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Week 3 in the great Intergas virgin give-away

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Ray Stafford

Morning all.

Well, week one was fun, but week 2 started to get a bit boring after a while.

Not for CH4 obviously, but for everyone else.

So lets just remind everyone of the basic deal:

our favourite sponsor has FIVE (count them, one, two, three, four, FIVE) Intergas boilers to give away. Each one is worth a thousand (inc VAT) of your Great British Pounds.

Absolutely free. No charge. Not a penny. We will even throw in a jig, flue kit and delivery. Your bank balance will not be depleted by so much as a brass farthing.

Before I go any further, I should express my inestimable thanks to Mr Steve Zouch, Mr Jim Boyce and Mr Andy Burton of Intergas for their spectacular generosity in providing these boilers, and for their bottle in putting their product in front of all of you for honest review.

The boiler in question is the top-of-the-range 30kw Combi Compact ECO-RF. This is not the boiler that most Intergas users will be aware of (the HRE is the well known one). The ECO-RF range is a souped-up version and has all the features one expects of Intergas - easy maintenance, separate expansion, just 4 moving parts, legendary heat-ex, hot water available even when the pump fails, along with:

  • Built in Honeywell RF programmable stat
  • 10 year warranty* (so long as you attend the manufacturers training course)

To qualify for this freebie, you must be:

  • a Gas Safe Registered engineer.
  • the main decision maker in your business.
  • An Intergas virgin. So you must not ever have fitted an Intergas boiler, or been on one of their courses.

By submitting your application for a freebie, you agree to the following conditions:

  • You will attend an Intergas training course (approx 4 hours) at one of their 21 training centres around the country before you receive your free boiler.
  • You (and your customer if necessary) will co-operate with the Intergas marketing team if requested for photos and/or interviews
  • You agree to write an honest review on this forum of your experience with the training course and the boiler. The review does not have to be positive, but any criticisms should be constructive

Later on, there will be another freebie for Intergas ****s only - but for now, we are only open to intergas virgins.

Here's the change for this week.

Providing you qualify under the rules, you enter by posting on this thread, on the open forum, before close of business on Wednesday 1st July, a poem that you have written.

It can EITHER be about:

Intergas boilers


The life of a plumber/heating engineer/gasman/whatever-you-prefer-to-call-yourself.

It can be short or long, serious or funny. It might be a sonnet, and ode, a limerick, or even perhaps even a haiku. I'm partial to a bit of doggerel myself.

It must be original.

Depending on how many entrants there are, I will decide on how to shortlist, but I may use a forum poll. Equally, I may not.

If we get something really good, we'll send out a press release, and you might find a new career as poet in residence at Gas-safe! :)

Good luck.
There once was a man called Ray
Oh, he used to love to play
On this forum, he spent his day
Oh, the things he gave away

He had a great big shop
Nearly as big as the Co-op
His best mate was Mr Crop
He loved to throw a strop

Mr Crop, lived far, far away
No deliveries for you said Mr Ray
Not even if you pay
This made Mr Crop bray

He wasn’t all that bad Mr Williams
He’d share some of his millions
With the plumbing forum minions
This is where they shared all their opinions

Ray loved to give away a freebie
Even though it made everyone greedy
They thought it’d be easy
So they all said they were needy

But Ray had a plan
That would make the process span
He wasn’t going to make it quick
He made us watch the clocks go tick

To stop it turning into a great big fight
A poem he made us write
Even though we’re not all that bright
So off we went writing late into the night

The boiler being given away is an Intergas
Apparently top of the class
This is an opportunity that one must not pass
It could save us a load of brass

The boiler came from the land of the Dutch
Parts, it didn’t have much
Only four that moved on this Combi Compact
Now that is a fact

So we all joined the queue
To have a chance at winning this boiler and flue
We all sat there with a brew
Waiting for Ray to reveal his crew…

(Boiler Entry)​
Whilst fishing today, my thoughts turned to Ray
And the boilers he was dishing out
Then thoughts turned to fear
A computer wasn't near
Could I enter? I really did doubt

No fish for my tea, there's none in the sea
Back up the M5 I did drive
I've just sat down, now in my night gown
Just barely feeling alive

I've been up since 3, my beds calling me
But I'll try and make it all rhyme
The boilers my goal, not another lump of coal
I hope I'm more lucky this time

Boiler draw
Lousy soap, with paper sets
I'm obviously a bit older than you, I'm thinking of the one with Noel Gordon in
And the character Benny

It is a film, 2004, film is dated now but if you like Blues music then worth digging out but not easy to find. PS I`m well into my 50`s lol
Our forum.

