughter phoned me
The druggie found our car key, then ran out and drove off in the car
I don't remember much of the 5 min drive home (I was 10 mins away) but got home too late to catch him
But at least I'm not locked up for what I would have done to him, I honestly believe one of us would be dead had I got home in time
So don't worry about revenge just yet mate, let the courts deal with it and when he gets a slap on the wrist, make sure no ones around when you give him a slap of your own
I doubt I'll see this bloke again, he's been arrested, charged and released and I've heard that he's gone to ground up in North Wales somewhere
Glad you're all ok, could've been different
I went through similar last Tuesday, Drugged up gypo barged in through the porch door, through d/room and kitchen, then onto living room where soon to be 18 yr old daughter was watching tv
Without talking, he locked the French doors(but luckily, didn't remove the key) went back into the kitchen and picked up a bread knife and started rifling through the drawers
At this point my wife came down from upstairs, saw the knife, unlocked the door and fled (with the dog and daughter) next door to phone the Police while my daughter phoned me
The druggie found our car key, then ran out and drove off in the car
I don't remember much of the 5 min drive home (I was 10 mins away) but got home too late to catch him
But at least I'm not locked up for what I would have done to him, I honestly believe one of us would be dead had I got home in time
So don't worry about revenge just yet mate, let the courts deal with it and when he gets a slap on the wrist, make sure no ones around when you give him a slap of your own
I doubt I'll see this bloke again, he's been arrested, charged and released and I've heard that he's gone to ground up in North Wales somewhere

Sheet,that's much worse, glad all are OK, police have pulled him in but he has denied it,but got locked up for the weekend on other offences
glad your all ok. our jack russel is 13 now but still thinks she can tackle bigger dogs .I am surprised in this day and age hes not suing you for the dog bit .
Sounds like crime is pretty bad in Wales ! Don't you , like us in the south west have lots of disused mine shafts ?? whatever you do to these scum don't be seen & don't tell anyone, advise from a copper in the Met, and burn anything you wore !!
Sheet,that's much worse, glad all are OK, police have pulled him in but he has denied it,but got locked up for the weekend on other offences

Didn't mean to hijack your post Gasman, but there's just too much of this sort of thing going on Local council seem to just move the scum around the borough, rather than tackle the underlying problems
Have had word that the boys that did my van (and loads of others the same night) are dossing in flats not too far away from me
They're all on some drug or another, meow-meow and some form of heroine apparently at the moment and all in their teens
The way they're going they won't see their twenties, people will end up doling out their own justice, as the courts don't
And yes JTS, I know the mountain like the back of my hand, many old workings and fissures that seem bottomless not too far away:reddevil:
None of us condones that sort of violence, but what are you supposed to do, roll over and keep getting shafted?
Didn't mean to hijack your post Gasman, but there's just too much of this sort of thing going on Local council seem to just move the scum around the borough, rather than tackle the underlying problems
Have had word that the boys that did my van (and loads of others the same night) are dossing in flats not too far away from me
They're all on some drug or another, meow-meow and some form of heroine apparently at the moment and all in their teens
The way they're going they won't see their twenties, people will end up doling out their own justice, as the courts don't
And yes JTS, I know the mountain like the back of my hand, many old workings and fissures that seem bottomless not too far away:reddevil:
None of us condones that sort of violence, but what are you supposed to do, roll over and keep getting shafted?

That's the way things are going, massive cuts within police force they cant cope with the amount of crime, and the scum doing it don't care, they know nothing much will be done to them , couple of mths in a nice warn cell it is just a way of life for them, anyone says or does anything then we are punished , The old saying the law is an bum springs to mind, it seems to protect the wrong people, I repeat don't be seen don't tell any one, burn all evidence,
Remind me never to move to Wales.

But in all seriousness, sorry to hear about both your stories. Its a terrible world we live in when you cant even feel safe in your own house. The lack of care and morals of some of society really is shocking.
I adore cats but nobody with their head screwed on could possibly claim there is a creature on Earth more deserving of our respect than man's best friend. The absolute second I finally get my own place (this year hopefully) I will be getting a dog.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take a look at a rescue dog from the Blue Cross, The Dogs Trust or others . A lot of these dogs are there through no fault of their own such as their owner couldn`t walk or afford them anymore.
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