It`s free to join and the wealth of knowledge here is immense
Questions vary from the very expensive to those of a few pence
It doesn`t matter if your young or old
Just post your question jump in and be bold

It helps if you register and say a few words
Don`t worry it doesn`t have to be much
DIY or professional it doesn`t matter to us
We are all commoners here with a common touch

We don`t just talk plumbing it is one of a few
Dogs, Cats, Sport and her indoors will do
Tales of family woe and tales of pride
It`s all here to be shared and not always with the bride

You will find we talk of the good and the bad
Mostly we are happy but some seem to be sad
You can post pictures asking what is this and what does it do
Our answers will always be honest and true

Before talking gas there is a test you must take
Please understand it really is for your own sake
On this subject the mods here will take a firm stand
And anyone that breaks the rule will be banned

No swearing or lewd words are allowed
The forum is made up of a pleasant crowd
There will be banter keep it clean we all ask
Or the mods will come knocking and take you to task

Talking of mods there is one best not to cross
He wields strong words and is known to have strops
He lives far away but his reach it is long
One click of a button and that`s it you will be gone
Last edited:
There are other mods who do sterling work
I also hear they wear a tie and a shirt
But it takes all sorts to make this forum so great
That many drop in during their tea break

There is a man the shopkeeper is how he is known
There is story about bulbs and squirrels for which he is renowned
Now and then he has freebies to give but how he likes to mess with our heads
He teases us and strings it out when really we should be tucked up in our beds

Me I`m not a plumber I made that clear when I signed on the dot
I`ve enjoyed the jokes and the banter plus I`ve learnt an awful lot
I`ve met and shared a drink with a member or two
Which reminds me you never paid and yes I`m talking to you

Mystery prize entry
There are other mods who do sterling work
I also hear they wear a tie and a shirt
But it takes all sorts to make this forum so great
That many drop in during their tea break

There is a man the shopkeeper is how he is known
There is story about bulbs and squirrels for which he is renowned
Now and then he has freebies to give but how he likes to mess with our heads
He teases us and strings it out when really we should be tucked up in our beds

Me I`m not a plumber I made that clear when I signed on the dot
I`ve enjoyed the jokes and the banter plus I`ve learnt an awful lot
I`ve met and shared a drink with a member or two
Which reminds me you never paid and yes I`m talking to you

Mystery prize entry

Winner winner chicken dinner!
So here we go for one more week, the regulars, newbies and the ones who never speak
All trying their luck for a freebie to bag, the only exception's you intergas slags

The rules are clear, the games begun
It's got nothing to do with being well hung

You need to be an inter Virgin, and do the training course
And if you keep on fitting Worcester, you're backing the wrong horse

So who will find themselves a winner and who will go without?
Some of you will move on quietly, but others might scream and shout

And was week one and two pot luck?
Or was Raymondo looking for the biggest buck?

I guess we'll never know the truth, it's all a mystery
And in 6 months time and the games restart, it all becomes history

But just remember who's in charge and why this challenge starts
It's all about those crazy Dutch, and a boiler with only 4 moving parts.
Morning all, it's eerily quiet on this thread, what's happening? it's making me nervous
Thought this would be one of the most popular threads on the internet at the moment
A plumber`s life is not always a happy one
We leave home early and get back when the work is done
We can go home feeling tired, dirty and smelly
Often to find the wife curled up snug watching the telly

People think plumber`s earn 50K
If only, if only I hear you say
The vans cost a fortune but don`t really last
They are made from tin foil and rust really fast

I know what`s wrong can you do it customers ask
This sort are generally a pain in the arse
Often we hear can you come and see what you can do
Yet when we get there we are number 8 in the queue

Customers will lie and yell you broke my TV
We weren`t in the room so how can that be
Often we ask where is the stopcock
And the customer stares back in a state of shock

Trainees can be good and some are real bad
Just try and remember they are only wee lads
Our job is to train them, take them there and here
If only the mobile wasn`t glued to their ear

We spend our money on stock for the van
Yet thieving swine help themselves when they can
Customers agree the price at the start
Yet when you give them the bill they look like you`ve just dropped a fart

(See below)
Gas safe is a total joke
Yet the money they want can make you choke
Cowboys can do the job supper fast
Customer pays peanuts yet expects it to last

Customers see adverts this one they say
But don`t understand and will not be swayed
Boilers oh they come and they go
Some are good whilst others are poo

Plumber`s, Brickys and Sparks on site don`t mix
Sometimes you have to give them a kick
We can leave a job all sweet n sound
Yet 2 weeks later the call is can come you pop round

Oh a plumber`s life is not always a happy one.
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